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Conley Wellness Wednesday

Fall 2024

Conley Wellness Wednesday's will be a mix of in person programs and podcast episodes "Take 10 for You" available on Sound Cloud.

Fall 2024 Conley Wellness Wednesday Poster


Aug. 28, 2024

6-7 p.m., Basketball Courts Outside of Student Life Center

Megan Spencer, Zumba Instructor

Doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or advanced- try out Zumba. Zumba is a total workout that combines all elements of fitness. Please wear sneakers and comfortable clothing you can move in. Protein bars will be provided.

Put the Myths to “Bed”

September 4, 2024

1-3 p.m., Corey Union Steps

Health Promotion and Wellness Peer Educators

Learn the facts and myth around sleeping and napping and what to do to get a good night sleep. Free sleep masks and ear plugs will be given out.

Obstacle Course Challenge

September 11, 2024

Starts at 4:30 p.m., Student Life Center Front Lawn

Campus Recreation, Health Promotion and Wellness Peer Educators

Participate in our fun or competitive obstacle course challenge. Please wear athletic clothes and sneakers and bring a water bottle. All participants are entered for a chance to win foam rollers, massage guns, or exercise bands.

Leadership with Empathy

September 18, 2024

7-8 p.m., Corey Union Exhibition Lounge

Bryan Saint Louis, International Motivational Speaker

Learn practical advice on how to master leadership practices and discover what radical empathy looks like. Leave here feeling empowered. Pizza and wings will be served.

Managing Stress

September 25, 2024

1-3 p.m., Corey Union Steps

Health Promotion and Wellness Peer Educators

Learn and try out different coping strategies to reduce your stress. Free giveaways will be provided.

Vaping and Exercise

October 2, 2024

1-3 p.m., Corey Union Steps

Health Promotion, Tobacco Free Zone and Wellness Peer Educators

Learn how the effects of using nicotine and tobacco impacts exercise. Discover ways to help you or a friend quit vaping or limit e-cigarette use.

Coming Out as Trans

October 9, 2024

Podcast -

Gail Boone, Senior Counselor and Kat Boone, Baker

Join us as we hear the lived experiences of a women who is transgender and the perspective from her mother.

Find Your Hobby

October 16, 2024

1-3 p.m., Student Life Center Lobby

Campus Recreation, Memorial Library, Health Promotion, Wellness Peer Educators and others who have a special interest

Are you looking for a new hobby? Try out hobbies at our tables and take a starter kit for one. Supplies are limited for each hobby including making your own bag, crochet materials, water bottle and books.

Healthy Relationship Trivia

October 23, 2024

7-8 p.m., Corey Union Function Room

Marissa Cohen, Author and Speaker

Sex in the Dark

October 30, 2024

7-7:45 p.m., Corey Union Exhibition Lounge

Lauren Scagnelli, Health Educator

Learn about safe sex and have your questions answered, with the lights off. Free safe sex supplies and prizes will be distributed.

Organizing for Professionalism

November 6, 2024

1 – 3 p.m., Student Life Center Lobby

Career Services, Health Promotion, Wellness Peer Educators

Join us as we explore how you can best organize, both in and out of the classroom. Identify your priorities and how organizing will assist you in building your skills in professionalism.

Party Smart Before Cortaca

November 13, 2024

1 – 3 p.m., Student Life Center Lobby

Wellness Peer Educators

Know your responsibilities and rights around alcohol, drugs and sex. Learn how to party smart before, during and after Cortaca. Free giveaways will be provided!