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Career Readiness

What is career readiness?

Career and life design stems from knowledge and experiences. Think of this as a continuous loop. A college student gains knowledge through academic work and experiences. You reflect on what you have learned and articulate that knowledge and your skills on your resume. You convey that information through networking and interviewing. Once in a position, you gain more knowledge and experience and the cycle of career development continues.

Gaining experience takes many forms. Experience comes from applied learning like internships or undergraduate research, or student employment. It also comes through involvement with clubs, organizations, athletic training and competition, and through civic engagement.

The National Association for Colleges and Employers has done extensive research and they have defined the “big eight” Career Readiness Competencies that employers seek from college graduates. Employers seek college graduates who are competent in career and self-development, professionalism, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, leadership, technology and equity and inclusion.

One thing to note is that a “skills gap” tends to exist where college graduates tend to overestimate their proficiency. Employers tend to rate college graduates lower on perceived proficiency of the “big eight” competencies than do the graduates themselves on everything except for technology.

High impact practices like internships, fieldwork, undergraduate research, student employment and other campus and community involvement help close the skills gap. Throughout your college career, you can reflect on what you are good at (and how you know it), and where you need to grow (and what you can do to improve those areas). Work with Career Services to identify your strengths, growth areas, and articulation of your positive, professional “brand,” on your resume and for networking and interviewing. We wish you continued cycles of growth!