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Campus signage makes a strong first impression on students, families and prospective employees when they visit SUNY Cortland.

To ensure that university signage has a cohesive appearance and fits within brand guidelines, please review the links highlighted below.

Campus Signage Policies and Procedures


The purpose of this policy is to support and maintain a welcoming campus image and improve the on-campus experience for both regular users and visitors through a uniform and cohesive signage system.


Permanent Signage: Permanent signage is intended to be painted, affixed or installed for a long period of time and serves the purpose of identification, direction and information. Examples of permanent signage include, but are not limited to, interior and exterior wayfinding signs, building directories, interior and exterior building identifications, room and employee identification signs and special initiatives signage.

Temporary Signage: Temporary signage is intended to be displayed for a short period of time and serves the purpose of sharing information or providing direction for a finite event or predetermined duration. Examples may include, but are not limited to, sandwich boards, advertisements, flyers and lawn signs. This type of signage may not be used in place of permanent signage.

Special Initiatives Signage: Special initiatives signage is generally considered longer term temporary signage associated with a campus-sanctioned messaging campaign, such as sustainability awareness or Title IX reporting instructions.

Permanent Signage

Exterior Signage

Requests for permanent exterior signage must be submitted to the Facilities Planning, Design and Construction Office for review with the Signage Committee, approval and implementation.

Street and Traffic Signage

Requests for street and traffic signs must be submitted to the Parking Operations and Security Services Office for review and approval.

Building Code Required Interior Signage

All building code required signage is reviewed and installed by Facilities Operations and Services.

New Interior Signage

New interior signage, such as employee identification signage, require a frame and insert. The type of sign may vary depending on the building. Requests for new interior signs should be submitted to Facilities Operations and Services via the work order system.

Replacement Interior Signage

Requests for replacement interior signage that goes into an existing frame/holder must be submitted to Duplicating Center through the Interior and Office Signage Request Form. Interior signage needs outside this scope are facilitated by completing the Duplicating Center’s Requisition for Printing Services and selecting the “Other cuts and sizes” option.

Permanent Signage Installation

Facilities Operations and Services staff are the only personnel authorized to affix, replace and remove permanent signage holders or frames. The Duplicating Center will install replacement signage inserts.

Permanent Signage Compliance

All permanent campus signage must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), New York State Fire and Building codes and all other applicable state and federal regulations. It also must adhere to the university’s approved signage style guidelines. Signage that does not follow the guidelines set forth in this policy may be removed.

Permanent Signage Alterations

Permanent campus signage, both interior and exterior, may not be altered in any way. Alterations would include replacing the interior signage insert with an unofficial template or hand-made document, adding stickers and decorative items to the signage, taping or gluing anything to the signage, painting or marking the signage, moving, dismantling, damaging or removing the signage.

Temporary Signage

Please see SUNY’s Posting Policy in the SUNY Cortland Handbook, Chapter 440.07.

The Signage Committee strongly recommends using the visual messaging system TVs placed throughout campus as the primary platform for temporary event signage. Requests for slides on the visual messaging system must be submitted at least 48 hours before the event to the Communications Office by emailing

Sandwich boards and lawn signs

This type of signage must be placed in appropriate locations and removed in a timely manner or if tied to an event, removed within 24 hours afterwards. Facilities Operations and Services should be referred to for questions regarding appropriate locations of such signage to ensure compliance with fire safety and building codes and other regulations.

Temporary wayfinding signs

Temporary wayfinding signs and other informational communications for campus events, such as Open House and Move-in Day, may only be affixed or publicized during the event and removed no more than 24 hours after the event.

Flyers and Posters

Faculty, staff and student groups and organizations seeking to post temporary signage for student-related events, meetings and other announcements must bring a copy of the flyer to the Campus Activities Office, Corey Union, Room 406, or email it to so it may be stamped for approval to display on approved campus bulletin boards.

Temporary signage must clearly indicate the sponsoring group or organization and phone number or email address of a contact person, including who students may contact for reasonable accommodations. Promotion for events not sponsored by SUNY Cortland must clearly indicate the sponsoring group and phone number or email address of a contact person and explicitly indicate that the event is not sponsored by SUNY Cortland.

Flyers may not be hung on walls, windows, reserved bulletin boards, doors, windows, trees, light poles, vehicles, bus stops, indoor and outdoor walls or in elevators. Flyers and posters may not be placed over temporary signage of other organizations, and students are prohibited from removing or tearing down materials of other organizations. Multiple postings in the same location are prohibited.

Campus Activities Office staff also must approve and stamp flyers to be hung in residence halls. Only hall staff may hang posters.

Students are asked to leave white space on the flyer so that the stamp is easily visible

Third parties utilizing campus facilities must request permission from the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office to post, affix or hang signage.

Surge Space Signage

Offices that temporarily move to a new space and require signage should work directly with their designated project coordinator in the Facilities Planning, Design and Construction Office to determine needs.

Banners/Pop-up Displays

Banners, including pop-up displays and large hanging banners, are the responsibility of the department or university partner that sponsors the events/programs being advertised. Pop-up banners must not impede hallway access and may be adjusted by Facilities Operations and Services staff to ensure compliance with the fire safety and building codes. Hanging banners must be pre-approved by the Marketing Committee.

Temporary Signage Installation

Outdoor temporary wayfinding or information signage should be placed on sandwich boards or lawn signs. Outdoor temporary signs should not be affixed to utility poles, building exteriors, exterior wayfinding, exterior building signs or other signs.

Indoor temporary signage requiring no mechanical fastening may be hung with care on appropriate bulletin boards and office doors only. Temporary signs may be taped to doors with blue painter tape or yellow masking tape. No surface-damaging adhesives (e.g. Scotch tape, duct tape) or surface-penetrating fasteners are to be used for temporary signage. Permanent signs and ventilation grills may not be obstructed by this signage and it is not permitted to be affixed to walls, columns, glass or mirrors. Facilities Operations and Services staff can assist with affixing temporary wayfinding signs, banners and other signage through a work order placed via the campus work order system. Additional bulletin boards also can be provided via a work order.

Temporary Signage Upkeep/Removal

The upkeep and removal of flyers/posters promoting services or events are the responsibility of the sponsoring entity. 

Facilities Operations and Services staff can assist with removing temporary wayfinding signs, banners and other signage through a work order placed via the campus work order system.

Special Initiatives Signage

Requests for special initiatives signage, such as sustainability awareness or Title IX reporting instructions, must be forwarded to the Signage Committee for review and approval. If approved, the committee will recommend appropriate placement and locations for the signage. The Signage Committee may forward large-scale initiatives to the Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee and President’s Cabinet for consideration and review.

Special Initiative Signage installation

Campus bulletin boards or dedicated acrylic display holders installed by Facilities Operations and Services are the preferred location for special initiatives signage. Removable digital printing media, such as vinyl clings, may be used to prevent damage to painted surfaces, glass/mirrors and other smooth surfaces, such as wooden doors and restroom partitions. Only Facilities Operations and Services staff or vendors under the Facilities Planning, Design and Construction Office’s guidance may install removable digital printing media in approved locations.

Special Initiatives Signage Upkeep/Removal

The upkeep and removal of special initiative signage is the responsibility of the sponsoring entity. The Signage Committee, in collaboration with Facilities Operations and Services, may recommend removal of special initiative signage after a period of time if it becomes damaged, interferes with maintenance or otherwise begins to detract from the visual aesthetic of the campus.

Facilities Operations and Services staff can assist with removing special initiative signage through a work order placed via the campus work order system.

Exterior building signage

Exterior building signs at SUNY Cortland are managed by Facilities Operations and Services. If a sign needs to be repaired or replaced, please submit a work request.

Interior and office signage

In conjunction with the Marketing Office, the Duplicating Center produces interior and office signage for existing frames/holders. If you need new signage for your building or office, complete the Interior and Office Signage Request form. The Marketing Office processes orders, vets signage for brand style and designs the signs, while the Duplicating Center produces and installs them. Our process from request to delivery should take a maximum of three weeks, allowing for one-week turnarounds respectively for processing, design and production.

Please note that we are no longer engraving these signs. If your needs are outside of this scope, please complete the Duplicating Center’s Requisition for Printing Services and select the "Other cuts and sizes" option.

Surge space signage

Offices that temporarily move to a new space and require new signage should work directly with their designated project coordinator in the Facilities Planning Design and Construction Office to determine needs.

Exterior banners

All university banners and display locations are managed by the SUNY Cortland Marketing Committee and Facilities Operations and Services. 

For more information, contact

Signage writing style

Please refer to the Signage Writing Style Guide for conventions and best practices. 

Signage Committee

SUNY Cortland’s Signage Committee helps establish policy and process recommendations that support the standardization and consistency of campus signage. The group also fields and addresses requests that fall outside the established sign protocols and makes appropriate recommendations to the university community. 

Signage Committee Members

  • Ann Bersani, Director, Residence Life and Housing
  • Tony DeRado, Assistant Director, Creative Services
  • Dan Dryja, Director, Facilities Operations and Services
  • Juanita Larrabee, Director, Facilities Planning, Design and Construction
  • Loralee Morrow, Senior Associate Facilities Program Coordinator
  • Tracy Rammacher, Director, Marketing — Committee Chair
  • Chris Tucker, Associate Director, Campus Services
  • Madison Wooldridge, Office Assistant 1, Stores/Mail