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Preadmission Physical Examinations

All intercollegiate athletes are required to have a physical examination PRIOR to the beginning of practice or tryouts. This ideally should be done by your primary physician or other health care provider at home. This is especially important if you have any chronic medical conditions. 

Physicals must be completed within 6 months of the beginning of your sport tryouts or practice for all intercollegiate athletes. International student athletes must also have a physical within 6 months of admission. A copy of the physical must be provided to the Student Health Service prior to beginning of tryouts or practice.

When your health care provider performs your examination, please have them complete and sign the REQUIRED PreParticipation Physical Evaluation Form. This is the ONLY form that will be accepted, and it MUST be completed entirely and signed by your health care provider.  This form should then be MAILED or FAXED to Student Health Services. You will NOT be allowed to practice or tryout until this form is completed and delivered to Student Health Service.  In addition, you must complete all of the other required forms for new students.  Please see the New Students information page at the link on the right.

Important! Sickle Cell Trait Testing

As of January 2013, NCAA rules state that ALL Division III intercollegiate athletes must have a sickle cell trait test performed BEFORE beginning practice or tryouts for an intercollegiate sport team. Athletes may provide proof of a prior test, such as a newborn screen, from their primary care provider at the time of their birth or may have a test performed by their primary care provider before beginning sport activities.

Proof of this test must be provided to the Student Health Service and the Athletic Training Department prior to any tryouts or practice. More information is available on the Athletics Department website.

Students born in NYS can request sickle cell results by going to

Please allow two weeks for results to be sent. 


All intercollegiate athletes are REQUIRED by the NCAA to carry health insurance that covers injuries up to $90,000. You must provide proof of coverage before you can begin practice or tryouts. 

Additional Information

MRSA is preventable by using basic hygiene. These principles are especially important for athletes. Do not share equipment, towels, razors, etc. with anyone else. Keep all wounds covered with appropriate bandages whenever practicing or playing. Visit the Athletic Training staff or the Student Health Service for assistance with any wounds or potentially infectious skin problems.