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Inclusive Excellence Framework

Making excellence inclusive as stated by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AA&U) is “an active process through which colleges and universities achieve excellence in learning, teaching, student development, institutional functioning, and engagement in local and global communities and requires that we uncover inequities in student success, identify effective educational practices, and build such practices organically for sustained institutional change.”

 As a guiding principle, Inclusive Excellence is a collective commitment, meant to include and engage the rich diversity of students, staff, faculty, administrators, alumni and community constituents.

Inclusive Excellence at SUNY Cortland

Vision: To be known as a leading institution for inclusive excellence among our peers in the SUNY System and beyond

  • Access and Success
  • Climate and Human Relations
  • Teaching, Learning and Scholarship
  • Civic and Global Engagement
  • Recognition and Accountability
  • Infrastructure 

The Institutional Equity and Inclusion Office looks forward to working collaboratively with all members of the campus community to cultivate a strategic direction for inclusive excellence at SUNY Cortland.