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Refresher Training Video - Recorded December 16, 2021

  • Topics covered:
    • Purchasing Hierarchy
    • Preferred Sources (who they are, what they sell, when to use them)
    • P-Card (Unauthorized Purchases and Misuse or Abuse)
    • Supplier Diversity

Travel Training PowerPoint

  • Topics covered:
    • Airline Tickets
    • Travel Authorization
    • Car Rentals
    • Conference Registration Fees
    • Day Trip Mean Reimbursement
    • Hotel Reservations
    • Over-the-Max Lodging Request
    • Personal Car Mileage
    • Travel Advances
    • Per Diem Rates
    • Travel Voucher


Travel Reimbursement

Employee Travel

Travel Authorization Form – To be completed at least 2 weeks prior to departure.

  1. Travel Advances
    1. Allowed for Meals, Lodging, and/or Airfare (but not less than $75 total) and must be indicated on Travel Authorization
      1. Meals & Lodging – advance paid 2 weeks before departure
      2. Airfare – advance paid 4 weeks before departure
      3. Advances that exceed the actual travel reimbursement must be refunded and a check made payable to “SUNY Cortland” within 30 days of return.
  2. Who needs to sign?

☐ Traveler

☐ Traveler’s Supervisor

☐ Dean's AA or VP

☐ If traveling outside of NYS or international, Provost will need to sign (for Academic Affairs).

        1. Foreign Travel

Conference Registration Fees

  1. If registration fees can be prepaid, Dept. AA should prepay this with their p-card.
  2. If registration fees cannot be prepaid, then traveler will pay when they arrive.

☐ Modes of Transportation

  1. Airline
    1. Check multiple airlines for times and dates of travel for best price available.
      1. Can be included with Travel Advance (up to 4 weeks prior to departure).
  2. Car Rental (State Contract)
    1. Enterprise – Contact Travel Administrator at or x2306 for direct billing account #.
    2. Hertz – Contact Travel Administrator at or x2306 to make the reservation for you.
    3. Rental FAQs
  3. Personal Vehicle
    1. ☐ Must complete an OGS Trip Calculator
      1. Traveler will be reimbursed the lesser of the cost of a rental car or driving their own personal vehicle according to OGS Trip Calculator.

          Per Diem Rates

          1. ☐ Meals

          Day Trip

              1. Leave at or before 7:00 AM, entitled to breakfast (see website for current rates)
              2. Return at or after 7:00 PM. entitled to dinner (see website for current rates)

          Overnight Trip

              1. Method I (Un-Receipted Method) (uncommon)
                1. Staying with friends/family
                  1. See Travel Rates Method 1 table for current rates
              2. Method II (Receipted Method) (most common)
                1. Use GSA listed rates based on destination location (City, State or Zip) and then by month of travel.
                  1. Receipt(s) required for lodging
                  2. No receipt(s) required for meals
                    1. Meal per diem is for dinner the 1st night and breakfast the following day (unless leaving at or before 7:00 AM on the 1st day or returning at or after 7:00 PM on last day)
          1. Lodging
            1. If hotel of choice is over the lodging per diem listed, must complete the Over-the-Max Lodging Request Form (e-form)
              1. Do NOT book hotel until OTM is fully signed.
              2. Tax Exempt (in-state lodging) – Print and give to traveler to sign and give to hotel at check-in.
          2. Per Diem Calculator

              Travel Voucher – To be completed within 30 days of returning from trip

              1. Areas to complete on Travel Voucher:

              Top portion – Traveler & Trip Information

              Do NOT add SSN

                  1. Payee Name (first & last)
                  2. Address (Street, City, State Zip)
                  3. Destination Address (Street, City, State Zip)
                  4. Date & Time of Departure (include AM or PM)
                  5. Date & Time of Return (include AM or PM)
                  6. Official Work Station (if you work at the SUNY Cortland Campus)
                    1. Yes = “SUNY Cortland”
                    2. No = “Home”
                    3. If unsure, contact the Business Office.

              Section 1 – All Travel Expenses

                  1. Lodging
                  2. Transportation Expense
                  3. Misc Expenses
                    1. Parking
                    2. Tolls – after trip, be sure to print out your E-ZPass statement showing the charges by date or include receipt(s) with voucher
                    3. Gas – must have receipt
                  4. Conference Registration
                  5. Meals – use Per Diem Calculator for assistance
                  6. Mileage
                    1. Must include Statement of Automobile Travel (AC160)
                  7. Total up Travel Expenses

              Section 2 – Summary

                  1. A = Total from Section 1
                  2. B = Subtract any amounts from Section 1 that were paid with a p-card/travel/NET card (ex. Conference Registration Fees paid by Dept AA)
                  3. C = Subtract amount paid with Travel Advance
                  4. D = Specify if any other adjustments were made (i.e. partial payment against another voucher)
                  5. Total amount to be reimbursed

              Payee’s Certification

                  1. Traveler signs (no digital or e-signature allowed)
                  2. Enter email
                  3. Date

              Supervisor’s Certification

                  1. Traveler’s Supervisor signs (no digital or e-signature allowed)
                  2. Print name & title
                  3. Date

              Account #

                  1. add account # to charge

              ☐ Receipts & Backup

              1. ☐ Scan all receipts & backup and combine into (1) PDF with travel voucher on top.
                1. Meal receipts not needed when using per diem rates.
              2. ☐ Email fully signed Travel Voucher & backup to Travel Administrator at

              Travel Voucher cannot be digitally or e-signed (see Signature Types).

              Printable Checklist (check back for updated versions)

              Non-Employee Travel

              Job Candidates


              1. Airline
              2. Car Rental
              3. Mileage
              4. Uber/Lyft/Taxi Service


              1. To be booked locally by Dept. AA (or Provost’s Staff Associate if using Provost’s account) and billed directly to campus.
                1. AA to submit as a PO via RDD.


              1. Itemized receipts must be included for meals on their own.
                1. Meal per diems do NOT apply to non-employees.
                2. Alcohol will not be reimbursed.

              Candidate’s Interview Agenda/Itinerary

              1. Include copy with backup

              Standard Voucher

              1. Areas to complete on Standard Voucher:

              Top portion – Payee Information

              Do NOT add SSN

                  1. Payee Name (first & last)
                  2. Email Address
                  3. Address (Street, City, State Zip)
                    1. (where the check will be mailed to)

              Middle Section – Description of Material/Service

                  1. Dates and itemized listing of expenses (i.e. airfare, rental car, mileage, meals)
                    1. Per Diem Rates do NOT apply to non-employees.
                    2. Itemized receipts required (without, they will not be reimbursed for that meal)
                  2. Total Travel Expenses
                  3. Net = Grand Total to be reimbursed

              Payee Certification

                  1. Job Candidate signs (no digital or e-signature allowed)
                  2. Date

              Supervisor’s Certification

                  1. Dept Chair signs (no digital or e-signature allowed)
                  2. Title
                  3. Date

              Cost Center Unit

                  1. Add account # to charge

              ☐ Receipts & Backup

              1. ☐ Scan all receipts & backup and combine into (1) PDF with Standard Voucher on top.
                1. ☐ Email fully signed Standard Voucher and backup to

                Standard Voucher cannot be digitally or e-signed (see Signature Types).

                Printable Checklist (check back for updated versions)

                Student Travel

                Travel Authorization Form – To be completed at least 2 weeks prior to departure.

                1. Who needs to sign?

                ☐ Traveler

                ☐ Traveler’s Supervisor

                ☐ Dean or VP

                ☐ If traveling outside of NYS or international, Provost will need to sign.

                      1. Foreign Travel

                ☐ Meals

                1. Itemized receipts must be included for meals.
                  1. Meal per diems do NOT apply to students.
                  2. Alcohol will not be reimbursed.

                Standard Voucher

                1. Areas to complete on Standard Voucher:

                Top portion – Payee Information

                Do NOT add SSN

                    1. Payee Name (first & last)
                    2. Email Address
                    3. Address (Street, City, State Zip) (where the check will be mailed to)

                Middle Section – Description of Material/Service

                    1. Dates and itemized listing of expenses (i.e. airfare, rental car, mileage, lodging, meals)
                      1. Meal per diems do NOT apply to students.
                      2. Itemized receipts required (without, they will not be reimbursed for that meal)
                    2. Total Travel Expenses
                    3. Net = Grand Total to be reimbursed

                Payee Certification

                    1. Student signs (no digital or e-signature allowed)
                    2. Date

                Supervisor’s Certification

                    1. Dept Chair signs (no digital or e-signature allowed)
                    2. Title
                    3. Date

                Cost Center Unit

                    1. Add account # to charge

                Receipts & Backup

                1. ☐ Scan all receipts & backup and combine into (1) PDF with Standard Voucher.
                  1. ☐ Email fully signed Standard Voucher and backup to

                Standard Voucher cannot be digitally or e-signed (see Signature Types).

                Printable Checklist (check back for updated versions)

                Enterprise Rental

                ☐ Determine Employee vs. Non-Employee Status for Renting Off State Contract
                1. If State employee, continue with checklist.
                2. If RF employee, student, on leave, or other non-employee, do not continue with checklist (as a rental is not permitted using SUNY Cortland’s account).
                  1. If unsure, check here:
                  ☐ Call Travel Administrator at ext. 2306

                  ☐ Request campus account number and billing number (for direct billing).

                    1. Travelers should not be providing their personal credit cards at time of rental.
                  ☐ Complete Travel Authorization for traveler
                  1. Must be fully approved and filed with Travel Administrator prior to trip.
                  Reserving a Vehicle

                  ☐ Go to and reserve a vehicle

                    1. Enter account # (provided by Travel Administrator) under “Corporate Account Number” (shown below).

                  Enterprise Reserve a Vehicle Image 1.png

                  ☐ Select Vehicle Class to filter by size

                    1. Choose Economy/Compact size
                    2. If Standard/Intermediate/Full-size are selected, written justification must be provided with invoice/PO.
                    3. Any size larger than Standard/Intermediate/Full-size requires prior approval by Travel Administrator and that written approval must be provided with invoice/PO.
                      • Failure to obtain prior approval will result in the traveler paying the difference of the larger vehicle out of their own pocket.

                  Enterprise Reserve a Vehicle - Vehicle Class Image.png

                  ☐ Click “Apply Filter”

                  ☐ Click “Browse Vehicles”

                  Enterprise Reserve a Vehicle Image 2.png

                  ☐ Choose a Location and click “Select”

                  Enterprise Reserve a Vehicle - Choose Location Image.png

                  ☐ Click “Select” on vehicle of choice

                  Enterprise Reserve a Vehicle - Select Vehicle Image.png

                  ☐ Extras

                    1. Do NOT add any extras (i.e. Sirius XM, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Offset, Insurance, etc.)

                  ☐ Click “Continue to Review”

                  ☐ Review & Reserve

                    1. Contact Details

                  ☐ Enter Traveler’s Contact Details (first & last name, phone #, & email)

                  ☐ Confirm Trip Purpose (check box to acknowledge travel is on behalf of the university)

                  Enterprise Reserve a Vehicle - Confirm Trip Purpose Image.png

                  ☐ Billing

                  ☐ Select “Yes” for direct billing

                  ☐ Enter Billing Number (provided by Travel Administrator)

                  Enterprise Reserve a Vehicle - Billing Image.png

                  ☐ Additional Details

                  ☐ Enter Department (of Traveler)

                  ☐ Enter the name of the person requesting the reservation (if different than the traveler)

                  Enterprise Reserve a Vehicle - Additional Details Image.png

                  ☐ Save Time At The Counter (Optional)

                    • This sectional is optional if the traveler is completing the reservation and would like to provide their Driver’s License information at this time.
                    • Otherwise, select “No”.

                   ☐ Click “Reserve Now”

                    • Note: At the top of the screen, the following message will appear stating that tax will be removed at the time of rental.

                  Enterprise Reserve a Vehicle - Tax Message Image.png

                  Reasons to book online vs. calling local office:
                  1. Automatic tax exemption online
                  2. Emailed confirmation of rental
                  3. Department and contact information ensured to appear on billing statement for invoice(s)

                    Upon Returning from Trip

                    ☐ Accounts Payable will email invoice(s) to Dept. AA based on dept. & contact information on billing statement from Enterprise.

                      1. Dept. AA will:

                        ☐ Review invoice to ensure there is no tax and everything is correct.

                        ☐ Create a PO in RDD and attach invoice (1 invoice/PO, per NOR Policy) and, if applicable, justification for any vehicle size larger than Compact/Economy or approval from Travel Administrator for any size larger than Standard/Intermediate/Full-size.

                        ☐ Upon final approval of PO, go back into PO and receive & close the PO.

                              • This allows AP to pay the invoice.
                      2. For those departments/offices with a standing Enterprise PO for the fiscal year, once you receive the invoice from AP, go into RDD and receive that amount against your standing PO.

                        ☐ Reply to AP with receiving completed against RDD PO, and, if applicable, attach justification to the email for any vehicle size larger than Compact/Economy or approval from Travel Administrator for any size larger than Standard/Intermediate/Full-size.

                         Vehicle codes on invoice (to know if you need justification for a larger vehicle than Economy/Compact):

                        Enterprise Vehicle Codes Image.png

                        Printable Checklist (check back for updated versions)

                        External Program Class Reviewer Payment

                        Evidence of Terms of Agreement

                        • Must clearly state how much they will get paid for their services and specify the services (prior to supplying goods/services).
                          • Email is acceptable


                        • Vendor must provide an invoice (department can provide a template, but department should not fill out the invoice themselves).
                          • An acceptable invoice contains:
                            • Invoice #
                            • Invoice Date
                            • Vendor Name & Address
                            • To: SUNY Cortland, PO Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045
                            • Description of Goods/Services Requesting Payment for
                            • Quantity of Goods or Date(s) of Service
                            • Amount Requested


                        • Allowed roundtrip mileage at current GSA rate


                        • Payee is required to submit their W-9, as this is a taxable service

                        ☐ NYS Employee

                        • If Payee is/has been a NYS employee within the last two (2) years, do not proceed with this checklist and payment will be processed via Human Resources/Payroll.
                          • Must submit Form #10 to
                          • If reimbursing mileage, for NYS employee, that may be included on a Standard Voucher (see step below) and no W-9 is required for this.
                          • Meals are not reimbursable.

                        Standard Voucher

                        1. Areas to complete on Standard Voucher:

                        Top portion – Payee Information

                            1. Payee Name (first & last)
                            2. Email Address
                            3. Address (Street, City, State Zip)
                              1. (where the check will be mailed to)

                        Middle Section – Description of Material/Service

                            1. Date(s) and goods/services provided
                            2. Total
                            3. Net = Grand Total to be paid

                        Payee Certification

                            1. Payee signs (no e-signature allowed)
                            2. Date

                        Supervisor’s Certification

                            1. Dept Chair signs (no e-signature allowed)
                            2. Title
                            3. Date

                        Cost Center Unit

                            1. Add account # to charge

                        Receipts & Backup

                        1. ☐ Scan all receipts & backup and combine into (1) PDF with Standard Voucher.
                            1. ☐ Email fully signed Standard Voucher and backup to

                          Standard Voucher cannot be digitally or e-signed (see Signature Types).

                          Printable Checklist (check back for updated versions)

                          Student/Peer Notetaker Payment

                          Evidence of Terms of Agreement

                          • Must clearly state how much they will get paid for their services and specify the services (prior to supplying goods/services).
                            • Email is acceptable


                          • Vendor must provide an invoice (Department can provide a template, but Department should not fill out the invoice themselves.)
                            • An acceptable invoice contains:
                              • Invoice #
                              • Invoice Date
                              • Vendor Name & Address
                              • To: SUNY Cortland, PO Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045
                              • Description of Goods/Services Requesting Payment for
                              • Quantity of Goods or Date(s) of Service
                              • Amount Requested


                          • Payee is required to submit their W-9, as this is a taxable service

                          Standard Voucher

                          1. Areas to complete on Standard Voucher:

                          Top portion – Payee Information

                              1. Payee Name (first & last)
                              2. Email Address
                              3. Address (Street, City, State Zip)
                                1. (where the check will be mailed to)

                          Middle Section – Description of Material/Service

                              1. Date(s) and goods/services provided
                              2. Total
                              3. Net = Grand Total to be paid

                          Payee Certification

                              1. Payee signs (no e-signature allowed)
                              2. Date

                          Supervisor’s Certification

                              1. Director of Disability Resources Office signs (no digital or e-signature allowed)
                              2. Title
                              3. Date

                          Cost Center Unit

                              1. Add Dept/Office account # to charge

                          ☐ Voucher & Backup Documentation

                          1. ☐ Scan voucher & backup and combine into (1) PDF with Standard Voucher.
                            1. ☐ Email fully signed Standard Voucher and backup to

                          Standard Voucher cannot be digitally or e-signed (see Signature Types).

                          Printable Checklist (check back for updated versions)

                          Athletic Officials Payment

                           ☐ Evidence of Terms of Agreement

                          • Must clearly state how much they will get paid for their services (prior to supplying the services), if not currently listed on Athletic Official Fee Schedule (housed by Purchasing & Accounts Payable).
                            • Email is acceptable


                          • Payee is required to submit their W-9, as this is a taxable service

                          Standard Voucher

                          1. Areas to complete on Standard Voucher:

                          Top portion – Payee Information

                              1. Payee Name (first & last)
                              2. Email Address
                              3. Address (Street, City, State Zip)
                                1. (where the check will be mailed to)

                          Middle Section – Description of Material/Service

                              1. Date(s) and goods/services provided
                              2. Total
                              3. Net = Grand Total to be paid

                          Payee Certification

                              1. Payee signs (no e-signature allowed)
                              2. Date

                          Supervisor’s Certification

                              1. Dept Chair signs (no e-signature allowed)
                              2. Title
                              3. Date

                          Cost Center Unit

                              1. Add account # to charge

                          ☐ Receipts & Backup

                          1. ☐ Scan voucher & backup and combine into (1) PDF with Standard Voucher.
                            1. ☐ Email fully signed Standard Voucher and backup to

                          Standard Voucher cannot be digitally or e-signed (see Signature Types).

                          Printable Checklist (check back for updated versions)

                          Vendor Payments Paid Via Standard Voucher (Taxable)

                          Use instructions below for vendors that use their Social Security Number (SSN) and not an Employer Identification Number (EIN).

                          (For vendors using EIN’s, send vendor’s W-9 to Purchasing & Accounts Payable to be added to Red Dragon Depot (RDD).)

                          ☐ Evidence of Terms of Agreement

                          • Must clearly state how much they will get paid for their goods/services (prior to supplying goods/services).
                            • Email is acceptable

                          ☐ Invoice

                          • Vendor must provide an invoice (Department can provide a template, but Department should not fill out the invoice themselves).
                            • An acceptable invoice contains:
                              • Invoice #
                              • Invoice Date
                              • Vendor Name & Address
                              • To: SUNY Cortland, PO Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045
                              • Description of Goods/Services Requesting Payment for
                              • Quantity of Goods or Date(s) of Service
                              • Amount Requested

                          ***If over $2,500, Reasonableness of Price Checklist is required per purchasing guidelines.***


                          • Payee is required to submit their W-9, as this is a taxable service

                          ☐ Flyer

                          • If this was a campus event, include a copy of the flyer or email that went out to campus/group.

                          ☐ Attendance Sheet

                          • If this was a campus event where attendance was taken, include a copy of the attendance sheet.

                          Standard Voucher

                          1. Areas to complete on Standard Voucher:

                          Top portion – Payee Information

                              1. Payee Name (first & last)
                              2. Email Address
                              3. Address (Street, City, State Zip)
                                1. (where the check will be mailed to)

                          Middle Section – Description of Material/Service

                              1. Date(s) and goods/services provided
                              2. Total
                              3. Net = Grand Total to be paid

                          Payee Certification

                              1. Payee signs (no e-signature allowed)
                              2. Date

                          Supervisor’s Certification

                              1. Dept Chair/Director/Dean/VP signs (no e-signature allowed)
                              2. Title
                              3. Date

                          Cost Center Unit

                              1. Add account # to charge

                          ☐ Receipts & Backup

                          1. ☐ Scan voucher & backup and combine into (1) PDF with Standard Voucher.
                            1. ☐ Email fully signed Standard Voucher and backup to

                          Standard Voucher cannot be digitally or e-signed (see Signature Types).

                          Printable Checklist (check back for updated versions)

                          Speaker/Campus Guest Payment

                          ☐ Evidence of Terms of Agreement

                          1. Speaker Service Agreement
                            1. ☐ Completed by Department and then sent to be signed and notarized by Speaker/Agency representative prior to event/performance.
                            2. ☐ Send to Purchasing Assistant for authorized signature prior to event/performance.


                          1. Payee is required to submit their W-9, as this is a taxable service

                          ☐ Insurance

                          1. Proof of Workers’ Compensation (Form C-105.2)
                          2. Certificate of Exemption (CE-200)


                          1. To be booked locally by Department Administrative Assistant (or Provost’s Staff Associate, if using Provost’s account), if included in Speaker Service Agreement.
                            1. Department AA will then submit invoice via RDD.


                          1. Itemized receipts must be included for meals on their own, if included in Speaker Service Agreement.
                            1. Meal per diems do NOT apply to non-employees
                            2. Alcohol will not be reimbursed.

                          ☐ Flyer

                          • Include a copy of the flyer or email that went out to campus/group.

                          ☐ Invoice

                          • Vendor must provide an invoice (Department can provide a template, but Department should not fill out the invoice themselves).
                            • An acceptable invoice contains:
                              • Invoice #
                              • Invoice Date
                              • Vendor Name & Address
                              • To: SUNY Cortland, PO Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045
                              • Description of Goods/Services Requesting Payment for
                              • Date(s) of Service
                              • Amount Requested

                          ***If over $2,500, Reasonableness of Price Checklist is required per purchasing guidelines.***

                          ☐ Payment

                          1. For speaker/campus guest using an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and not their Security Number (SSN), should be entered as a PO in RDD.
                            1. Send vendor’s W-9 to Purchasing & Accounts Payable to be added to Red Dragon Depot (RDD) via New Vendor Request Form.
                            2. Create PO in RDD and include any backup documentation (including fully executed speaker agreement).
                              1. Upon receipt of invoice, send directly to
                            3. Do not proceed with the rest of this checklist.
                          2. For speaker/campus guest using their Social Security Number (SSN), complete Standard Voucher.
                            1. Standard Voucher
                              1. Areas to complete on Standard Voucher:

                          Top portion – Payee Information

                          Do NOT add SSN

                                1. Payee Name (first & last)
                                2. Email Address
                                3. Address (Street, City, State Zip)
                                  1. (where the check will be mailed to)

                          Middle Section – Description of Material/Service

                                1. Dates and itemized listing of expenses (i.e. airfare, rental car, mileage, meals)
                                  1. Per Diem Rates do NOT apply to non-employees.
                                  2. Itemized receipts required
                                2. Total Travel Expenses
                                3. Net = Grand Total to be paid

                          Payee Certification

                                1. Speaker/Campus Guest signs (no digital or e-signature allowed)
                                2. Date

                          Supervisor’s Certification

                                1. Dept Chair/Director/Dean/VP signs (no digital or e-signature allowed)
                                2. Title
                                3. Date

                          Cost Center Unit

                                1. Add account # to charge

                          ☐ Receipts & Backup

                          1. ☐ Scan all receipts, backup and signed agreement and combine into (1) PDF with Standard Voucher.
                            1. ☐Email fully signed Standard Voucher and backup to

                          Standard Voucher cannot be digitally or e-signed (see Signature Types).

                          Printable Checklist (check back for updated versions)

                          Signature Types


                          • Original, Scanned Signature


                          Allowable Signature Type1.png


                          • Typed Signature


                          Non-Allowable Signature Type2

                          • Digital Signature


                          Non-Allowable Signature Type1

                          How-to Guides & Videos