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Curriculum Actions 2007 - 2008


Curriculum Actions, 2007-2008

(July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008)

The following curriculum actions have been approved at our campus level. Some programs are currently at SUNY System, while others are at the State Education Department for review or have been fully approved and officially registered.

New Programs

  • American Studies Certificate for International Students (Program Announcement at SUNY System)
  • B.A. Major in Archaeology
  • M.S. in Coaching (Letter of Intent at SUNY System)
  • M.S. in Communication Disorders (Letter of Intent at SUNY System)
  • M.S. in International Sport Management (Proposal in Progress for SUNY System)

Alteration of Existing Programs

(* designates necessary SUNY and SED Approval)

  • Alteration of Major in English (ENG)(under B. other English courses: 15 credit hours of ENG courses with at least 12 credit hours at the 400 level; ENG 402 does not count toward this requirement)
  • BA-ARTS (change in required courses)
  • BFAS (change in required courses)
  • * B.S. in Childhood Education (Grade 1-6) (Completed)
  • * B.S. in Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2) (Completed)
  • * B.S. in Childhood/Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 6) (Completed)
  • HLH from Health Science to Community Health (change in name, change in required courses)
  • Health Science Major (name change to Community Health)
    • Concentration: Environmental Health (change in required courses)
    • Concentration: Health Communication (change in required courses)
    • Concentration: Wellness and Health Promotion (change in required courses)
    • Concentration: College Health Promotion & Prevention Services (change in required courses)
  • History and SST (addition of two new courses, HIS 419 and HIS 420)
  • Human Services Studies (creation of a common core)
  • Inclusive Special Education (ISE) Program
  • International Studies (change in the existing concentrations)
  • Kinesiology - B.S. (future substitution of EXS 100 for EXS 197)
  • Kinesiology: Fitness Development - B.S. (future substitution of EXS 100 for EXS 197)
  • MA Program in English (removed the option of passing the master's comprehensive exam)
  • Master of Arts in Teaching Adolescence Education: English (7-12) AEN (change from fifteen credits to twelve credits in the Content Core, addition of new course AED 578)
  • Master of Arts in Teaching; Adolescence Education: Mathematics (7-12) (addition of new course MAT 680)
  • Master of Science in Education Adolescence Education: English (7-12) AED (identification of alternatives to the pedagogical core for undergraduate equivalents of these courses, change from eighteen credits in the Content Core to be courses with ENG prefixes to allowing six of those credits to be taken in other departments, addition of new course AED 678)
  • Master of Science in Education; Adolescence Education: Mathematics (7-12) (addition of new course MAT 680)
  • Master of Science in Education: Health (addition of new course HLH 653)
  • Master of Science in Teaching Health Education (Track A) (addition of new course HLH 653)
  • Master of Science in Teaching Health Education (Track B) (addition of new course HLH 653)
  • Master of Science in Teaching Health Education (Track C) (addition of new course HLH 653)
  • * M.S.Ed.: Teaching Students with Disabilities 1-6 [TSD 1-6] (Proposal at SUNY System)
  • M.S. in Communications Disorders addition of EDU 596 and PSY 501 to the program
  • M.S. in Exercise Science (addition of new course EXS 549 as an additional option)
  • Physical Education Theory addition of EXS 367 as a course option
  • Sociology (addition of three optional new courses to the major)
  • Speech and Hearing Science (addition of new course- SHH 283, change in foreign language requirement)
  • Sport Management (additional optional course offerings added to the major)

Elimination of Existing Programs

  • * B.A. in Childhood Education (Grade 1-6) (SED Approved 6/07)
  • * B.A. in Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2) (SED Approved 6/07)
  • * B.A. in Childhood/Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 6) (SED Approved 6/07)

Changes to SUNY GE Program

Formal approval by SUNY System has been given to the following changes in courses in the designated categories:

Additions (effective spring 2008)

  • Category 1
    • EXS 201
  • Category 5
    • PHI 240
  • Category 7
    • PHI 100, 271
    • PWR 399
  • Category 8
    • ATS 108, 208
    • PWR 212, 213, 315
  • Category 11
    • ENG 254
  • Category 12
    • SOC 335

Deletions (effective fall 2008)

  • Category 3
    • FRE 318
    • GRY 120
    • HIS 100, 101
    • SCI 330
    • SPA 318

New Courses

  • AAS 142 Rock, Jazz and Blues Ensemble
  • AED 378 Student Teaching Colloquia
  • AED 578 Master's Project and Teaching Colloquia
  • AED 678 MSEd AEN Final Project
  • ANT 103 Archaeological Principles in Cultural Context
  • ATR 349 Clinical Medical Skills in Athletic Training
  • ATS 108 Fibers I - Surface Design
  • ATS 208 Fibers II - Weaving
  • ATS 217 Color
  • ATS 308 Fibers III
  • ATS 408 Fibers IV
  • ATS 498 BFA Thesis I
  • ATS 499 BFA Thesis II
  • ATT 415 Advanced Field Study Raquette Lake
  • BIO 335 Developmental Biology
  • CHE 305 Problem-Solving in Organic Chemistry I
  • CHE 306 Problem-Solving in Organic Chemistry II
  • COM 497 Communication Studies Teaching Assistant
  • ECO 345 Contemporary Public Policy Issues
  • EDU 596 Organization of Speech/Language/Hearing Programs in the Schools
  • ENG 254 Introduction to American Working-Class Literature
  • ENG 430 Authors, Movements, Scenes
  • ENG 477 Contemporary Literature
  • ENG 480 Studies in Critical Theory
  • ENG 481 Genre Studies
  • EXS 111 Computer Applications in Exercise Science
  • EXS 225 Digital Video for Kinesiology
  • EXS 549 Advanced Motor Behavior
  • FSA 499 Independent Study
  • FSA 699 Foundations and Social Advocacy
  • HIS 349 Central Europe, 1789-1918
  • HIS 432 World Environmental History
  • HIS 419 U.S. Radicalism
  • HIS 420 U.S. Labor and Film
  • HLH 330 College Health Promotion
  • HLH 380 Introduction to Health Informatics and Communication
  • HLH 407 College Health Promotion Practicum
  • HLH 462 Organization and Administration of Health Programs
  • HLH 525 Humor Education for Teachers
  • HLH 653 Comprehensive Examination in Health Education
  • HUS 491 Human Services Culminating Project
  • ICC 143 International Student Seminar
  • ICC 145 Introduction to Academic Language & University Practices
  • ICC 147 Academic Grammar & Vocabulary
  • ICC 149 Academic Listening & Speaking
  • IST 201 Global Connections Teaching Assistant
  • IST 202 Global Connections Mentor
  • MAT 680 Graduate Comprehensive Examination in Mathematics
  • PHY 340 Physics Teaching Assistant
  • PHY 550 Intermediate Astronomy
  • PSY 235 Cultural Psychology
  • PWR 397 Writing for Online Publication
  • PWR 412 Advanced Creative Writing
  • REC 570   Outdoor Education Practicum
  • SHH 283 Introduction to Hearing Science
  • SOC 235 Sociology of Globalization
  • SOC 335 Technology and Society
  • SOC 370 Sociology of Consumer Society
  • SPM 240 International Study Seminar in Sport Management
  • SPM 247 Introduction to Intercollegiate and Scholastic Sport
  • SPM 285 Ticket Operations in Sport
  • SPM 301 Cross-Cultural Perspectives During Study Abroad in Sport Management
  • SPM 401 Seminar: Reflections of Study Abroad in Sport Management
  • SPM 452 Sport Business, Finance, and Politics


Alteration of Existing Courses

  • AED 308 Grammar and the Writing Process
  • AED 341 Introduction to English Language Arts
  • AED 376 Student Teaching in English in the Middle School
  • AED 377 Student Teaching in English in the High School
  • AED 576 Practicum I: Student Teaching in the Middle School (change in description, added a co-requisite)
  • AED 577 Practicum II: Student Teaching in the High School (change in description, added a co-requisite)
  • ATR 333 Field Experience in Athletic Training II (change in credits from 1 to 2)
  • ATR 334 Field Experience in Athletic Training III (change in credits from 1 to 2)
  • ATR 433 Field Experience in Athletic Training IV (change in credits form 1 to 2)
  • ATT 115 Field Study Raquette Lake (change of course title from "Pro-Seminar", change in course description)
  • ENG 374 (change in course description)
  • EXS 489 Exercise Science Research Methods (change in course description)
  • EXS 511 Advanced Statistical Application in Exercise Science (add EXS 201 to the list of prerequisite options)
  • FSA 101 Introductions to Urban Education (change existing frequency code from F to A)
  • FSA 210: Principles of Inclusive Education (change in course prerequisite)
  • FAS 211: Inclusive Education Field Experience (change in course prerequisite)
  • FSA 400: Foundations of Education: The School in American Society (change in course prerequisite)
  • FSA 410: Inclusive Education Pedagogy (change existing frequency code from S to F, change in course prerequisite)
  • FSA 420: Inclusive Education Field Seminar (change existing frequency code from S to F, change in course prerequisite)
  • FSA 430: Assistive and Adaptive Technology (change in course prerequisite)
  • FSA 436: Assessment and Instruction of Learners with Special Needs (change existing frequency code from S to A, change in course prerequisite)
  • HLH 494 Assessment and Evaluation of Health Programs (change in title, change in course description)
  • LIT 310: Literacy in a Multicultural, Urban School ( change in course prerequisite)
  • LIT 311: Literacy Field Experience (change in course prerequisite)
  • MAT 430 Differential Equations (change in the description and prerequisite)
  • MGT 254 Principles of Accounting I (change in course description)
  • MGT 255 Principles of Accounting II (change in course description)
  • PHI 201, PHI 202, PHI 240 (change in course descriptions)
  • PHY 530 Statistical and Thermal Physics (change in the description and prerequisite)
  • POL 304 Constitutional Law I - Powers (change in course title from "Constitutional Law")
  • REC 293 Diversity and Inclusive Recreation Services (change of number from REC 393)

Deletion of Existing Courses

  • ATS 105 Weaving I
  • ATS 111 Fabric Design I
  • ATS 205 Weaving II
  • ATS 211 Fabric Design II
  • ATS 305 Weaving III
  • ATS 311 Fabric Design III
  • ATS 405 Weaving IV
  • ATT 315 Visual Arts Presentation Skills
  • BIO 525 Developmental Biology
  • ENG 301 Creative Writing
  • SOC 160 Social Change in the Modern World
  • SOC 405 Social Breakdown in the United States
  • SOC 455 Sociology of Leisure

Minor-Minor Changes

  • Add GRY 485 to SST and GRY programs, area B
  • MUS 164 Applied Voice
  • MUS 264 Applied Voice
  • MUS 364 Applied Voice
  • MUS 464 Applied Voice
    • (Add zero-credit lab to the applied voice courses)
  • SOC/CRIM 345 Drug Policy

Elimination of Existing Concentrations

Curriculum Actions Archive