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2022-23 Strategic Planning Process

Imagine Dragons: The Strategic Path to 2030

It is time for the SUNY Cortland community to update our strategic plan. The strategic plan for campus identifies institution-wide priorities, objectives, measures, and activities that address our greatest needs and opportunities for development as an organization. The plan is grounded in the mission of the university and used to monitor progress, guide decisions, and serve as a foundation for all other plans on campus (e.g., divisions, departments, offices, diversity, and facilities).

Our previous plan ended with the successful Middle States reaccreditation in spring 2022. The self-study was an intensive, collaborative examination of our effectiveness in meeting our mission and operations and of our progress as an organization. The evidence, analysis, and findings from that process are the starting point for our new strategic cycle.

Stewardship of the Planning Process

The entire SUNY Cortland community is responsible for the planning process. The Institutional Planning and Assessment Committee (IPAC) provides opportunities for engagement, drafts the plan, ensures that evidenced-based assessment is a part of the plan, and determines a cycle for review. IPAC reports to the President and the President’s Cabinet is accountable for reviewing the plan and ensuring that it is implemented. Stakeholders are internal and external constituents that can provide perspectives on the state of the university, opportunities, and aspirations for the coming years. These may be individuals or groups affiliated by department, office, governance, or other groups.

The planning process should be accessible, transparent, and inclusive and create space for respectful sharing of different perspectives. It should also ensure that discussions and judgments are based on evidence and supporting information.

Strategic Planning Process and Timeline for 2022-2023

  1. Institutional audit using a SOAR analysis in the fall that will look at a broad range of stakeholders’ views on our institutional Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results. Surveys will be sent to students, faculty and staff, alumni, and partners asking for their input on the four SOAR elements.
  2. IPAC reviews the Middle States Self-Study and summary of strategic planning to identify unfinished or unresolved issues that could roll into the new plan.
  3. Campus dialogues (varying venues) to review the findings from the SOAR analysis and how those relate to our current and future priorities.
  4. Campus meeting during the President’s Opening to review priorities and discuss how those translate into new objectives for our next strategic plan.
  5. Stakeholders and influencers meet to look at refining objectives and identifying measures/indicators and activities that will impact those indicators.
  6. Present draft of new plan to campus in late April for feedback.
  7. Final draft to Faculty Senate and President’s Cabinet for endorsement and approval, respectively.


SOAR Tool Introduction