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Primary Logo

SUNY Cortland primary logo

SUNY Cortland’s primary logo represents the university in its entirety. It is used to identify the university in various communication tools such as:

  • Website
  • Publications
  • Presentations
  • Social media
  • Signage

Download the primary logo (ZIP)

If you have any questions about using the logo, please contact the Marketing Office at

Having a clear and consistent visual identity helps build greater recognition for awareness of the campus. It also promotes the quality of SUNY Cortland’s academic experience. Separate logos that represent individual units or programs are not permitted.

Usage guidelines

Consistent and proper use of the logo is essential for ensuring the desired perception of SUNY Cortland. Likewise, the integrity of the SUNY Cortland brand diminishes when the logo is incorrectly applied. The exact arrangement and proportion of the logo must not be altered in any way.

Any variation or alteration, however small, is unacceptable.

Do not make any of the following changes to the primary logo:

  • Change the colors.
  • Change the color of separate components of the logo.
  • Outline any part of the logo.
  • Use a white border to outline the logo on dark backgrounds.
  • Rearrange the components, eliminate or use the components separately unless otherwise noted in this guide.
  • Violate the clear space with text, images or any other element.
  • Fill the mark with a photograph or any other pattern or texture.
  • Use the logo as a substitute for the words "SUNY Cortland" in a sentence.
  • Lock up the logo with any other logo besides when the secondary mark is required.
  • Incorporated into/combined with any other mark, symbol or graphic to create a new mark.
  • Add elements.
  • Modify, stretch or distort in any way.
  • Rotate or turn.
  • Add text other than the approved lockups.
  • Place unapproved colored backgrounds.
  • Add graphic effects.
  • Change fonts.

When reproduced in color, use the PMS, CMYK, RGB or web color equivalents identified in the colors section of this guide.

Use of the SUNY Cortland logos, marks and university seal is governed by the SUNY Cortland Brand Identity Guide.

Minimum size

  • The logo may be enlarged or reduced in size as required, as long as proportions remain intact.
  • The minimum size of the logo is determined by the method of reproduction or fabrication. The minimum size, using optimal reproduction methods, can be measured by the height of the “C” at 1/4.”
  • The logo should be used only at a size that does not compromise quality and legibility.

Clear space

Primary logo's clear space

(X = height of the letter n)

  • "Clear space" refers to the area surrounding the logo that should be kept free from visual distraction.
  • The logo must not be crowded or overwhelmed by other elements.
  • No graphic element or text of any kind should be placed within this clear space.
  • The recommended clear space of the primary logo is equal to the x-height of the "n" in the logo.

Color variations

Full-color, red or black logo

To be used on a white, transparent or light gray background

SUNY Cortland, full color logo example.

SUNY Cortland red logo example.

SUNY Cortland black logo example.

White logo

To be used on a red, black or dark gray background

SUNY Cortland logo example, white

Non-approved usage

Primary logo non-approved usage

Customized lockup

The Cortland logo may be used with a department, office or unit name.

Guidelines and request form