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Scott Suhr

Scott Suhr, a part-time laboratory animal caretaker for more than 20 years for the Biological Sciences Department, died at home in 2021. Suhr, 73, has been described as a gentleman and integral part of the department since 1999 who was devoted to its animals.

He didn’t drive and would walk from his other job baking donuts at Tops Supermarket to campus and from there to his home in Cortland.

“Scott was always there, a rock that helped hold our Animal Room together,” recalls colleague Andrew Funk, instructional support technician, biology. He possessed a bachelor of arts degree from University of Wisconsin.

“Scott was a unique individual with a quick and intellectual mind that not everyone noticed,” Funk continued. “Always concerned about the animals under his care he still made time when he saw me to inquire about my world and my state of being.

“To my knowledge Scott did not have many friends or relatives in the area, but here he will certainly be very much missed.  Please join me in raising a positive thought for him when you have time today.”