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SES for Community

Cortland Community Members

Cortland Community Members are an integral part of the SUNY Cortland student experience. The members of our community provide opportunities that help our students learn the value of responsibility and, in turn, the students take pride in giving back to the community they have chosen to be part of. For some, it provides additional financial support throughout the year alleviating stress that could negatively impact their academic performance.

If you would like to promote an opportunity to SUNY Cortland students please contact 607-753-2223 to speak with a Student Employment Services representative or the Student Employment Coordinator.

Community FAQs

What happens when I submit a community jobs request?

Student Employment Services manages a database of students who have requested to be part of the community jobs referral system. When a request comes into the office the information is submitted to students. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the community member when they are interested in a position.

What if I don’t hear from a student?

If you have not heard from any interested students, please contact our office and let us know. We can re-send opportunities to increase visibility.

Contact Us:

  • Visit Student Employment Services in Career Services, Van Hoesen Hall, Room B-5
  • Student Employment Services: 607-753-2223,
  • Student Employment Coordinator: 607-753-4715, Taylor Lynch