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Your Personal Data

Please use the menu below to learn how to update your personal information in the student information system. Most changes can be made online using secure forms.  Non-students and alumni without login credentials may continue to use our traditional forms.

Personal Pronouns (Current Students)

The following changes do NOT require legal documentation.

Personal pronouns are included in the system to let faculty and staff know how to refer to you in the third person. While gender neutral pronouns can be used to refer to people without specifying a gender (e.g. they, them, everyone), you may identify a specific pronoun that you would like others to use via the Identity Update Form.  The following choices are provided:

  • Ae, Aer, Aers
  • He, Him, His
  • She, Her, Hers
  • They, Them, Theirs
  • Ze, Zir, Zirs
  • Ze, Hir, Hirs
  • No Pronoun
  • No Answer
  • Other

The 'other' category is included so the College can be assured we capture as many pronouns as possible to allow for representation. The College will continually reassess the list and accept feedback and requests from students.

The following resources can help you learn more about pronouns and how to use them:

Use the Identity Update Form to request pronoun additions or changes.

Where Pronouns Are Used

The SIS software vendor plans to include pronouns on class rosters and student lists in a future release.  SUNY Cortland has developed a roster report that faculty members may request until the functionality is added. This roster will be released in the Spring 2021 term after pronoun collection tools and forms are developed.  In addition, campus organizations and units who request student reports and names may request pronouns on their reports.

At this time, personal pronoun changes are restricted to current students. Additional functionality is planned for alumni in future releases.

Gender Identity (Current Students)

The following changes do NOT require legal documentation.

Important: Unlike pronouns and the chosen name, sex and gender designation is not generally shared or visible to others.  In fact, all indicators of sex and gender in your record are considered protected data and are restricted from release according to the SUNY Cortland FERPA policy. In addition, your sex or gender does not appear on official records (such as the transcript).  Campus officials may utilize gender designation only when it is required and when they are authorized.

Your official academic record initially reflects the sex you identified on your admission application. The gender designation differs from sex (legal sex or sex assigned at birth) and can be chosen and changed. Currently, the following designations are available.  

  • Agender
  • Female
  • Genderqueer
  • Male
  • Non-Binary
  • Questioning
  • Transgender Female
  • Transgender Male
  • No Answer
  • Other

These designations exist in addition to the legal sex or sex assigned at birth, which is often still required for federal and state agency reporting.  The 'other' category is included so the College can be assured we capture as many designations as possible to allow for representation. The College will continually reassess the list and accept feedback and requests from students.

In addition to setting your gender identity (which requires no documentation), you may legally change your sex using the legal change processes described on the Legal Name or Gender Change Form.

At this time, gender identity changes are available to current students. Additional functionality is planned for alumni in future releases. Please use the Identity Update Form to makes changes.

Legal Name or Gender Changes (Current Students and Alumni)

This process REQUIRES legal documentation, and is considered an official "of record" change.

You may perform a legal name change by submitting required documentation attached to a Legal Name or Gender Change Form. Please provide copies of the following documents with your form.

  • Photo ID (e.g. Driver's License, Sheriff ID, Passport) and one of the following documents:
    • Marriage Certificate
    • Birth Certificate
    • Social Security Card
    • Divorce Decree
    • Court Order
    • Naturalization Documents

This list is not exhaustive. Other official documents may also be used. Please contact our office for additional assistance if you need to use other forms of documentation. Legal name change forms may be sent to:

SUNY Cortland
 Registrar's Office 
PO Box 2000
Cortland, NY 13045

You are strongly advised to retain a copy of the form for your records.

If you are seeking an unofficial change to your name to be used internally only, please use the Chosen Name process. Chosen names do not require legal documentation.

Chosen Name Changes or Corrections (Current Students)

The following changes do NOT require legal documentation.

SUNY Cortland seeks to provide all members of the campus community with the opportunity to use a chosen name that may differ from a legal name. This is called a "chosen name" at SUNY Cortland.  Students will often provide a chosen name to reflect their gender identity, however a chosen name may be provided for any reason.  When you make a change to your chosen name, it will be reflected in the following documents and systems:

  • Banner SIS (Chosen/Preferred Name Fields)
  • Degree Works
  • Starfish
  • Brightspace
  • WebEx
  • Banner 9 Class Rosters

The following systems may also reflect the chosen name if you elect to change your email address and NetID:

  • Email Address
  • Microsoft Office 365 (Applications, Tools)
  • Microsoft Teams

You can optionally change your ASC ID card as well.  Students are able to request a new card by visiting the ASC office at least 48 hours after the name change.

Beginning in February 2021, you are able to make changes online using our improved online Gender Identity Update Form. The form provides additional up-to-date technical information, and asks you to acknowledge and affirm your understanding of how the change is applied.

Preferred/Informal Name versus Chosen Name

A preferred name is a name that is not required to be used to be representative of your identity. Preferred names are shared much less broadly, and may only appear in class rosters and internal reports. If your legal name is representative of your identity, but you prefer to be called by a different or shortened name, you may be seeking a preferred/informal name change. Preferred/informal names do not result in changes to your name in most systems, and are not used to change your ID card or NetID.

Unlike the chosen name, the preferred name may be an informal name or a nickname.  The most common example of a preferred name is using a shortened first name (for example - "Tom" versus "Thomas").  Electing to use a preferred name will be possible in an upcoming academic year. We appreciate your patience as we develop this additional functionality.  The preferred name is projected to be visible on the following pages and reports. 

  • Banner 9 Class Rosters
  • Specialized Reports
  • Banner 9 Self Service Pages

At this time, chosen name and preferred name changes are restricted to current students. Additional functionality is planned for alumni in future releases.

Advocacy and Support for All Identity Changes

Any change to a name can create issues with external systems and groups. This can occur whenever a change is made and no matter the change that is made - first name, middle name, chosen name or surname.

While many groups and agencies have developed processes and procedures to make changes easier, it is still very common for some groups to have slower processes or to require additional documentation. In addition, a chosen name or gender identity may not be recognized by some external organizations, employers, or some state and federal agencies.  Please understand that the College cannot manage or control the use or acceptance of your identity off campus. You should be prepared to notify agencies and groups, and be prepared to request changes to records in external systems.  This may include updating your FAFSA, updating employment records, and making changes to name fields in external (non-Cortland) software tools and sites.

It's critical that you know where and who to turn if you need confidential help.  We suggest (but do not require) that you to meet with an advocate in the Registrar's Office when making any name change. The Registrar's Office serves as a technical advocate that can assist you if you experience issues with your student records including aid, licensure and other documentation. Our office can often assist you by working with the agencies or by providing additional documentation. Because we work closely with various agencies at the state and federal level, we have the ability to identify issues and work with colleagues to address them. The Registrar's Office staff members are also available to help with any needs you may have associated with your identity as it relates to campus systems.

Additionally, students are encouraged to contact the Title IX office or the Institutional Equity and Inclusion Office if they have additional needs or concerns.

Title IX Office
Miller Building, Room 404A

Institutional Equity and Inclusion Office
Miller Building, Room 404C