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Award Opportunities

Dr. Peter A. Di Nardo '68 and Judith Waring 2023 Outstanding Achievement in Research Award

This competitive award will be given to faculty or professional staff members whose sustained record of research achievements are deemed outstanding among others on this campus. Evidence for research achievements may include accomplishments in all the creative and performing arts as well as traditionally considered scholarly productivity and publications. The Awardee will be selected based upon at least five years of research related activities at SUNY Cortland. An outstanding record of peer reviewed publications and or creative activities (i.e. juried exhibitions) and evidence of reputation and recognition in the field (i.e. invited presentations) are the most important criteria considered for this award. Additional criteria include a record of external support for research activity, and inclusion and mentoring of students in research. The Awardee(s) will receive a $1,000 award and recognition at a Transformations event as a keynote speaker held on April 27, 2023. 


Candidates for the Dr. Peter A. Di Nardo '68 and Judith Waring Outstanding Achievement in Research Award will be drawn from full-time tenure-track faculty (including library faculty) and professional staff members. Past awardees are not eligible for this award.

Nomination for Award

Self-nominations and nominations from other SUNY Cortland faculty and professional staff will be accepted. The names and departments of nominees should be submitted to the OARA Nomination Form link by  November 14, 2022. RSPO will notify nominees of their recommendation by November 17, 2022.  


Those who self-nominate or accept a nomination for the Dr. Peter A. Di Nardo ’68 and Judith Waring 2023 Outstanding Achievement in Research Award will be asked to submit a nomination packet of materials that consists of: 1) a letter of recommendation or support; 2) a personal statement from the applicant that provides sufficient detail and justification in order to evaluate a nominees’ excellence in research (2 page maximum); and 3) a vita. The nomination packet of materials will be forwarded to the College Research Committee for review and recommendation of selected Awardee to the Provost no later than January 27, 2022.

  1. Announcement and call for nominations, October 25, 2022.
  2. Nominations and self-nominations accepted by RSPO through November 14, 2022.
  3. Nominees for the award will be notified and provided with nomination materials link on November 17,2022.
  4. Nominee packet of materials must be submitted to the OARA Materials link by  January 5, 2022.
  5. The College Research Committee will evaluate nomination packet materials and make a recommendation to the Provost by January 27, 2022.
  6. Provost notification of the award to the recipient by February 3, 2022.

SUNY Cortland extends true appreciation to the late Dr. Peter A. Di Nardo '68 and Judith Waring for endowing the award enabling recognition of outstanding performance in research for many years to come.

Please contact RSPO at extension X2511 if you have any questions or need additional information.

2023 Outstanding Achievement in Faculty Service Award

The intent of the Outstanding Achievement in Faculty Service Award (OAFSA) is to acknowledge the service contributions of teaching faculty. This award will be given to faculty whose record of service is deemed outstanding among others on this campus and is above and beyond what constitutes normal service activity at the College. Such excellence in service shall be defined as a distinguished level of service sustained above the normal expectation for advancement in rank. The nature of service must be sustained for at least five years and may include accomplishments in administrative work, service to off-campus populations, contributions to institutional change, institutional research, outreach to the community, external reviews, or other venues. The selection committee will also take into consideration demonstrated leadership and outreach activities on the campus, regionally or state-wide and the personal contributions of time in effectively promoting positive change through dedicated service activities. Distinguished SUNY Service Professors and Chancellor Awardees of Excellence in Service are not eligible for nomination since they have already been recognized for their exemplary contributions through College nominations to the SUNY System.


Candidates for the 2023 Outstanding Achievement in Faculty Service Award (OAFSA) will be drawn from full-time tenured and non-tenure-track teaching faculty (including library faculty) and full-time lecturers whose responsibilities include at least 50% teaching. The teaching criterion relates to all nominees, not just lecturers. A candidate must also have been employed at SUNY Cortland for at least five years.


Nominations will be accepted by submitting letters of nomination or recommendation that are addressed to Provost Mark Prus and forwarded to the Research and Sponsored Programs Office (RSPO). The nomination material will consist of a letter of nomination/recommendation (in hard copy or by email) that provides sufficient detail and justification in order to evaluate a nominees' excellence in service.

The RSPO will notify candidates of their nomination. Candidates will be requested to forward two additional items that will constitute a nomination packet: 1) A copy of the candidate's vita, and 2) the inclusion of a short (2 page maximum) letter of support from an individual who can attest to the ways in which the candidate fulfills the OAFSA criteria. The individual writing the letter of support may also be the author of the original nomination letter. The nomination packet of candidates will be forwarded by the RSPO to a review committee. Self-nominations cannot be accepted.


  1. Announcement and call for nominations
  2. Nominations submitted to RSPO
  3. Nominee packet of materials to RSPO
  4. Selection Committee Review
  5. Awardee notification

Selected Awardee

The OAFSA selection committee is comprised of Distinguished SUNY Cortland Service Professors and Chancellor Award recipients who will make a recommendation of a successful candidate to the Provost. The successful candidate will receive a $1,000 award and recognition at a campus reception to be held in the fall.


Please contact the Research and Sponsored Programs Office at extension X2511 if there are questions about this award.