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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use counseling?

Anyone! Life can be stressful at times, especially in college. It is during these difficult times when you may be feeling overwhelmed that you can reach out to the counseling center for support.

How can counseling help?

  • By providing a safe, accepting and confidential environment where you can discuss your concerns and feelings.
  • By developing a trusting relationship with a trained professional.
  • By gaining a new perspective on your difficulties and planning new ways to address them.

What happens after I walk through the door?

You'll find yourself in our waiting area where you will be met by our receptionist. You can either make an appointment for a future time with a specific counselor, or, if it is an emergency, you can be seen on a walk-in basis as soon as a counselor is available. Counselors have their own offices so that you may talk in comfortable privacy in person or via Webex. On the average, an interview lasts about fifty minutes, with you and your counselor deciding about any future appointments.

Is it confidential?

The counseling center relationship and what we share is kept confidential. It is part of our professional obligation. The only legal exception to confidentiality is when clear and imminent danger exists for you or others. In those circumstances the counselor must take reasonable personal action to insure safety and survival.

Do I have to take any tests?

That's your choice. "Test" is a misleading word and often holds a lot of negative connotations for students. The instruments we have available are not what you might find in classes. Rather, they are general assessments of interests, aptitudes, abilities, and methods of personal/social adjustment. There aren't any grades-they're not even pass/fail! They are simply tools to help you better understand different aspects of yourself.

Are there self-help resources available on the web?

Of course there are! But, if things just seem to be too much, don't hesitate to stop in and see us or just give us a call. We're here to help.

ULifeline not only helps with those hard to handle issues, but does so with the college student in mind.