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edTPA Safety Net

Information on the NYS Board of Regents Action Regarding the edTPA and the “Safety Net” 

Updated as of 3/14/18

Q.    Do I have to complete the edTPA to receive an initial teaching certificate in New York State?

A.    YES.  All candidates applying for initial certification must complete the edTPA and submit it to Pearson for scoring at least once.  

Q.    If I fail the edTPA, what are my options?

 A.    If you fail the edTPA you may select one of these options:

  1. Re-take the edTPA:  You can re-take the edTPA to try to achieve a passing score.  You can either re-take just one task of the edTPA or you can re-take the entire edTPA.  You should consult with the SUNY Cortland edTPA advisor about the retake process.  More information on the edTPA retake process can be found here. 
  2. edTPA Multiple Measure Review Process (MMRP): This is for NYS Teacher candidates who do not pass the edTPA, but score within two points of the passing score for NYS. Eligibility criteria and Application can be found at the NYSED edTPA Multiple Measure Review Process website. You may also consult with the SUNY Cortland edTPA advisor.  
  3. Take and pass the Assessment of Teaching Skills – Written (ATS-W) Exam:  Students who have taken and failed the edTPA can choose to take and pass the ATS-W instead of re-taking and passing the edTPA.  The ATS-W is one of the tests that is no longer required for certification, but is still offered by New York State.  As with all New York State Teacher Certification Exams, the ATS-W must be taken at a registered computer testing center.  More information about how to register for the ATS-W can be found here. 

Note:  After June 30, 2018 option 3 will no longer be available. More Information may be found at NYSED edTPA Safety Net.

Q.    What are the costs of the different re-take options for edTPA?

A.    To re-take one task of the edTPA is $100.  To re-take the entire edTPA is $300.  To take the ATS-W is $119.  These costs are current as of 3/14/18 but could increase over time. 

Q.    If I have already taken the ATS-W before failing the edTPA, can it be used in place of re-taking the edTPA?

A.    NO.  You must take the ATS-W after your edTPA failing grade is posted.

If you need support in understanding these options please contact the SUNY Cortland edTPA Advisor: Dr. Chris Widdall (, edTPA Advisor