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Campus Prevention and Education

SUNY Cortland is committed to reducing the incidence of sexual and interpersonal violence. Our institution believes that everyone within our campus community has a responsibility to learn and assist with our prevention efforts and help change our campus culture.

Each year, the Title IX office educates all incoming students on the topic of sexual violence, affirmative consent and reporting. Additionally, the Title IX office provides annual prevention training for our campus's student-leaders which include those who are SGA club officers, student-athletes, Greek Life officers and/or club sports officers. Furthermore, when possible, the Title IX office will provide presentations at the request of campus members, including presentations for COR 101 (First-Year Experience) classes and residence hall programming.

Title IX also works closely with faculty and staff, in collaboration with Human Resources and the campus's respected bargaining units (i.e. UUP, CSEA).

Prevention Efforts

The Title IX office would not be successful without the help of campus leaders and organization dedicated to preventing sexual and interpersonal violence. If you are interested in helping lead these efforts, consider joining one of our committees or organizations that work toward this goal. 

Educational and Campus Initiatives

Additionally, as a place for learning and growth, SUNY Cortland is dedicated to ensuring that all members of our community feel welcomed and accepted. We celebrate everyone's unique self and recognized that certain identities, continue to be marginalized, including those impacted by an individual's sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression. 

SUNY Cortland has a number of committees and offices dedicated to helping spread awareness and education of disparities that occur from sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression. Please visit each committee/office website for more information. 

  • C.G.I.S. (Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies)
  • G.P.I.C. (Gender Policies and Initiatives Council) 
  • P.C.I.E. (President's Council on Inclusive Excellence)
  • S.O.G.I.E. (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression)

As an institution of higher education in New York, SUNY Cortland provides education, prevention training and programming for members of our community as outlined in NYS Education Law 129B.