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Solomon Amendment Request

ROTC members in uniform at ceremony

The Solomon Amendment is a federal law (10 U.S.C. § 983) that requires that institutions receiving federal agency funding shall fulfill military recruitment requests for lists containing student recruiting information. An institution is obligated to release student recruiting infor­mation specifically identified in the law.

Student Recruiting Information

Student recruiting information refers to the information that military recruiters may request and receive about  students. Recruiters may receive student recruiting information for either the immediately previous, current or future term for all students, aged 17 and older. The Solomon Amendment provides that students included in student lists must be currently enrolled for at least one credit to be provided.  SUNY Cortland provides the following in accord with the Final Regulations:

  • Name
  • Official Address
  • Email Address
  • Telephone 
  • Age
  • Level (Freshman, Sophomore, etc…)
  • Academic Major or Program
  • Degrees Received (If Applicable)

The College is  prohibited from providing the following under the Solomon Amendment per the Amendment and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): 

  • Social Security Numbers
  • race/ethnicity/nationality
  • grades, GPA or QPA
  • loan status (including default)
  • veteran status
  • religious affiliation
  • students no longer enrolled (drop out/stop out)

Recruiter Requests

SUNY Cortland uses Microsoft Office 365 secure file sharing to deliver files. Please be assured your IT group has whitelisted the domain and will accept file sharing links.

Information will be released for military recruiting purposes only. Branches/units may receive student recruiting information once each term or semester. In addition, ROTC units from each of the  branches of the service may also request student recruiting information once each term.  In accord with the provisions of the act, SUNY Cortland requires requests to be in writing. 

To make this process easier, and to be assured we collect all required information, recruiters may complete the Solomon Act Request Form. If your unit has a pre-developed request on official letterhead, it may be used in lieu of the form below, provided it provides the information required (see sample letter below).  

In general, there is no fee charged for printing or mailing unless a specialized list or mode of fulfillment is required. Any special request fees may be assessed at the actual cost of the service if any. SUNY Cortland is allowed by law to charge a reasonable and customary fee for fulfilling Solomon Amendment requests.