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Faculty Resources

Writing Center Resources for Faculty

The Writing Center Director is available to help faculty with revising existing writing assignments, constructing new writing assignments, considering approaches for a writing intensive course, or developing writing activities for the classroom.

Classroom Visits

If you're looking to encourage your students to make use of the Writing Center more frequently, you might consider scheduling a writing consultant to come speak with your class. These class visits typically last 5-10 minutes and offer a brief overview of our services and philosophies; however, they can also be tailored specifically to your course and/or requirements. If you are interested in scheduling a class visit, just send an email to

Workshops and Class Sessions

We are happy to work with you to create a workshop specifically for your class or on a specific topic. We can also arrange it for a writing consultant to come work with you and your students for a class session or activity. If you think you would be interested in either scheduling a collaboration or talking through the possibilities of doing so, email