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Grievance Processes

If a reporting party wishes to have the University take action against an alleged member of the campus community, they may do so by contacting the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator will work closely with both the reporting and responding parties to ensure that any subsequent investigation and/or live-hearing is conducted under the appropriate policy and without any procedural bias toward either party.

University investigations involving student respondents will be completed by the Deputy Title IX Coordinator or their designee. Investigations involving employee respondents will be completed by the Affirmative Action Officer or their designee. More information regarding specific processes can be found below:

Title IX Grievance Policy

Any allegation of behavior that occurred on or after August 1, 2024 and that meets the criteria of covered sexual harassment, as defined by the U.S. Department of Education Title IX Final Rule of April 26, 2024, will be addressed per the University's 2024 Title IX Grievance Policy.  This policy applies to both students and employees of SUNY Cortland. 

The 2024 Title IX Grievance Process does include an investigation and if applicable, a live-hearing for students. 

Any formal compliant of alleged behavior that occurred on or before July 31, 2024 and that meets the criteria of covered sexual harassment, as defined by the U.S. Department of Education Title IX Final Rule of May 19, 2020, will be addressed per the University's 2020 Title IX Grievance Policy

The 2020 Title IX Grievance Process does include an investigation and if applicable, a live-hearing. This policy applies to both students and employees of SUNY Cortland. 

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact the Title IX Office at 607-753-2263 or by email at

Student Conduct Process

Allegations against students, which do not meet the definition of "covered sexual harassment" (per the U.S. Department of Education Final Title IX Rule) but potentially do violate the Student Code of Conduct, will be referred to the Student Conduct Process. 

The Student Conduct Process, includes an investigation and if applicable, a live-hearing. This process only applies to students accused of violating the Student Code of Conduct. 

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact the Title IX Office at 607-753-2263 or by email at

Informal Resolution for Students

If a student does not wish to participate in an investigation and/or a live-hearing, they may elect to enter into the University's Informal Resolution process. Informal resolutions may afford students an opportunity to actively participate in a process that is less intensive than an investigation and/or live-hearing. 

In order for an informal resolution to occur, both the reporting and responding parties must agree to participate in this process. Additionally, the Title IX Coordinator or Director of Student Conduct must approve the decision for the allegation(s) to be resolved via the Informal Resolution process. 

This policy only applies to students and is not applicable for employee-related incidents. 

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact the Title IX Office at 607-753-2263 or by email at

Discrimination Compliant Policy for Employees

For allegations against employees, which do not meet the definition of "covered sexual harassment" (per the U.S. Department of Education Final Title IX Rule) may be referred to the Discrimination Compliant Policy. More information regarding policies and procedures for employees can be found on the Human Resource page. 

If you would like to learn more about the Discrimination Compliant Policy or to file a compliant, please contact the Director of Title IX/Affirmative Action Investigator, Maggie Wetter or submit a report.