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SUNY Cortland Sesquicentennial

The story of how the humble Cortland Normal School of 1868 evolved into the nationally respected SUNY Cortland of 2018, is a tale of vision, determination, comradery and compassion. It’s a tapestry comprising obstacles overcome, excellence achieved and ensured access to high-quality education for all students, regardless of background or circumstance. 

It’s the story of the SUNY Cortland community – alumni, faculty, staff, students, neighbors, family and friends. Together, we have overcome hardships; devastating fires, tough economic times, global wars and seismic American culture shifts. The shared values that bind us together occasionally weakened, but never broke.

In that spirit, we invite all members of the extended SUNY Cortland community to join us in celebrating our Sesquicentennial – a century and a half of excellence.


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