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Frequently Asked Questions

Title IX Related-FAQs

If you still have questions and would like to meet with a member of the Title IX Office or Title IX Representative Committee, please contact them directly

Who is the Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator is Maggie Wetter. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for providing support and assistance to reporting individuals, respondents and/or witnesses. 

To contact the Title IX Coordinator, call 607-753-2263 or email

Is my report confidential?

The University will make every effort to keep the confidentiality of any person(s) reporting a claim. We cannot guarantee unqualified confidentiality as we must also balance the safety of other members in our community. If we determine that there is the threat of imminent harm to an individual or to the community, information may need to be shared and then only with appropriate individuals. Reporting individuals will be advised if information pertaining to a claim is shared with individuals outside of the University's investigative process. 

There are certain individuals who, under the law and under specific circumstances, are bound by rules of confidentiality and are therefore not obligated or are prevented from reporting on your behalf. Other college officials, may be responsible employees and are required by law to share information with the Title IX Office.

For more information visit the Reporting Options page.

Will my family be notified?

As part of the University's effort to maintain privacy, the Title IX Coordinator will not notify families of reporting individuals, respondents and/or witnesses regarding a complaint and/or investigation, with the exception of serious concern for a students well-being or if the student is a minor. 

The Title IX Coordinator will not discuss complaints or on-going investigations with family members unless it is requested by the appropriate party. However, the Title IX Coordinator can provide family members with information regarding policy and procedures, while maintaining your privacy. 

In the event the Title IX Coordinator must contact your family, you will be notified prior. 

What about anonymous reporting?

You may report sexual violence anonymously to the SUNY Cortland Title IX Coordinator by submitting the Title IX and Sexual Harassment Reporting Formwithout submitting a name.

PLEASE NOTE: Anonymous reporting may limit SUNY Cortland’s ability to address a sexual violence situation. If you wish to formally report this incident, you may do so at any time. You may also withdraw your complaint or involvement from the SUNY Cortland process at any time. 

For more information visit the Reporting Options page.

Do I have to meet with the Title IX Coordinator?

No individual is required to meet with the Title IX Coordinator, however not meeting with the Title IX Coordinator may prevent an individual from receiving resources or accommodations or from filing a formal complaint. If a report is made, the Title IX Coordinator will reach out to the reporting individual.

Am I protected from retaliation?

Any person who in good faith and belief of the facts, reports an incident of sexual harassment, misconduct, violence or discrimination or participates in the investigative process will be treated respectfully and with equitable access to the resources and processes of Title IX on campus. Retaliation against anyone who reports in good faith or participates in the investigative process is prohibited and may be viewed as harassment itself and may be subject to sanctions as determined by the College. Additionally, anyone accused of sexual misconduct has the right to be free from retaliation against a complainant or other third-party. 

What happens if someone reports an incident, naming me as a victim? 

Any and all incidents reported are taken seriously and will be reviewed and addressed in a timely fashion, with sensitivity to confidentiality. The Title IX Coordinator or designated investigator will reach out to an individual upon a third-party report that the individual may have been a victim of sexual or interpersonal violence, sexual harassment and/or discrimination. The purpose of reaching out to the individual is to provide guidance as to the processes and support resources available.

No individual will be forced to file a claim or otherwise participate in the College’s investigative process.Unwilling victims or witnesses will be asked to sign an acknowledgement if they do not wish to engage in any resolution process. Even if you decline to engage in any resolution process, you can return to the Title IX Coordinator at a later time. In the interim, you are encouraged to seek support and assistance from any of the listed campus resources.

PLEASE NOTE: The College as well as external law enforcement may be limited in their ability to fully investigate or resolve a complaint if the victim is unwilling to engage in the investigative process. Likewise, delays in formally reporting a complaint can limit the type or effectiveness of our response. More broadly, delays in reporting can prevent the College from understanding if a pattern of risk or behavior is developing. The College must take steps to end or otherwise address the behavior that violates policy or law. Every effort will be made to keep the identity of an unwilling victim or witness confidential in taking steps to protect the larger community.

Will I be required to file a formal compliant?

A complainant will never be required to file a formal compliant or otherwise participate in the College’s investigative process if they do not wish to.  If a complainant declines to engage in any resolution process, they can return to the Title IX Coordinator at a later time. In the interim, all parties are encouraged to seek support and assistance from any of the listed resources.

PLEASE NOTE: The College as well as external law enforcement may be limited in their ability to fully investigate or resolve a complaint if the victim is unwilling to engage in the investigative and/or live-hearing process. Likewise, delays in formally reporting a complaint can limit the type or effectiveness of our response. More broadly, delays in reporting can prevent the College from understanding if a pattern of risk or behavior is developing. The College must take steps to end or otherwise address the behavior that violates policy or law. Every effort will be made to keep the identity of an unwilling victim or witness confidential in taking steps to protect the larger community.

Do I have rights as an accused individual?

Yes. Anyone accused of violating the University's policies are afford rights and resources. All accused individuals are encourage to meet with the Title IX Coordinator to review what resources are available to them as well as to learn more about our process. 

All students have the right to due process and campus resources. Employees should visit the Human Resource's website to review rights and resources available to them, per their collective bargaining unit 

Can I get support from external sources?

Yes. The College takes Title IX claims very seriously and will take appropriate steps to assist every party and provide a timely response. You may elect our internal process while maintaining your right to pursue options with external law enforcement agencies, which may include local law enforcement or the District Attorney’s office, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, The New York State Division of Human Rights, or the United States Department of Educations’ Office of Civil Rights (OCR). The College can continue its investigative process as long as it does not conflict with the jurisdiction of these outside agencies. The Title IX Coordinator can provide you with information on accessing these external resources.

What if the accused is an employee?

When the accused is an employee, a complainant may also report the incident to the Human Resources Office or may request that one of campus's confidential or private employees assist in reporting to Human Resources. Disciplinary proceedings will be conducted in accordance with the Title IX Grievance Policy, Discrimination Compliant Policy and/or applicable collective bargaining agreements.

When the accused is an employee of an affiliated entity or vendor of the college, college officials will, at the request of the complainant, assist in reporting to the appropriate office of the vendor or affiliated entity and, if the response of the vendor or affiliated entity is not sufficient, assist in potential resources and outcomes. 

Human Resources is located in Miller Building, Room 301, and may be reached at 607-753-2302.

Should I preserving evidence for a criminal process?

It is recommended that you DO NOT: shower, wash, change clothes, comb hair, drink or eat, or do anything to alter your physical appearance until after a physical examination has been completed. It is also recommended that you do not disturb the area where the crime occurred until a police investigation can take place. Preserve all physical evidence of the assault.

If you have already changed your clothing, save all of the clothing you were wearing at the time of the assault and do not wash it. Place each item of clothing in a separate paper bag, if possible. It is not recommended that you use plastic bags. 

Can I report a previous experience?

Anyone can report any incident of sexual or interpersonal violence, sexual harassment and/or discrimination at any time, regardless of when or where an incident occurred (i.e. high school, previous institution). Regardless of when or where an incident took place, the Title IX Coordinator may be able to assist you with accessing resources and support. 

Depending on when and where an incident occurred, the ability to investigate an incident may be limited. The Title IX Coordinator will be able to provide additional information after reviewing the details of the incident. 

Are there Visa and Immigration resources available?

While many who study or conduct research in the U.S. understand English well, during a time of trauma and stress, they may benefit from a document that is available in their native language. 

SUNY Cortland is able to provided resources and reporting information in over 120 different languages. Please contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Director of International Programs to access these translated documents. 

Additional information can also be located on the SUNY SAVR website.

Visit the Resources page for more information.