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Teacher Education Council

The Teacher Education Council (TEC) is the advising and disseminating body of the Teacher Education Unit which represents all BA, BS, BSED, MSED, MST, MAT and CAS teacher education programs at SUNY Cortland. The TEC is a mechanism that facilitates collaboration between teacher education faculty and other stakeholders in the teacher education process. The TEC is charged to lead efforts toward professional, scholarly and intellectual excellence in the College’s teacher education programs, and to conduct itself in an atmosphere of open, full and intellectually vigorous discourse. 

The TEC is a deliberative forum for faculty participation that advances teacher education, the quality of education in society, and the study of education. It functions in an advisory capacity to the Provost and Vice-President of Academic Affairs who has been designated as the Unit Head for all teacher education programs.  Comprised of department chairs, program coordinators, and ad hoc members representing  administrative and support areas of the institution, the TEC is chaired by and reports to the Unit Head Designee, the Dean of the School of Education. The Deans of the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Professional Studies  serve as Vice-Chairs.   TEC meets at least twice each semester.

The TEC’s function is to discuss issues of concern related to teacher education programs and to make recommendations pertaining to the teacher education unit to the Unit Head and other appropriate administrative bodies, and ultimately to the President or his/her designee.  The TEC also serves as a forum for discussion  of data relevant to all teacher education programs and the dissemination of information and directives from external agencies that impact these programs.

For more information on SUNY Cortland's Teacher Education Council, please see the  links below:

SUNY Cortland Teacher Education Council Bylaws (Revised 4/24/17)

Teacher Education Council Membership List for 2018-2019

Materials for Teacher Education Council Meetings (password protected)