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Faith/Non Faith

One of the focuses of the office is facilitating and creating spaces for faith and non-faith conversations, observances and educational opportunities. Please check the webpage for events and contact information for faith/non-faith opportunities and informational sessions.


Hillel sponsors Chanukah celebration and Passover Seder events. Interested students are encouraged to attend religious services and High Holiday Services at the local synagogue.
Temple Brith Sholom (located at 117 Madison St., Cortland)

Muslim Chaplaincy

Dr. Kassim Kone, Muslim Chaplain

Muslim Friday prayers held in Interfaith Center Library at 1 p.m.

Catholic Campus Ministry

Tricia Wilder, Catholic Campus Ministry Director

During the academic year, Mass is celebrated at 5 p.m. on Sunday nights at O’Heron Newman Hall Catholic Chapel. We strongly encourage student involvement through sharing of their gifts and talents. Students can participate in the liturgy as music ministers, lectors, ushers, and Eucharistic ministers.

Learn more about SUNY Cortland's Catholic community and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Newman Club

The Newman Club is a Catholic based student club that meets every Monday night at 7:30. The club meets for movie nights, praying the Rosary, game nights and dinners. Students in the club also get together once a semester for a retreat with other local SUNY Catholic groups. You can stay up to date with our events on GroupMe.

Secular Student Alliance

The Secular Student Alliance meets on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at The Interfaith Center.

The goals of the organization are to:

  • Provide a safe and welcoming environment for atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, rationalists, freethinkers, etc. to gather and socialize
  • Increase awareness of atheism and related issues in the SUNY Cortland community
  • Serve the Cortland community through volunteer work
  • Engage in honest, respectful discussion with faith/non-faith members of the community. 

For more information, contact Alex Mazzola at or Professor Emeritus Stephen Wilson.

Protestant and Interfaith Campus Ministry

Please contact

Interim Campus Ministry at SUNY Cortland
The Interfaith Center
7 Calvert St.
Cortland, NY 13045
Office: 607-753-1002