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RSP form/roommate group

  • The problem: I can’t find person to request as roommate
  • Solutions:
    • They didn’t do their RSP form; talk to your desired roommate about completing the form before the deadline 
    • They are a new student- only current students are eligible for room selection
  • The problem: My roommate group includes a new student, but I can't add them to my group
  • Solutions:
    • Only current students are eligible to be in your roommate group
    • Request a current student

Choosing a room

  • The problem: The system says no rooms available
  • Solutions:
    • Don’t filter search by specific hall or room type; this way it searches for all rooms available for that person
    • Your roommate group may be too large for spaces available (i.e. all suites have been selected); deselect people from group to only the person you want to live with.
      • Having the correct group size for a quad, suite or apartment does not guarantee you a quad, suite or apartment; once all suites have been chosen you will have to break your group down into sub-groups to choose single, double or triple rooms
  • The problem: The system says one or more of my roommates are not part of this selection and were removed from my roommate list
  • Solutions:
    • To live with everyone in your group, you must all be in the same selection; change the selection
    • All students, except graduate students, General Room Selection
  • The problem: The system says my roommate request doesn’t match and will only let me browse available rooms
  • Solutions:
    • Confirm or deny pending roommate request