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Personal Brand

Developing your personal brand

What is a personal brand? Your brand is how you communicate who you are to the world. It can be conveyed online, through written communication, and in-person through interpersonal interactions. As you develop your personal brand, intentionally cultivate a favorable brand presence online and through networking that aligns with your values and career goals. Career Services can assist you with conveying your personal brand on Handshake and LinkedIn, on your resume and in cover letters, and during interviews.

Headshot photos

A hand holding a phone, with a professional headshot photo displayingCareer Services offers free professional headshot photography during drop-in hours, Monday through Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m. during the fall and spring semesters, no scheduled appointment is necessary. We have two backdrop options, a photography lighting setup, and we take your photo on your phone. Staff will help you with cropping and editing so that you have a current photo appropriate for online career networking platforms like Handshake and LinkedIn. (No, your high school senior or prom photo is not your best option.) For alternate times, please call 607-753-4715 or email to confirm staff availability.

SGA Clothing Closet - Dress for Success

In need of professional clothing for internships, student teaching, or interviews? Check out the SGA Clothing Closet to find donated clothing in many sizes and styles to add to your confidence.

Ten Tips on Personal Brands

  1. Have a focus
  2. Be genuine
  3. Tell a story
  4. Be consistent
  5. Be ready to fail
  6. Create a positive impact
  7. Follow a successful example
  8. Live your brand
  9. Let other people tell your story
  10. Leave a legacy

[Read the full source article at Forbes, accessed 11/22/2022]