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QR Code Best Practices

A QR code (short for "quick-response code") is a type of two-dimensional matrix barcode that can be read by the camera on a smartphone. They store information that can direct the user to a URL, contact information or other content. 

  • Medium: QR codes should primarily be used in print materials. They should be not be used in place of a functioning hyperlink in webpages, emails or PDFs.
  • Call to action: Make sure users know what will happen when they scan the code. Include simple text near the code such as “Visit our website,” “Begin application” or “Add to contacts.”
  • Size: The minimum size to ensure codes can be readily scanned is 1 inch.
  • Color and contrast: QR codes are most commonly displayed as a black code on a white background. It is possible to use other colors, but stark contrast between the code and its background must be maintained for functionality.
  • Accuracy: Always test your QR code before printing or ordering your piece. The more complex a code is, the more difficult it will be to scan.
  • Redundancy: Include a short URL as an alternative when possible.