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Degree Requirements

Q: What's the difference between the BS and the BA for AEM/AEMW majors?
A: See below

  • Required math courses: no difference
  • Required education courses: no difference
  • Foreign language: BA-AEM requires the 202 level, BS-AEM requires the 102 level
  • Science
    • BA-AEM students must only satisfy the general education science requirement (2 courses)
    • BS-AEM students must satisfy the above and also satisfy the physical science requirement - 7 credit hours chosen from CHE 227, CHE 228, CHE 277, CHE 278, GLY 261, GLY 262, PHY 150, PHY 151, PHY 155, PHY 201, PHY 202.
    • The physical science requirement satisfies the general education requirement, but not vice versa.

Q: What's the difference between the BS and the BA for MAT majors?
A: See below

  • Required math courses: both programs have a core of 27 credit hours in math (135,236,237,224,272,370,420 and MCS 186). BA-MAT needs 9 hours of MAT electives (all at 300+ level); BS-MAT needs 15 hours of MAT electives (only 9 at 300+ level)
  • Foreign language: BA-MAT requires 202, BS-MAT requires 101
  • Science: Same as for AEM majors (see above). BS students must satisfy the physical science requirement

Q: How do I change from BA to BS, or from MAT to AEM?
A: Fill out a change of major form, available in the math department office.

Q: What does the "W" in AEMW mean?
A: It means "waiting." All students entering a teacher education program begin on the waiting list. Students who have completed 30 credit hours with a GPA of at least 2.5 (overall, in the major, and in professional preparation courses) will be invited to apply for admission to the program. If there are issues such as violations of the Student Code of Conduct, the application is reviewed by the Teacher Education Council Review Committee (TECRC). If the application is approved, the W will be removed from the major code. Please note that students on the waiting list are not eligible to enroll in methods courses (AED 392, AED 492) or student teaching (AED 493, AED 494).


Transfer Credits

Q. I have AP credit for calculus I, but I want to take MAT 135. Can I do this?
A. Yes, but you will be giving up 4 hours of transfer credits. Discuss this with your advisor before making a decision.

Q: I think that the number of transfer credits on my Degree Works report is wrong. What can I do?
A: Check with the Transfer Credit Coordinator in Advisement and Transition. Make sure that you have requested that transcripts from other institutions be sent to SUNY Cortland. Only courses with grades of C- or higher are eligible. Make sure that you have not exceeded the maximum number of hours that can be transferred (64 hours from community colleges, 79 hours total from both 2- year and 4-year schools.)

Q. I think that I received transfer credit for the wrong course. (For example, I took a course that I thought would count for MCS 186, but on my Degree Works report, it just shows CAP 1xx.) What should I do?
A: Check the transfer course equivalency chart. If you don't find your school or your course, check with your advisor or the Transfer Credit Coordinator. If you think that there is an error involving a mathematics course, contact the department chair. If it involves some other course, contact the associate dean.

Q. Can I take a summer course and transfer it back to Cortland?
A. Yes, provided that you have not already exceeded the maximum number of transfer hours. Also remember that you must take 50% of your major requirements at Cortland. You need to fill out the Permission to Transfer Credit From Another Institution form BEFORE you take the class. Check the transfer course equivalency chart to make sure that the course you want to take will transfer in correctly. If you don't find your school or your course, check with your advisor or the Transfer Credit Coordinator in Advisement and Transition.

Course Substitutions

Q. I took EDU 449 (or LIT 549) but my Degree Works report lists the requirement as LIT 449. What should I do?
A. Fill out a course substitution form.

General Education

Q. I'm a transfer student. What GE courses can I waive?
A. Categories 1-10 are the SUNY GE requirements. None of these can be waived. You might be able to waive Categories 11 (Prejudice and Discrimination), or 12 (Science Technology and Society) depending on the number of hours you brought in. You should have filled out a form at orientation indicating how many waivers you are entitled to.

Q. My U.S. History Regents score was 85. Does this take care of the SUNY GE 04 requirement?
A. No. It just gives you more choices about what course you can take to fulfill it.

Q. My Degree Works report says that the SUNY General Education Foreign Language Requirement is met. Why did my advisor tell me that I need to take more foreign language?
A. The SUNY requirement is the minimal requirement that all students must complete the 101 level. If you are in a teacher education program, you need to complete the 102 level. If you are in a BA program, you need to complete the 202 level.

Course Retakes

Q. I received an incomplete grade in a course last semester. Do I need to sign up for the course again this semester?
A. No. Work with your previous instructor to complete all course requirements, and then the instructor will file a removal of incomplete to change your grade.

Q. I failed a class at Cortland last semester. Can I retake it at my local community college this semester?
A. Yes, but it will not improve your GPA. The only way to replace the failing grade in your GPA calculation is to retake the course at Cortland.

Q. If I retake a class to improve my grade, will my GPA be changed automatically?
A. No. You must file a retake form.

Q. If I retake a class but get a lower grade, can I still use the first grade in my GPA calculation?
A. No. The last grade received will be used in your GPA calculation.

Student Teaching

Q. Can I take courses while I student teach?
A. No.

Q. Can I student teach during the summer?
A. No.


Q. The total credit hours on my Degree Works report seems too high. Is this possible?
A. Yes. The total hours shown on your Degree Works report assumes successful completion of all courses that you are currently taking. If you are repeating any courses for a better grade, the total is not adjusted until you have a grade for the retake.