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Frequently Asked Questions

How will the Governor's COVID-19 distance learning directive affect the Writing Center?

Other than the fact that we won't be working with you in Brockway Hall 216, not much will change. You can still make appointments using our scheduling system. You can still work with the same consultants. You can still work with us before you start writing. The only difference: it will all be online.

Where is the Writing Center located?

We are located in Brockway Hall, Room 216... just upstairs from Hilltop Dining Facility and right next to Jacobus Lounge. (Feel free to grab some food downstairs on your way... sustenance is important.)

How long has the Writing Center been open?

We've been a part of the campus since October 2018. 

Who can use the Writing Center?

The Writing Center is available for any and all students, including undergraduates and graduates, as well as faculty. We also work regularly with folks from a wide variety of different majors as well as those in Composition, English and Professional Writing Courses. 

Do I need to make an appointment?

You do not need to make an appointment to use the Writing Center; however, we do recommend it. We take drop-in appointments when a consultant is available, but during busy times, it's not a guarantee that someone will be available. If we are booked during times that work best for you, feel free to use our "wait-list" feature on our scheduling program.

How do I make an appointment?

In order to make an appointment, you can follow any of the "Book an Appointment" links located throughout our website. You can also find the "WCOnline" link on myRedDragon (under "Academic Resources"). From there you will register for an account and select an appointment time that works for you (our consultations are typically 30 minutes or 60 minutes long). 

How do I register for an account with the system?

When you follow any of the "Book an Appointment" links, you'll be taken to our scheduling program's home-page. From there, just above where you enter the log-in information, there is a "Register for an Account" link in blue. Follow that link and enter in all the information. (You'll need to use your Cortland email address as well as create a new password for the scheduling system itself.)

*You do need to register with the system to use the Writing Center, but if you are unable to do so prior to your appointment or drop-in, we are more than happy to help you with the process when you are here. 

What is the Writing Center's cancellation or no-show policy?

We understand that sometimes things come up and you might not be able to make your appointment for a variety of reasons. If this is the case, we ask that you cancel your appointment through our scheduling system as soon as you are able. If you don't cancel your appointment ahead of time, you will be marked as a "no-show." If you have more than two "no-shows," you will not be able to use the scheduling system for the rest of the semester. You will still be able to come by for drop-in appointments though.

Does the Writing Center edit papers?

We are more than happy to sit down and talk about any aspect of the writing process with you, but we will not simply edit or proofread your paper for you. Our goal is to help students improve their writing; we find that this is most effectively done when students are doing the writing and revising.

What is the Writing Center's relation to The Learning Center and Nightowl?

Good news: there're plenty of places on campus to get meaningful feedback on your writing. The Learning Center, Nightowl!, and Career Services are wonderful resources, and we strongly encourage students to visit/use them for any help with writing or any other subject that they might need. However, we are not directly connected to The Learning Center or NightOWL as the Writing Center is a part of the Writing Program and English Department. If you would like to know more about The Learning Center and Nightowl and the services they provide, visit them in Van Hoesen Hall, Room B-205, or visit the The Learning Center website

Can I send my work in ahead of time to be looked over?

We will engage with your writing during our session with you. Also, you do not need to come the Writing Center already having written something—you can come with the assignment so that you and your consultant can figure out the best approaches to the assignment's expectations/requirements. This may help to make the first drafting experience more effective. 

How far ahead of time should I schedule an appointment?

While we always recommend scheduling an appointment as soon as you can, it really depends on how busy we are in the Writing Center. We suggest that you keep an eye on the schedule for times you're thinking about, and then you can schedule an appointment up to two weeks in advance. 

Can I schedule a group consultation?

Yes, you can schedule a group consultation. If you are working with others on a project, then our consultants would be happy to meet with the group to work on the project. If you are working on different assignments, then it can be a bit more difficult, but we will do our best to make it productive for everyone involved. (*Note: for those who are receiving class credit for their appointment, it is up to the instructor's discretion whether group appointments will satisfy the requirement.)

Can I come to the Writing Center to work on my paper on my own, without a consultation?

Absolutely - provided that there is space. We want the Writing Center to be a welcoming space where anyone can come to work on any piece of writing. While those who have scheduled consultations will be prioritized in terms of space consideration, we encourage students to stop by and use the space as they need.

What should I bring with me to my consultation?

The most important thing is to have access to whatever piece of writing you are working on. (If you can bring a hard copy of the writing, that would be preferable.) We also ask that you bring the prompt/assignment sheet so that our consultants will have a sense of the purpose of what you are working on. Also, you can work with us even if you haven't started writing; just come with your assignment, and we'll get the ball rolling.

How will my professor know I've been to the Writing Center?

Our scheduling program allows us to keep track of who has been to the Writing Center, when they came, who they worked with, and what they worked on. If you need us to email any of this information to you or your professor, just let us know. Our consultants will be happy to send it your way. Additionally, your professor can contact the Writing Center (email: at any point to inquire about students' appointments.

Who will my consultant be?

Your consultant will be either a graduate student or faculty composition instructor. Additionally, when you are scheduling an appointment, you can see brief bios at the top of the appointment screen on the scheduling system.