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Bias-Related Incident Report

Bias Related Incident Reporting Form

If you have been impacted by or witnessed a bias-related incident, you can report the information below. 

Report an Incident

What should be reported on this form?

This form is available for the reporting of bias related incidents, including, but not limited to bias related to (dis)ability, age, ethnicity, gender/sexism, gender identity/expression, nationality/immigration status, physical appearance, race, faith/non-faith, sexual orientation, and/or socio-economic status/class.

What should not be reported on this form?

Do not use this form to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. If you require emergency assistance, please contact the University Police Department at 607-753-2111 or for off campus incidents call 911.

Will this be anonymous?

Those wishing to be kept anonymous can choose not to identify themselves. Those looking for follow up from a SUNY Cortland administrator should identify themselves. Either way of reporting is very helpful in creating the healthy cultural environment we have as set as a goal a priority at SUNY Cortland. You will see that the form offers both the anonymous and the identifiable options for reporting. We will make every effort to protect the privacy of all involved, but the information you provide in completing this form is not confidential and may be shared as necessary for us to take the appropriate action.

Who should use this form

Anyone in our campus community can report a bias related incident as it relates to SUNY Cortland. You do not have to be a student/faculty/staff member of SUNY Cortland for you to disrupt bias related behaviors in our campus community.

What happens after I fill out this form?

All information will be sent to our Chief Diversity Officer and shared with the Affirmative Action Officer, in the case of alleged faculty/staff involvement, or the Student Conduct Officer in the case of alleged student involvement. Information will be shared with other areas (Title IX, Residential Life and Housing, President/Cabinet, etc.) if warranted.
The reporting of bias-related experiences is helpful in assessing climate and setting community expectations for the treatment of others. Perpetrators of biased related incidents may face student conduct or human resources action. The faculty or staff person who receives this report will offer support, assistance, and guidance to the impacted persons and will insure that proper campus authorities are notified. A list of campus resources is included at the end of the form.

We at SUNY Cortland are committed to mitigating behavior and conditions that work against the richness of a diverse and inclusive community. Biased related incidents on the SUNY Cortland campus are of great concern for all members of the campus community. A bias related incident not only impacts people at an individual level, it negatively impacts our entire community.