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Fast Facts

Blaze standing by Bike Friendly University sign

Fast Facts

  • SUNY Cortland became the first SUNY campus to operate all of its facilities using 100 percent renewable electric energy.
  • In 2014 SUNY Cortland became the first in SUNY to have a certified LEED Platinum Residence Hall.
  • SUNY Cortland was the first in SUNY to enter into a power purchase agreement to install a One Megawatt Solar PV array on campus.
  • SUNY Cortland is designated a Tree Campus USA!
  • SUNY Cortland received a Gold rating in Sustainability Tracking and Assessment Reporting System (STARS).
  • A team of 16 students are hired as "Green Reps" each semester to educate the campus on sustainability.
  • Over 25% of Dining Services purchases have NY ties.
  • Fountain beverage servicing in the dining halls lead to 35% reduction in sales of bottled beverages.
  • We recycle 100% of all eligible plastic and metal containers in our food production facilities.
  • We use 30% less paper, plastic foam and plastics in Neubig alone after switching to washable china.
  • Food remaining in dining halls before semester breaks is donated to local food pantries.
  • The College Store recycled 28,000 textbooks in the last year.
  • In the 2015 AASHE Sustainable Campus Index (PDF) we were highlighted for our strong work in service-learning.
  • The “No-Mow Zone” is an acre of turf grass surrounding the SUNY Cortland Service Group complex.
  • SUNY Cortland has developed model gardens on campus to teach students and staff about sustainable agriculture.
  • SUNY Cortland has a total of 2,443 solar panels on campus with an installed rated capacity of 1,118 kW DC or about 894 kW AC.

What you can do

Top five ways you can take action today:

  1. Walk, bike or take the bus.
  2. Adjust your thermostat.
  3. Take shorter showers.
  4. Invest in travel mugs, reusable water bottles, straws and silverware.
  5. Save money by buying less stuff, which leads to less waste.