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Final Exam Requests

Requests for Waivers and Alternate Exam Times or Locations

Alternate Request Procedure

Alternate exams may be requested online directly by faculty members.  In addition, exam waivers (requests to NOT offer an exam or to offer an alternate format) may also be submitted online.  To request an exam online:

  1. Access myRedDragon
  2. Select the Academics Tab
  3. Locate the Registrar/SRRS Faculty Resources Channel (on the right hand side)
  4. Click the Waiver or Alternate Exam Time/Location Request link.

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Final Exam Policies

Final examinations are required. An instructor may request an exception to this policy from the department chair. The chair may grant such request if: (1) the nature of the course makes such action desirable; or (2) an adequate series of other evaluation procedures is substituted. An instructor may have a policy of exempting students who meet specified criteria from final examinations: the policy and criteria shall be stated and placed on file with the department chair.

Final examinations or last examinations of the course are given during final examination week (except for examinations in quarter courses, which end in the middle of the semester.) No examinations, quizzes, or tests of any type should be given during the last week of classes prior to the published final examination week. Any deviation from this policy must be approved in advance by the appropriate department chair and school dean.

Approved by the Faculty Senate, Feb. 11, 1977; subsequently approved by Vice President Corey

Course Formats Automatically Excluded from Scheduling

The following section types do not offer exams according to their format and are not required to submit forms indicating that exams will not be given.

  • Activity Sections
  • Assistantships
  • COR Courses
  • Fieldwork
  • Independent Study or Directed Learning
  • Internships
  • Labs (Exams are assigned to corresponding lectures unless labs are stand-alone.)
  • Participation Sections
  • Research Sections
  • SAB Courses
  • Student Teaching
  • Studio Art and Performance Sections
  • Thesis Sections