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Sexual Offender Registration Act

The Sexual Offender Registration Act requires the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to maintain a Sex Offender Registry. The Registry contains information on sex offenders classified according to their risk of re-offending: Level 1 low-risk; Level 2 moderate-risk; Level 3 high-risk.

Search the DCJS Sex Offender Registry.  This site contains Level 2 and Level 3 offenders.

Sex offenders registered in New York State are required to notify the Registry of any institution of higher education at which he or she is, or expects to be, whether for compensation or not, enrolled, attending or employed, and whether such sex offender resided or expects to reside in a facility operated by the institution. Changes in status at the institution of higher education must also be reported to the Registry no later than ten days after such change.

At this time there are no Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 registered sex offenders attending or employed by SUNY Cortland.

View sexual offenders that reside under the jurisdiction of the Cortland City Police Department, City of Cortland, NY