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Faculty Grants
Baroni, T. J. 1989 Boletes in northeastern America. $800. Buffalo Museum of Science.
Baroni, T. J. 1986 Floristic survey of fleshy fungi of northeastern North America. $2,700. Buffalo Museum of Science.
Baroni, T. J. 1984 A biological control agent of the gypsy moth. $467. Faculty Research Program, SUNY Cortland.
Cirmo, C.P. 2000-2005 Establishment of water resources curricula and infrastructure at SUNY Cortland. Component of Title III Grant.
Cirmo, C.P. 1999-2000 Nitrate dynamics in the Hoxie Gorge creek watershed during base flow and storm events. $4,000. Faculty Research Program, SUNY Cortland.
Cirmo, C.P. 1999-2000 Temporal and spatial trends in concentration/discharge (C/Q) hysteresis in eastern streams. $2516. Faculty Research Program, SUNY Cortland.
Ducey, P.K., Miller, W., Miller, D., Broyles, S., and Klotz, R.L. 2009-2012  Creation of Biogeographic Database for NYS Herp Atlas Information. NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. $75,000 
Ducey, P.K. 2004-2007 Amphibian and Reptile Conservation in New York: Investigative Research and Protocol Development. NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation. $119,000 
Ducey, P.K. 2003 Herpetofaunal population recovery in the Onondaga Lake ecosystem. United States Environmental Protection Agency. (Hoxie Gorge was a control site). $24,000
Ducey, P.K. 2000 Monitoring herpetofaunal changes with remediation efforts in Onondaga Lake ecosystem. United States Environmental Protection Agency. (Hoxie Gorge was a control site). $30,000 
Ducey, P.K. 1999 Status and ecological roles of amphibians and reptiles in the Great Lakes drainage basin. Great Lakes Research Consortium. $7,000
Ducey, P.K. 1998 Ecological relations and distribution of the invasive flatworm Bipalium adventitious.
. Faculty Research Program, SUNY Cortland. $2,400 
Ducey, P.K. 1998 Range limitations of amphibian distributions in central New York State. NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation. $900. 
Ducey, P.K. 1997 Squamate distributions and ecology in central New York. NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation. $900. 
Ducey, P.K. 1995 Field distributions of terrestrial salamanders. Faculty Research Program, SUNY Cortland. $2,400. 
Ducey, P.K. 1993 Ecological interactions among sympatric salamanders. Research Incentive Grant Grant Program, SUNY Cortland. $1,000. 
Fitzgerald, T. D. 2004  Novel use of a pheromone mimic to mask the trail-based communication system of colonies of caterpillars to promote their disintegration and collapse. CSREES National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program. $ 97,172.
Fitzgerald, T. D. 1993-1996 Trail following in the eastern tent caterpillar. $199,995. NSF.
Fitzgerald, T. D. 1989-1991 Trail marking behavior of the eastern tent caterpillar. $97,000 NSF (Psychobiology).
Fitzgerald, T. D. 1989 Role of silk in leaf-shelter building behavior of caterpillars. $3,000. Faculty Research Program, SUNY Cortland.
Gustafson, J.A., G. McDermott, and C. Lewis 1981-1982 Field science development at Hoxie Gorge. National Science Foundation Grant for Comprehensive Assistance to Undergraduate Science Education. $79,964 from NSF, $49,780 from SUNY Matching Funds, Total $122,744.
Klotz, R. L. and S.B. Broyles 2003-2004  Reproductive success of grassland birds in native Vs. non-native grasses. Faculty Research Program. SUNY Cortland. $3,126. 
Klotz, R. L.  2001 New Nature Guide for Hoxie Gorge. Auxiliary Service Corporation, SUNY Cortland. $1,000. 
Klotz, R. L. 1997-1998 Influence of beaver ponds on cycling of organic phosphorus. $2,980. Faculty Research Program, SUNY Cortland.
Klotz, R. L.  1996 Adventure Course for Hoxie Gorge. Auxiliary Services Corporation. 
Klotz, R. L., T. Baroni, S. Broyles, and P. Ducey. 1994-1996 Quantitative and experimental investigations for field and environmental biology. $15,118. NSF.
Klotz, R. L. 1992-1995 The impact of beaver on the cycling of phosphorus in streams. $110,142. NSF.
Klotz, R. L. 1988-1989 Nitrogen and denitrification in Hoxie Gorge Creek. $3,188. Faculty Research Program, SUNY Cortland.
Klotz, R. L. 1988-1989 Trail improvement at Hoxie Gorge. Auxiliary Services Corporation. 
Klotz, R. L. 1985-1988 Regulation and importance of alkaline phosphatases and enzymehydrolyzable phosphorus in streams. $74,307. NSF Grant No. BSR-8500225.
Klotz, R. L. 1985 Research Matching Fund Program Grant. $6,923. The Research Foundation of SUNY.
Klotz, R. L. 1982-1983 Phosphatase activity and algal growth in agricultural and wooded stream. $495. Faculty Research Program, SUNY Cortland.
Klotz, R. L. 1980-1981 Watershed effects on river function. $460. Faculty Research Program, SUNY Cortland
Student Grants
Aaroe, C. 1996 Effects of alterations in streamflow on distributions of streamside salamanders in New York State. $250. Upstate Herpetological Association.
Chodkowski, N. 2009 SUNY Cortland Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Hearn, K. 2010 SUNY Cortland Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Noce, S. 1995 New York State Museum.
Schramm, K. 1993 Upstate Herpetological Association.
Journal publications of research fully or partially conducted at the Hoxie Gorge property.
Aaroe, C. 1997 Streamside salamander distribution along altered sections of Hoxie Gorge Creek. Herp Beat 7(2):1-5.
Baroni, T. J. and R. E. Halling. 1989 New York State Agarica. I. Memoirs New York Botanical Garden. 49:173-180.
Breisch, A.R. and P.K. Ducey.  2003 Lake pond and stream salamanders of New York State. NYS Conservationist 57 (5):15-18.
Breisch, A.R. and P.K. Ducey.  2003  Woodland and pond salamanders of New York State. NYS Conservationist 57 (6):16-19.
Broyles, S.B., S. L. Sherman-Broyles. 1997 Evidence of Outcrossing in Trillium erectum and Trillium gradiflorum (Liliaceae). The Journal of Heredity 88:825-329.
Ducey, P. K., K. Schramm and N. Cambry. 1994 Interspecific aggression between the sympatic salamanders, Ambystoma macultum and Plethodon cinereus. Amer. Mid. Naturalist 131:320-329.
Ducey, P.K. and S. Noce. 1998 Successful invasion of New York State by the terrestrial flatworm Bipalium adventitium. Northeastern Naturalist 5:199-206.
Ducey, P.K., M. Messere, K. LaPoint, and S. Noce. 1999 Lumbricid prey and potential herpetefaunal predators of the invading terrestrial flatworm Bipalium adventitium. American Midland Naturalist 141:305-314.
Ducey, P.K., L-J West, G. Shaw, and J. Selisle. 2005 Reproductive ecology and evolution in the invasive terrestrial planarian Bipalium adventitium across North America. Pedobiologia 49:367-377
Edgerly, J. S. and T. D. Fitzgerald. 1982 An investigation of behavioral variability within colonies of the eastern tent caterpillar Malacosoma americanum (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). J. Kans. Entomol. Soc. 55:145-155.
Fiore, C., J.L. Tull, S Zehner, and P.K. Ducey. 2004 Tracking and predation on earthworms by the invasive terrestrial planarian Bipalium adventitium (Tricladida, Platyhelminthes). Behavioural Processes 67(3):327-334.
Fitzgerald, T. D. 2008 Larvae of the fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea, inhibit cyanogenesis in Prunus serotina. J. Experimental Biology 211:671-677. 
 Fitzgerald, T. D. 2008   Use of pheromone mimic to cause the disintegration and collapse of colonies of tent caterpillars (Malacosoma spp.). J. Applies Entomology 211:671-677.
Fitzgerald, T. D., T. M. Casey, and B. Joos. 1988 Daily foraging schedule of field colonies of the eastern tent caterpillar Malacosoma americanum. Oecologia 76:574-578.
Fitzgerald, T. D. and S. C. Peterson. 1988 Cooperative foraging and communication in social caterpillars. BioScience 38(1):20-25.
Fitzgerald, T. D. and J. T. Costa. 1986 Trail-based communication and foraging behavior of young colonies of the forest tent caterpillar Malacosoma disstria Hubn. (Hepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am 79:999-1007.
Fitzgerald, T. D. 1983 Caterpillar on a silken thread. Nat. Hist. 92:56-63.
Fitzgerald, T. D. and D. E. Willer. 1983 Tent building behavior of the eastern tent caterpillar Malacosoma americanum (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). J. Kans. Entomol. Soc. 56:20-31.
Fitzgerald, T. D. and S. C. Peterson. 1983 Elective recruitment communication by the eastern tent caterpillar (Malacosoma americanum). Anim. Behav. 32:417-42.
Fitzgerald, T. D. and J. S. Edgerly. 1982 Site of secretion of the trail marker of the eastern tent caterpillar. J. Chem. Ecol. 8:31-39.
Fitzgerald, T. D. 1980 An analysis of daily foraging patterns of laboratory colonies of the eastern tent caterpillar, Malacosoma americanum (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), recorded photoelectronically. Can. Ent. 112:731-738.
Fitzgerald, T. D. and J. S. Edgerly. 1979 Specificity of trail markers of forest and eastern tent caterpillars. J. Chem. Ecol. 5:564-574.
Fitzgerald, T. D. and J. S. Edgerly. 1979 Exploration and recruitment in field colonies of the eastern tent caterpillar. J. Georgia Entomol. Soc. 14:312-314.
Fitzgerald, T. D. 1976 Trail marking by larvae of the eastern tent caterpillar. Science 194:961- 93.
Fitzgerald, T. D. and E. M. Gallagher. 1976 A chemical trail factor from the silk of the eastern tent caterpillar Malacosoma americanum (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). J. Chem. Ecol.2:564-574.
Gibbs, J.P., A.R. Breisch, P.K. Ducey, G. Johnson, J.L. Behler and R.C. Bothner 2007 Amphibians and Reptiles of New York State: Identification, Natural History, and Conservation. Oxford University Press
Joos, B., T. M. Casey, T. D. Fitzgerald and W. A. Buttemer. 1988 Roles of the tent in behavioral thermoregulation of eastern tent caterpillars. Ecology 69(6):2004-2011.
Klotz, R. L. 1998 The influence of beaver ponds on the phosphorus concentration of stream water. Can. J. Fish. Aquatic Sci. 55:1228-1235.
Klotz, R. L. 1992 Factors influencing alkaline phosphatase activity of stream epilithon. J. Freshwat. Ecol. 7:233-242.
Klotz, R. L. 1991 Temporal relation between soluble reactive phosphorus and factors in stream water and sediments in Hoxie Gorge Creek, New York. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 48:84- 90.
Klotz, R. L. 1991 Cycling of phosphatase hydrolyzable phosphorus in streams. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 48:1460-1467.
Klotz, R. L. 1988 Sediment control of soluble reactive phosphorus in Hoxie Gorge Creek, new York. Can. J. Fish Aquat. Sci. 45:2026-2034.
Klotz, R. L. 1985 Factors controlling phosphorus limitation in stream sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 30:543-553.
Klotz, R. L. 1985 Influence of light on the alkaline phosphatase activity of Selenastrum capricornutum (Chlorophyceae) in streams. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 42:384-388.
LaBare, K.M., S.B. Broyles and R.L. Klotz. 2000 Exploring nectar biology to learn about pollinators. The American Biology Teacher 42:292-296
Miller, S. 1999 Hybridization between Desmognathus fuscus and Desmognathus ochrophaeus in central New York. Herp Beat 10 (3):1-4.
Songster-Alpin, M. S. and R. L. Klotz. 1995 A comparison of electron transport system (ETS) activity in stream and beaver pond sediments. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 52 :1318-1326.
Wheeler, B. and P.K. Ducey 2008 Eurycea bislineata. Habitat usage. Herpetological Review 39(4):455.
Student research projects utilizing Hoxie Gorge (only a partial listing).
Effects of alterations in streamflow on salamander distributions along Hoxie Gorge creek Candice Aaroe
Histochemistry of Resinomycena rhododendri Amy Bryan
Wetlands Analysis at Hoxie Gorge: Ongoing Investigations Amanda Bubotltz and Rachel Hutchinson
Paper chromatography and urea detection in some members of the Entolomataceae P. Carey
Culture technique and growth studies on Entolomataceae Phillip Carey
Hybridization between species of Viola Michelle Dean
Population genetics of Mitchella repens Jackie and JoAnne DeLisle
Dynamics of stormflow hydrology and chemistry C.Doroski, P. Walter, S. Idzik, W. Wasilawsk
Culturing of Marasmius resinosa Gary Genna
Culturing of mushrooms of Hoxie Gorge Scott Gordon
Fungus insect relationships: biological control of the gypsy moth? Brenda Griffin
Experimental mushroom culture using Lepista nuda Gene Kleinsmith
Mating studies on Mycena leaiana Allison Lindquist
Hybridization in Ambystoma Salamanders Scott Miller
Ecology of Bipalium adventitium, and invasive flatworm. Stacey Noce
Analysis of the lichen flora of Hoxie Gorge Michael Rubin
The effects of different types of growth media on the growth rate of Pleurotus ostreatus Daniel Tinney
Paleohydraulic analysis of the 2006 and 2009 flash floods in Hoxie Gorge, NY Amanda Van Vorce
Population studies on Mycena leaiana Steve Wormsley
Concentration/discharge trends in baseline stream chemistry Flavia Wood