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  • Advocacy  The health educator acts as an advocate for students concerning any issues regarding personal health and health care. Students are encouraged to stop in at the Health Promotion Office to discuss any health-related issues or concerns.

  • Information, Resources and Campus/Community Referrals  We serve as a center of information concerning a variety of health topics. Members of the college community may access materials, including pamphlets, posters, videos and books. The health educator acts as a resource person and consultant for students requesting topical materials. The office may also serve as a source of referral to campus and community departments, agencies, and organizations.

  • Health Promotion Programming We are responsible for the weekly Wellness Wednesday Series. Some topics of the programs include dimensions of wellness, sexuality, alcohol and other drugs, nutrition and exercise, relationships, body image, eating disorders, contraception, sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS, sexual assault, grief and loss, and stress management. If you would like more direct attention, the health educator is available to conduct workshops for classes, residence halls, and college organizations concerning a variety of health and wellness topics including those listed above. Sufficient advance notice is required for such presentations.

  • College Health Promotion  This program is conducted every other year through a 3-credit course through the Health Department, entitled "College Health Promotion" (HLH 330-601).  This course is open to Health majors and is designed to increase students' knowledge and positive leadership skills with regard to health promotion and decision-making as applied to the college population. A major emphasis of the course is involvement in various health promotion strategies, seeking to affect positive change for the campus and our college students.

  • Internship and Opportunities for Student Involvement  Students have the opportunity to receive three or sixteen credits for part-time or full-time semester internships. Students in any major interested in these opportunities should contact the health educator.