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Undergraduate Courses


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Computer Science

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Adolescence Education

  • AED 391 Introduction to Adolescence Education
  • AED 392 Methods I: Teaching Adolescence Mathematics
  • AED 399 Mathematics Practicum
  • AED 492 Methods II: Field Experiences in Adolescence Mathematics
  • AED 493 Student Teaching: Adolescence Mathematics I
  • AED 494 Student Teaching: Adolescence Mathematics II

Graduate Courses


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Adolescence Education

AED 540 Technologies in the Adolescence Mathematics Classroom
AED 601 Methods I: Teaching Adolescence Mathematics
AED 602 Methods II: Field Experiences in Adolescence Mathematics
AED 640 Seminar in Teaching Adolescence Mathematics
AED 693 Student Teaching: Adolescence Mathematics I
AED 694 Student Teaching: Adolescence Mathematics II
MAT 101 - Concepts of Elementary School Mathematics I
MAT 102 - Concepts of Elementary School Mathematics II
MAT 105 - Mathematics in Modern Society
MAT 111 - Algebra for College Students
MAT 115 - Precalculus
MAT 121 - Calculus A
MAT 122 - Calculus B
MAT 129 - Special Topics in Mathematics
MAT 135 - Calculus I
MAT 201 - Statistical Methods
MAT 224 - Mathematical Reasoning and Proof
MAT 229 - Special Topics in Mathematics
MAT 236 - Calculus II
MAT 237 - Calculus III
MAT 272 - Linear Algebra
MAT 329 - Special Topics in Mathematics
MAT 331 - Combinatorics and Graph Theory
MAT 336 - Differential Equations
MAT 350 - Theory of Numbers
MAT 354 - Numerical Analysis I
MAT 370 - Algebraic Structures I
MAT 375 - Geometry I
MAT 420 - Real Analysis
MAT 425 - Methods of Applied Mathematics
MAT 429 - Special Topics in Mathematics
MAT 446 - Probability and Statistics
MAT 480 - History of Mathematics
MAT 495 - Readings in Mathematical Literature
MAT 501 - Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
MAT 502 - Topics in Geometry and Number Theory
MAT 511 - Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics
MAT 529 - Special Topics in Mathematics
MAT 537 - Complex Analysis
MAT 558 - Applications from Mathematical Statistics
MAT 567 - Topology