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Internal Grants


The Internal Grant Programs (IGPs) are designed to support research in all areas represented on the campus, including fine arts, humanities, the social and behavioral sciences, the biological and physical sciences, and the various education and professional studies disciplines. Currently the IGPs include the Faculty Research Program (FRP), and UUP Programs when there is a negotiated contract for the Individual Development Awards Program (IDA) and Special Projects Fund/Nuala Drescher Awards. Academic Affairs Internal Support for Teaching, Research and Scholarship highlights the information that is found below in greater detail. The following information is designed to provide an overview of the internal funding available, to provide guidance for choosing the appropriate funding, as well as to assist the applicant with his/her submission.

General Overview

For the purposes of the IGPs, research is broadly defined as a two-step process that includes, first, the identification of a problem or question related to a specific discipline, and, second, an investigation of the proposed question using methods appropriate to the discipline. The task of the researcher is to seek answers to the question in an objective and/or an imaginative fashion. It is assumed that investigators in all disciplines seek answers to questions concerning problems in their fields; therefore, research proposals from all disciplines are encouraged and will receive equal consideration.

The IGPs are sponsored by the Research and Sponsored Programs Office, the Cortland College Foundation, and the State of New York/United University Professions Joint Labor/Management Committees. The Research and Sponsored Programs Office administers each IGP in accordance with the prime sponsor's funding requirements. The College Research Committee (CRC) serves as the peer review body for the Research Travel Grants and the Faculty Research Program, while the campus Professional Development Committee (PDC) serves as the peer review body for the Individual Development Awards Program and the Special Projects Fund.

CRC members are appointed by the Faculty Senate and have either been successful at obtaining funding for their own research or have had experience in reviewing proposals for an agency outside of the College (2006-08 College Handbook, pg. 10). All academic areas of the College are represented equally including: Education; Fine Arts and Humanities; Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; Library; Mathematics and Science; Professional Staff; and Social and Behavioral Sciences. The Associate Director of Research and Sponsored Programs, or designee, is an ex-officio member of the Committee. The College Research Committee also serves as a peer review body for limited proposal submissions.

The campus PDC functions to assure that internal grant programs funded by the State of New York in furtherance of the Agreement between the State of New York and United University Professions (UUP) are awarded consistent with the objectives of the State of New York/UUP Statewide Professional Development Committee. The College president appoints a minimum of three management staff and the campus UUP president appoints a minimum of three UUP members to serve as a joint labor management campus committee for the Individual Development Act and Special Project Fund programs.

Generally, the Internal Grant Programs are administered by RSPO which works in concert with the two Committees. Both Committees recognize that there are differing models of research and creative activity that are appropriate in each area, ranging from quantitative statistical models to more qualitative concepts of research. Past experience of both Committees has shown that there are some areas for which the normal research models are not appropriate. Thus, the guidelines for the IGPs established by the Committees over the years are designed to aid in the evaluation of proposals and to make decisions about support for the work. This is a difficult process and requires that criteria be used so that the limited funds available can be distributed as judiciously and carefully as possible. Ideally, for example, a panel of experts in the discipline would evaluate a person’s proposed work. Any member of a Committee is eligible to submit a proposal but will not participate in the evaluation or ranking of his or her own proposal.

Each of the IGP guidelines is meant to provide a consistent and fair method for arriving at decisions about funding for the various proposals. The committees believe that regardless of discipline it is possible for a person to write a thoughtful proposal expressing the nature of the problem being studied, some background to the project, the specific plan of work to be done, and a section on evaluation or summation of the intent of the proposed activities.

First-time applicants who would like assistance in preparing an IGP application are encouraged to contact the appropriate divisional member of the College Research Committee or campus Professional Development Committee member or the Research and Sponsored Programs Office. RSPO can also assist faculty in trying to match a first-time applicant with an individual who has successfully applied to previous IGP programs. RSPO and the CRC also organize an internal grants workshop each October to share informational strategies on successfully obtaining IGP awards.


Faculty Research Program (FRP)

Purpose: Stimulate research and scholarship among the full time faculty at SUNY Cortland.

Areas: Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities, Arts and Performing Arts

Eligibility: Full time, tenure-track teaching faculty and professional staff.

Deadlines: February 8, 2024

Effective Dates: July 1, 2024 — June 30, 2025

Description:  The intent of the program is to provide funding for new and continuing projects that may lead to future external funding, a published paper and/or have broader impacts on the campus community. Awards generally range between $1,000 and $3,000 and may be used for personal compensation and/or research support. Award recipients receiving a stipend cannot teach more than one session during the summer. New faculty members are especially encouraged to apply. 

24-25 FRP Guidelines

24-25 FRP Application

UUP/Joint Labor Management Grant Programs

The Agreement between United University Professions (UUP) and the State of New York provides special grant opportunities for the professional development needs of SUNY Cortland employees covered under the UUP Bargaining Unit.

The New York State/United University Professions Professional Development Committee administers the Individual Development Awards (IDA) Program and the Calendar Year Employee Leave Program (formerly known as the Special Projects Fund Program). Detailed information about these programs, including eligibility requirements and applications, can be accessed at NYS/UUP Joint Labor-Management CommitteesLink to detailed information about these programs, including eligibility requirements and applications

Locally, SUNY Cortland’s Campus Professional Development Committee (PDC) serves as the peer review body for both of these programs. The PDC consists of three management members appointed by the College President and three UUP members appointed by the UUP Chapter President.

Individual Development Awards Program (IDA)

Effective Dates:

July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

Total Funds:




IDA is intended to assist eligible employees in developing their full professional potential by enhancing teaching, research, improving professional knowledge and skills, and in preparing for advancement by reimbursing the following:

  • Registration fees for conferences/workshops 
  • Travel and related expenses (includes lodging and meals)
  • Tuition at the maximum allowable SUNY rate at time of application.


  • All expenses must be incurred during the time periods above.
  • The maximum award under this program is $2,000.00.
  • Part-time employees are particularly encouraged to apply and are considered first priority.
  • IDA applications are reviewed and awarded on campus by the Cortland PDC. Do not submit to Albany.
  • Signatures of SUNY Cortland President Erik Bitterbaum or UUP Chapter President Jaclyn Pittsley are not required on an IDA application.

Please download the Application and Budget Summary to your personal computer prior to filling out the required information. Application forms are also available in the UUP Chapter Office. Completed applications should be submitted by campus mail to:

United University Professions Office
Moffett Center, B001
Attention: IDA Professional Development Committee

Required application attachments include:

  • A description of the proposed project or activity including:

Type of event, event site, and sponsor.
Whether the employee is presenting a paper or formally participating. If presenting a paper, the title of the paper and nature of the presentation must be provided.
A letter of acceptance of the paper being presented or other proposal. If acceptance is pending, the Campus Professional Development Committee should be notified of its receipt as soon as possible.
How this project or activity will further the employee's professional development or otherwise assist in preparing for advancement.

  • An updated brief curriculum vitae.
  • A brochure, announcement, or other relevant material describing the project or activity. If material is not yet available, information should be sent as soon as possible.

 Note that the PDC may request additional information from any applicant. The Committee will review applications and send notices of award no later than TBD.

Do NOT submit IDA Applications or Budget Summary Forms to Albany.  In addition, neither President Erik Bitterbaum’s signature nor UUP Chapter President Jaclyn Pittsley's signature is needed on any IDA Application.

For more information about the program, contact the UUP office, 607-753-5991 or Dominick Fantacone Director, Research and Sponsored Programs Office, at 753-2511.

Nuala McGann Drescher Affirmative Action Leave Program

*Drescher Leave processes have overlapped with the expiration of the current contractual agreement between UUP and the State of New York.  Negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement are underway. More information will be forthcoming, once a new agreement is ratified.

Nuala McGann Drescher: Guidelines TBD
Nuala McGann Drescher: Application TBD

Who is eligible: Full-time, non-tenured, tenure-track employees who:

  • preference given to minorities, women, employees with disabilities, or an employee with military status.
  • do not have permanent or continuing appointment AND
  • have at least a one-term renewal or prior service credit in a position eligible for permanent or continuing appointment AND
  • serve in positions in the State University Professional Services Negotiating Unit

The New York State/United University Professions Joint Labor/Management Committees (NYS/UUP) office in Albany offers the Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Affirmative Action/Diversity Leave Program for leaves commencing during the Fall 2021 semester. Full-time, non-tenured, tenure-track employees who meet the five bulleted conditions above are eligible to apply. Employees who are nearer their tenure review date will be given particular priority.

The types of support available to a Drescher Leave awardee include: payment of the employee's regular salary by the campus; salary for a replacement; tuition and fees for coursework; registration fees for conferences and workshops; course-related supplies and, travel and related expenses for research or study. Full details of the program are available in the Research and Sponsored Programs Office (RSPO), Miller Building, Room 303, or at the NYS/UUP website.

The SUNY Cortland process for campus endorsement of a proposed Drescher application for a leave is anticipated for announcement in Spring 2022. Any application submitted to Albany will be submitted by SUNY Cortland, not by the applicant.

Applicants should submit a complete application as described here to RSPO. A Complete application to RSPO consists of:

  • a completed Application Form (signed by the applicant, but signatures of the Campus President (or Designee) and UUP Chapter President are not needed);
  • copies of all of the applicant’s appointment letters (initial, renewal(s), and current);
  • a list of other grant support and the value of that other grant support;
  • an eligible project or activity (see below);
  • a detailed timeline with dates for completing various phases of the proposed project or activity;
  • a completed Budget Summary, (signed by the applicant, but signatures of the Campus President (or Designee) and UUP Chapter President are not needed);
  • a signed statement affirmatively stating that the applicant will return to SUNY Cortland for the following semester if awarded a Drescher Leave;
  • a signed statement affirmatively stating that the applicant does or does not elect to stop her or his tenure clock during an awarded Drescher Leave.

Do not include the following elements of the application as described in the program guidelines or on the application when submitting an application to RSPO. The following elements will only be needed for any application submitted by SUNY Cortland to Albany:

  • a signed certification from the campus president or designee attesting that the employee qualifies for eligibility as a minority group member, a woman, an employee with a disability, or a Vietnam-era veteran.
  • a letter of endorsement for full-time leave by the campus president or designee.
  • a signed statement from the campus president or designee indicating the campus's financial contribution of at least 40% of replacement and other leave costs.
  • a financial statement from the campus fiscal officer indicating the cost of salary for a replacement for the duration of the leave.
  • Campus President (or Designee) signature on the application.
  • Campus President (or Designee) signature on the budget summary.
  • UUP Chapter President signature on the application.
  • UUP Chapter President signature on the budget summary.

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and/or designee(s) will review all applications received in RSPO. This process may or may not lead to campus endorsement of one or more proposed applications. Any endorsed application will be forwarded to Albany, with all other required application elements.

Eligible projects or activities are those: that assist the applicant in meeting one or more criteria established in Article XII, Evaluation and Promotion of Academic and Professional Employees, of the Policies of the Board of Trustees; that require full-time leave from professional obligations for at least one semester; and, that can be completed prior to the applicant being reviewed for permanent or continuing appointment. Consideration will be given to areas of Scholarship and Mastery of Specialization including, but not limited to, the following projects or activities:

  • Pure, applied and historical research.
  • Preparation of manuscripts or other materials for publication.
  • Invention or innovation in professional, scientific or technical areas.
  • Residencies to complete credentialing appropriate to the requirements for continuing or permanent appointment.
  • Coursework not covered by Article 49 Program for Tuition Assistance, of the New York State/United University Professions Agreement, or a SUNY tuition waiver.
  • Curriculum development.
  • Grant proposal development.
  • Internships, workshops, and conferences specifically related to the applicant's approved activity.

Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to make their supervisor and departmental chair/supervisor and departmental/unit colleagues aware of their intention to apply for a Drescher Leave so that the department/unit has ample time to consider how best to maintain optimal operations during the leave if granted.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact RSPO or call the office at ext. 2511.