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Curriculum Actions 2008 - 2009

(July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009)

The following curriculum actions have been approved at our campus level. Some programs are currently at SUNY System, while others are at the State Education Department for review or have been fully approved and officially registered.

New Programs

  • B.S. in Coaching
  • B.S. in Exercise Science
  • B.S. in Sport Studies

Alteration of Existing Programs

(* designates necessary SUNY and SED Approval)

  • Adolescence Education Social Studies (AED 310: Writing in Social Studies, change of course title from Grammar and the Writing Process)
  • Biology: Concentration in Environmental Science (changes to the GIS course sequence)
  • Biomedical Sciences (change in grade mode for BMS 460 and BMS 461; reduction of credit hours BMS 460 from 3 to 2; replaces BIO 422 with BIO 522; addition of BMS special topics courses; change in the interdisciplinary courses)
  • Business Economics BUSE (MGT 456 is now only a 3-credit course)
  • Concentration in Natural Resources Recreation Management (substituting GRY 324 [3 cr. hr.] for GRY 328 [4 cr. hr.], changing the concentration requirements from 13 to 12 credits)
  • Conservation Biology (changes to the GRY/CAP course sequence; additional biology courses; BIO 522 replaces BIO 422 as an elective; GIS courses as options under additional requirements)
  • Geographic Information Systems (changes in GIS_CTEC and GIS_DBG reinstated as concentrations; adding new concentration GIS_AGAS; removing Category C requiring students to take CAP 100)
  • GLY, GLY-WRES (change in prerequisite; GRY 324 replaces GRY 327 or GRY 328; change in total credit hours in Category C)
  • History [HIS] M.A. (addition of HIS 622 U.S. Labor Radicalism)
  • Kinesiology Major (taking 3 credits of free electives and requiring that they be professional electives, must have an EXS prefix)
  • Major in Musical Theatre (substitution of MUS 105/106 for MUS 111; substitution of THT 260 for MUS 222 and THT 162)
  • Major in Political Science (adding a Capstone Project and POL 112)
  • Major in Political Science: Concentration in Public Administration and Public Policy (adding POL 347 and POL 348, removing POL 485 from B section of the concentration requirements and add it to the C section electives, adding Capstone requirement)
  • Major in Political Science: Concentration in Law and Justice (adding POL 112 to Category A, adding POL 303 and POL 471 to Category B, adding POL 307 to Category C, and adding Capstone requirement)
  • Minor in Exercise Science (addition of calculus options; addition of 2nd course for either Physics or Chemistry; addition of prerequisite PSY 101; deletion of EXS 489 and 490; the description of the Minor has been updated)
  • Minor in Music (change in total required number of credit hours; addition of an audition)
  • New Communication Media (addition off GRY 324)
  • Outdoor Recreation (change in course number REC 495 to REC 445)
  • Recreation (change in course number REC 495 to REC 445)
  • Recreation Management (change in course number REC 495 to REC 445)
  • Second Language Education: Certification M.S.Ed (addition of ICC 685)
  • Second Language Education: Non-certification [SLED_NCT] M.S.Ed. (addition of ICC 685)
  • Social Philosophy (adding PHI 240 as an option)
  • Therapeutic Recreation (change in course number REC 495 to REC 445)

Elimination of Existing Programs

  • Kinesiology Major (KIN)

Changes to SUNY GE Program

Formal approval by SUNY System has been given to the following changes in courses in the designated categories:

Additions (effective fall 2009)

  • Category 1
  • Category 5
    • PHI 201 Ancient Social Philosophy
    • PHI 202 Introduction to Modern Philosophy
  • Category 7
    • COM 233 Reporting the World: The Personal Voice of Global Journalism
  • Category 8
  • Category 11
    • WST 100 Approaches to Women's Studies
  • Category 12
    • ANT 322/SOC 322 Sociocultural Study of AIDS

Deletions (effective spring 2009)

  • Category 3
  • Category 5
  • Category 7

New Courses

  • AAS 231 Hip Hop Culture
  • AAS 404 Constitutional Law II - Civil Liberties
  • BIO 507 Advanced Field Natural History
  • COM 231 Hip Hop Culture
  • COM 233 Reporting the World: The Personal Voice of Global Journalism
  • ENS 176 Green Representative: Sustainability in the Campus Community
  • EST 176 Green Representative: Sustainablity in the Campus Community
  • EXS 250 Research Skills in Kinesiology
  • EXS 310 Ethical Issues in Kinesiology
  • EXS 352 Masculinity in Sport
  • EXS 354 Youth in Sport
  • EXS 356 Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sport
  • EXS 425 History of Intercollegiate Sport in the United States
  • EXS 427 Globalization and Sport
  • EXS 465 Advanced Exercise Physiology
  • EXS 477 Practicum in Kinesiology
  • EXS 479 Social Critique of Sport
  • EXS 480 Independent Research in Sport Studies
  • EXS 487 Advanced Biomechanics
  • GRY 331 Global Position System Technology
  • GRY 334 Historical Geographic Information Systems
  • GRY 337 Programming in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • GRY 545 Teaching Geography Through Film
  • HIS 622 U.S. Labor Radicalism
  • HLH 520 Wellness Issues
  • HLH 524 Nutrition Issues
  • ICC 685 Comprehensive Examination
  • MUS 105 Basic Musicianship I
  • MUS 106 Basic Musicianship II
  • POL 307 The Internet and the Law
  • PSY 300 Internship Preparation: Psychology in the Schools
  • REC 527 Advanced Special Events Planning I
  • REC 528 Advanced Special Events Planning II
  • REC 553 Practicum in Inclusive Recreation Services
  • THT 107 Masks and Makeup
  • THT 241 Puppetry
  • THT 260: Influences on the American Musical
  • THT 325: The Working Actor
  • THT 425: Acting III: Scene Study

Alteration of Existing Courses

  • AED 310 Writing in Social Studies (change of title from Grammar and the Writing Process; change in course description)
  • ATR 221 Athletic Training Theory & Methods (change in course description; addition of ATR 101 as a prerequisite)
  • BIO 335: Developmental Biology (change in course description; change in prerequisite)
  • BMS 460: Biomedical Sciences Seminar (change in grade mode; change in course description; change in existing credit hours from 3 to 2)
  • BMS 461: Biomedical Sciences Internship (change in grade mode; change in course description)
  • CAP 327: Computer Mapping (change in course description; change in frequency code; change in prerequisite; cross-listed with GRY 327)
  • CAP 328: Geographic Information Systems (change in course description; change in frequency code; change in prerequisite; cross-listed with GRY 328)
  • CAP 330: Advanced GIS Techniques (change in course description; change in frequency code; change in prerequisite; cross-listed with GRY 330)
  • CHE 452: Biochemistry II (change in prerequisite; change in frequency code)
  • CHE 475: Advanced Synthesis Laboratory (change of title from Inorganic Preparations Laboratory; change in description and prerequisite)
  • CPN 100: Writing Studies I (change of title from Academic Writing I; change in course description)
  • CPN 101: Writing Studies II (change of title from Academic Writing II; change in course description)
  • CPN 102: Writing Studies in the Community I (change of title from Academic Writing in the Community; change in course description)
  • CPN 103: Writing Studies in the Community II (change of title from Academic Writing in the Community II; change in course description)
  • ECO 385: Human Resource Management (change in prerequisite)
  • EDU 456 Student Teaching in Physical Education (change in course description; additional requirements added to the course prerequisites)
  • ENG 307 New Media Literacies and ELA (change of title from Computer Technology in the Classroom; change in course description)
  • EXS 555: Advanced Exercise Physiology (change of title from Exercise Physiology II; change in course description; change in prerequisite)
  • GRY 324: Cartography and Geographic Information (change in course description; change in prerequisite)
  • GRY 327: Computer Mapping (change in course description; change in frequency code; change in prerequisite; cross-listed with CAP 327)
  • GRY 328: Geographic Information Systems (change in course description; change in frequency code; change in prerequisite; cross-listed with CAP 328)
  • GRY 330: Advanced GIS Techniques (change in course description; change in frequency code; change in prerequisite; cross listed with CAP 330)
  • MAT 425 Applied Mathematics in the Physical Sciences (change frequency code from S-C to S, change of course title from "Methods of Applied Mathematics," change catalog description, cross-listed with PHY 425)
  • MGT 456 Co-op Education/Internship in Management (change credit hours from 3-16 to 3)
  • PED 356: Adapted Physical Education & Sport (removal of a course prerequisite)
  • PHY 422 Applied Mechanics (change catalog description)
  • PHY 425 Methods of Applied Mathematics (change frequency code from S-C to S, change catalog description, cross-listed with MAT 425)
  • PHY 450 Electricity and Magnetism (change catalog description)
  • POL 404 Constitutional Law II - Civil Liberties (change of course title from "Civil Liberties," change in description, cross-listed with AAS 404)
  • REC 445: Administration of Recreation (change in course number)
  • THT 361: Musical Theatre in American Culture (addition of THT 220 as a prerequisite)

Minor-Minor Changes

  • CHE 452 Biochemistry II (change of title from Introductory Biochemistry II)
  • CPV 400 Cooperative Education (change in prerequisite)
  • ENG 480 Topics in Literary and Cultural Theory (change in Catalog description)
  • GLY 579 Climate Change (change of title)
  • HIS 630 Historiography of Modern China (change of title)
  • SPM 525 International Sport History and Governance (change in course description)
  • SPM 540 International Sport Enterprise (change in course description)
  • SPM 675 International Sport Law (deletion of SPM 670: Sport Law as a prerequisite)_

Curriculum Actions Archive