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Part Four: General Policies and Procedures

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Part Four Contents

Chapter 410: Admission and Registrar's Office Policies

410.01 Admission Policy

SUNY Cortland welcomes applications from all individuals who meet the university's admission standards. Due to limited teaching and physical resources, a competitive selection process is necessary.

Applicants can use admissions information, including web resources, to determine whether SUNY Cortland offers programs that meet their needs. The university provides a broad range of major programs for undergraduate students, as well as a variety of graduate programs in teacher education, arts and sciences, and professional studies. Approximately 10% of the university's entering undergraduate students have not decided upon a major at enrollment, and typically, it is not necessary to decide upon a major until the end of the sophomore year.

410.02 Non-Degree Students

On occasion, individuals who have not applied for degree status at SUNY Cortland enroll in coursework, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. 

Please refer to the College Catalogs for undergraduate and graduate policies.

410.03 Educational Opportunity Program Students

Refer to the SUNY Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) website for eligibility guidelines.

410.04 Advanced Placement and Credit for Equivalency Examinations

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy E.01 Sources of Transfer Credit.

410.05 General Education

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy E.03 General Education Requirement and Waivers for Transfer Students.

410.06 Credit Hour System

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy B.02 Credit Hour System and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy P.04 Credit Hour System.

410.07 Change of Undergraduate Major

Change of Major

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy A.04 Change of Major.

Changes in Degree Requirements

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy A.05 Changes in Degree Requirements.

Back to Chapter 410


410.08 Eligibility for Student Teaching and Fieldwork

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy Section C: Policies Related to Participation in Early Field Experiences, Student Teaching and Internships, and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy Section R: Policies Related to Participation in Early Field Experiences, Student Teaching and Internships

410.09 Auditing Courses

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy B.09 Auditing Courses.

410.10 Academic Credit from Other Colleges

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy E.01 Sources of Transfer Credit.

410.11 Class Attendance for Students and Faculty

A. Students

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy B.04 Class Attendance

B. Faculty

Faculty members are required to meet their classes as scheduled by their department unless permission to change meeting times has been granted by the school dean, after consultation with the department chair and with the Registrar's Office. Approval of a request to change a course meeting time requires that:
1. Students enrolled in the course have no conflicts with any other scheduled course including laboratory or performance courses.
2. Students are not subjected to extreme inconvenience by the time change.

C. Class Attendance 

It is SUNY Cortland policy that regular class attendance is a basic requirement of all courses. Class attendance is a strong predictor of student success in college. The policy does permit class attendance, participation and/or performance as a factor in determining course grades.

The taking of attendance and attendance requirements are at the discretion of the individual instructor, subject to the following two provisions:

  • Penalties for excessive absences, as determined by the instructor’s policy, shall not exceed one-third of a letter grade per class hour of absence.
  • Absences due to participation in approved university activities shall be considered valid absences. The provost and vice president for academic affairs shall determine what university activities are approved as valid for students to be absent from classes.

In determining the student’s grade, instructors will weigh the student's performance and may also consider any excessive absences. Instructors should make clear to their classes what they consider to be valid reasons for missing class and what penalties will be assessed for excessive absences. Instructors shall state in the course syllabus, and emphasize to the class at the first meeting, the attendance requirement for the course.

Students are responsible for all work missed. Instructors shall establish procedures to allow students who have been absent for valid reasons to make up missed class work. If students anticipate having to miss class, it is their responsibility to inform the instructor ahead of time.

Nonattendance does not mean a student has dropped or withdrawn from a course. Students who have not attended class and have not officially dropped or withdrawn from the course will receive a grade of E.

410.12 Reporting Absences and Illness

If students are unable to attend class because of emergencies such as surgery, accidents involving lengthy absences from classes or extenuating circumstances, they should notify the associate dean of the school in which they are majoring. The associate dean will request documentation regarding the emergency; upon receipt of sufficient documentation, the associate dean will notify instructors about the reason for the absence. The instructor has the final determination in how such absences will be considered.

Student Obligations: Length of Semester

Students are expected to attend classes throughout the semester and complete final exams. Classes and examinations are scheduled according to the academic calendar that is adopted by the university each year. The fall semester usually begins late in August or early in September and ends in the third week of December. The spring semester usually begins in mid- to late-January and ends in the third or fourth week of May.

Missing a Final Exam

Students who miss a final examination will receive a grade of E for that course unless they obtain an excuse for their absence from the associate dean of their school.

Religious Beliefs and Class Attendance

Section 224-a of the New York State Education Law reads as follows:

  1. No person shall be expelled from or be refused admission as a student to an institution of higher education for the reason that he is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to register or attend classes or to participate in any examination, study or work requirements on a particular day or days.
  2. Any student in an institution of higher education who is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to attend classes on a particular day or days shall, because of such absence on the particular day or days, be excused from any examination or any study or work requirements.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to make available to each student who is absent from school, because of his or her religious beliefs, an equivalent opportunity to register for classes or make up any examination, study or work requirements which he or she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the said student such equivalent opportunity.
  4. If registration, classes, examinations, study or work requirements are held on Friday after four o’clock post meridian or on Saturday, similar or makeup classes, examinations, study or work requirements or opportunity to register shall be made available on other days, where it is possible and practicable to do so. No special fees shall be charged to the student for these classes, examinations, study or work requirements or registration held on other days.
  5. In effectuating the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to exercise the fullest measure of good faith. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his or her availing himself or herself of the provisions of this section.
  6. Any student, who is aggrieved by the alleged failure of any faculty or administrative officials to comply in good faith with the provisions of this section, shall be entitled to maintain an action or proceeding in the supreme court of the county in which such institution of higher education is located for the enforcement of his or her rights under this section.
    6-a. It shall be the responsibility of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to give written notice to students of their rights under this section, informing them that each student who is absent from school, because of his or her religious beliefs, must be given an equivalent opportunity to register for classes or make up any examination, study or work requirements which he or she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to such student such equivalent opportunity.
  7. As used in this section, the term “institution of higher education” shall mean any institution of higher education, recognized and approved by the regents of the university of the state of New York, which provides a course of study leading to the granting of a post-secondary degree or diploma. Such term shall not include any institution which is operated, supervised or controlled by a church or by a religious or denominational organization whose educational programs are principally designed for the purpose of training ministers or other religious functionaries or for the purpose of propagating religious doctrines. As used in this section, the term “religious belief ” shall mean beliefs associated with any corporation organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes, which is not disqualified for tax exemption under section 501 of the United States Code. 

410.13 Reporting a Death of a Student, Parent or Graduate

When notified of the death of a student or a student's parent, the vice president for student affairs will take the responsibility for notifying the president, the provost and vice president for academic affairs, and the school dean as appropriate.

Deaths of SUNY Cortland graduates should be reported directly to the executive director, Alumni Engagement, for verification and university response.

410.14 Course Schedule Changes

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy B.08 Schedule Changes and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy P.06 Schedule Changes

410.15 Registration

Information about the procedures to be followed for registration is made available each semester by the registrar, Advisement and Transition and the Graduate Admissions Office.

410.16 Undergraduate Academic Course Reset

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy F.05 Academic Course Reset

Back to Chapter 410


Chapter 415: General Academic Policies and Regulations

415.01 Grading System

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy Section I: Cortland's Grading System and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy Section S: Grading System.

415.02 Quality Points/Grade Point Average

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy D.07 Quality Points/Grade Point Average and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy O.06 Quality Points/Grade Point Average.

415.03 Examination Policies

Some form of examination or evaluation is required during the published final examination time period for students in all courses other than those listed as exempt below.

The final exam period is noted on the official academic calendar and a standard schedule is published on the Registrar's Office site. Faculty are expected to adhere to the schedule.

Additionally, no examinations or tests of any type should be given during the final five full teaching days of classes prior to the published final examination time period.

Exempt Courses

The following course types are exempt from the examination policy requirement due to their format.  Specifically, instructors of exempt courses are allowed to have exams or evaluations during the final five full teaching days or the final exam period, or the instructor may determine no examination or evaluation is necessary.

  • Quarter or shorter-term courses
  • All Cortland Experience courses
  • Asynchronous online courses
  • Laboratory sections of courses and recitations
  • Workshops
  • Studio
  • Performance/recital/practice
  • Activity
  • Internship/fieldwork/student teaching
  • Research/directed study/independent study
  • Locally offered international experiences (overseas/abroad)
Additional Exam Policy Exceptions

An instructor may request exception to this policy from the department chair. The chair may grant such request if:

  1. The nature of the course makes such action desirable; or
  2. An adequate series of other evaluation procedures is substituted. 

An instructor may have a policy of exempting students who meet specified criteria from examinations or evaluations during the final exam period: the policy and criteria shall be stated and placed on file with the department chair. 

Any deviation from this policy must be approved in advance by the appropriate department chair and school dean. 

Retention and Disposal of Graded Examinations

All instructors will maintain a copy (paper or electronic) of all final examinations. Examination material shall be kept and then disposed of in accordance with the State-Operated Campuses Policy for Records and Retention and Dispositions ( Guidance is noted within Appendices under Academic Affairs and Instruction.

All graded examination material not yet returned to students should be kept by instructors for a period of one year beyond the semester in which a course is taught.

Instructors who will not return for the following semester(s) should leave examination material with the department chair at the end of the course after grades have been submitted. Retention and disposal should be maintained in accordance with instructor guidelines.

Instructors, after receiving approval of their examination policy from their chair, shall inform each class of the course requirements and grading procedures by the end of the first full week of classes. Persons in the class shall be informed of policies on:

  1. Examinations and other evaluation procedures
  2. Exemption from examinations
  3. Make-up of examinations

All such policies shall reflect current SUNY Cortland policy.

Students may request an adjustment in their final examination schedule if

  • There is a conflict in their examination schedule
  • The student is scheduled for more than two examinations in any one day
  • The student has a verified illness or other emergency.

Students with anticipated conflicts or more than two exams in one day may request an adjustment to their final examination schedule at least five business days in advance. In such cases instructors are encouraged to offer an alternative examination time if it is practical. Room reservations for alternate individual or small group exams may be made directly via the campus room scheduling system. Students who are officially excused due to an emergency situation or via verifiable excuse by a physician are exempt from the five-day requirement.

In the event that an alternate time cannot be provided by the instructor, the student shall contact the dean's office. The school dean or associate dean will make an adjustment after consulting with the faculty members and chairs.

No make-ups for examinations or evaluations given during the final examination period shall be given except for students who have a valid and verifiable excuse.

The student shall have the right to appeal decisions resulting from these policies to the chair of the department, the associate dean of the school or the provost.

(Approved by Faculty Senate 2021)

Online and Hybrid Courses

Online and hybrid courses will be assigned a final exam day and time to ensure students have adequate opportunity to take the exam in alignment with the final exam policy. Hybrid courses must use the assigned final exam period which is determined by their in-class meeting day/time. Instructors of fully online courses:

  1. Must make the exam available during the course's assigned final exam time period; and
  2. May make the exam available before and after the assigned time for any length of time within the final exam standard schedule — 8 a.m. on the first day of finals to 4 p.m. on the last day of finals).

See also Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy D.02 and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy O.03.

415.04 Missed Final Examination, Make-Up Examination

Students who miss a final examination will receive a grade of E for that course unless they obtain excuses for their absence from their associate school deans. It is the student's responsibility to arrange with the instructor for a make-up examination. Such a make-up examination must be taken after the regularly scheduled examination and will be given at the convenience of the instructor.

See also Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy D.03 and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy O.04.

415.05 Reporting of Grades

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy D.04 Reporting of Grades and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy O.05.

415.06 Retaking of Courses

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy B.11 Retaking Courses and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy N.11.

415.07 Procedures Concerning Grade Inflation

  1. Grade point averages by faculty member, course and department shall be regularly computed. These data shall be collected each semester and shall be made available as soon as possible to the faculty member involved, to the department chair involved, to the appropriate school dean and to the provost and vice president for academic affairs.
  2. Each department chair shall be responsible for encouraging departmental seminars on grading, opening opportunities to peruse grading patterns in the department, and promoting the development of common grading standards for multiple sections of courses — where feasible.
  3. The department chair shall be responsible for reviewing grading patterns of faculty members in the department; unusual grading practices shall be justified on the basis of academic considerations, e.g., mastery learning, competency-based education, etc. The chair shall remind faculty members periodically of the way grades are defined in the current catalog and that average performance is equivalent to the letter grade of C.
  4. The school deans and the provost and vice president for academic affairs shall be responsible for monitoring grading patterns within schools and across the university.

415.08 Dean's List

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy D.08 Dean's List.

415.09 President's List

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy D.09 President's List.

415.10 Part-Time Student Award for Academic Achievement

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy D.10 Part-time Student Award for Academic Achievement.

415.11 Academic Standards, Good Academic Standing, Probation and Dismissal 

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy D.12 and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy O.02.

415.12 Academic Probation Policy

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy D.12 Academic Standards, Good Academic Standing, Probation and Dismissal, and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy O.02 Academic Standards, Good Academic Standing, Probation and Dismissal.

415.13 Class Year Determination

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy B.01 Class Year Determination.

415.14 Readmission

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy F.03 Readmission.

415.15 Academic Standards for Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Students

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy D.13 Academic Standards for Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Students.

415.16 Withdrawal from SUNY Cortland

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy F.01 and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy N.09.

415.17 Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy

SUNY Cortland follows the process outlined in the SUNY Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy.

The university is committed to providing equal access to all participants in campus processes, including students with disabilities. Students with disabilities should contact the Disability Resources Office to request accommodations.

415.18 Transcripts of Record

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy A.08 Academic Records and Transcripts and Graduate Catalog Academic Policy P.03 Academic Records and Transcripts

415.19 Student Leave of Absence

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy F.02 or Graduate Catalog Academic Policy N.10. 

Back to Chapter 415


415.20 Voluntary Medical and Psychological Leaves

415.20 Medical Leave of Absence or Medical Withdrawal

All students requesting a medical leave of absence or a medical withdrawal for documented medical reasons will have their paperwork processed through the Student Health Service. This process can be initiated by any Student Health Service clinician, but must be approved by the Student Health Service Director.

Students requesting a medical leave of absence or a medical withdrawal for documented mental health reasons will have their paperwork processed through the Counseling Center. This process can be initiated by any mental health provider but must be approved by the Director of Conley Counseling and Wellness Services or their designee.

All students receiving a medical leave of absence or a medical withdrawal will have the differences between these two options explained to them and will have a chance to ask questions regarding these options. Once a decision is made, students will be asked to sign a statement agreeing to the conditions, if any, of their leave or withdrawal.

(Approved by President's Cabinet October 2010; updated August 2024)

415.21 Requirements for Graduation

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy H.02 Graduation Procedures.

415.22 Graduation with Honors

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy H.01 Graduation with Honors.

415.23 Honors Convocation Awards

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy G.03 Honors Convocation.

415.24 Residence Requirement for Graduation

Refer to Undergraduate Catalog Academic Policy E.02 Transfer Credit Limits and Residency Requirement.

415.25 Honorary Degrees

State University of New York Board of Trustees

The honorary doctorate degree is the highest form of recognition offered by the State University of New York to persons of exceptional distinction.  Information about the Honorary Degree criteria and process can be found SUNY Academic Affairs Awarding of Honorary Degrees Policy.

415.26 Academic Nomenclature

Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog Terminology Guide and Graduate Catalog Terminology Guide.

415.27 College Record Notation Policy — Nonacademic Discipline

Dismissal: When a student has been dismissed for behavioral reasons, upon notification by the vice president for student affairs, the university registrar will automatically place the notation "dismissed after a finding of responsibility for a Code of Conduct violation" on the academic transcript. This notation will remain on the academic transcript permanently.

Suspension: When a student has been suspended for behavioral reasons, upon notification by the vice president for student affairs, the university registrar will automatically place the notation "suspended after a finding of responsibility for a Code of Conduct violation" on the academic transcript. For suspensions related to crimes of violence, hazing or other serious violations, the notation will permanently remain on the transcript. For others, the notation will remain on the academic transcript at least for the period of suspension plus one year. At that time, the student may petition to have the notation removed. The vice president for student affairs may have the notation restored if the individual becomes involved in any disciplinary incident on campus or in any criminal action in connection with SUNY Cortland.

Notification: This information will be communicated to the student at the time of the initial notification of suspension/dismissal notification.

Discipline Action Pending: For alleged policy violations, the director of student conduct can direct that a Banner Hold be implemented for students who withdraw or leave SUNY Cortland prior to disposition of the alleged violation. A notation of “withdrew, with conduct charged pending” will appear on the academic transcript. At the request of the student, arrangements can be made to dispose of the violations during their separation. If not, appropriate action will be taken upon the student’s return to SUNY Cortland. The notation will remain on the transcript until appropriate disposition of the violation has been made.

Vacated Decision: If a finding of responsibility is vacated, for any reason, any such transcript notation shall be removed.

(Revised July 2015)

415.28 Discipline Action Pending 

For more serious alleged policy violations, the director of student conduct can recommend to the vice president for student affairs that a Banner hold be implemented for students who may leave SUNY Cortland prior to disposition of the alleged violation. At the request of the student, arrangements can be made to dispose of the violations during their separation. If not, appropriate action will be taken upon the student's return to Cortland. The notation will remain on the transcript until appropriate disposition of the violation has been made.

(Approved Aug. 31, 1999)

415.29 Guidelines for Submitting Proposals to Change Existing Policy or Introduce New All-College Education Policy

  1. Scope:
    The Education Policy Committee’s (EPC) jurisdiction shall extend to what is identified as All-College Education Policy, both in the SUNY Cortland Handbook and the College Catalogs. It shall also extend to procedures governing change of academic programs and curricula, as per the SUNY Cortland Handbook (Chapter 150.03, Article VII, Section C, 3a, 1 and 2).
  2. Definitions:
    All-College Education Policy: All-College Education Policies are those delineated in the Academic Policies section of the College Catalogs or in the SUNY Cortland Handbook, Chapter 415.
    Educational policy that does not appear to impact other departments shall be set at the departmental level, in accordance with educational by-laws, and is not within the scope of EPC. Departmental educational and curricular policy set at the departmental level must be reviewed by the appropriate dean and only forwarded to EPC or the College Curriculum Committee if deemed appropriate by the school dean.
  3. Procedure for Undergraduate Policy Change that is All-College:
    1. The department, school, administrative office (director level or above), Faculty Senate, and its components, or EPC can develop a proposal to change existing educational policy or introduce a new educational policy.
    a. If the policy originates at the departmental level or the school director level, the proposal is forwarded to the school dean and then to the EPC. If the policy proposal is not endorsed at the school level, a department may appeal to the EPC. The appeal must be made to the EPC within two weeks of the decision at the dean’s level.
    b. If the policy originates at the school dean level, the proposal is forwarded by the dean to the EPC.
    c. If the policy originates from an administrative office outside of a school, director level or above, the proposal is forwarded by that office to the EPC.
    d. If the policy originates from the Faculty Senate, or a component of the Senate such as a Senate committee, the proposal is forwarded to the EPC.

    2. Approval of a proposal by the EPC shall proceed as follows.
    a. The EPC will review the proposal and solicit input from relevant stakeholders (e.g. General Education Committee, Academic Grievance Tribunal, etc.).
    b. The EPC will determine whether the proposal is a minor edit (e.g. a clarification of existing policy or practice) or a major change (e.g. significant change to existing policy or addition of new policy).
    c. Proposals comprised exclusively of minor edits can proceed under internal vetting by the EPC.
    d. Upon initial review/development by the EPC, proposals with major changes will be shared with all faculty in a vetting process. Faculty will have two weeks to comment on the proposal in writing to the EPC.
    e. Following the vetting period, the EPC will review all vetting feedback and re-evaluate the proposal, making changes as it deems appropriate.
    f. Upon final approval of a proposal by the EPC, it will be forwarded to the Faculty Senate Steering Committee for consideration.
    g. A proposal that is not approved by EPC will be returned to the originator with an explanation of the reasons for nonapproval.

    3. Faculty have two weeks to comment on the proposal in writing to the EPC. After the two-week comment period, and based on the feedback provided, the EPC will act on the proposal. The developer of the policy proposal can attend the EPC meeting and answer questions about the proposal when it is being considered. Other stakeholders may attend the meeting as well. The EPC will then take one of the following actions:
    a. Disseminate the policy proposal for further campus review (see distribution list in number 2 above, or
    b. Approve the policy proposal and forward a recommendation to the Faculty Senate, or
    c. Not approve the policy proposal, report the action to the Faculty Senate and return it to the policy developer with feedback regarding reasons for non approval.

    4. If the policy proposal is forwarded to the Faculty Senate, through the Faculty Senate Steering Committee, the policy proposal will be introduced, in writing, at one Faculty Senate meeting and voted on at the next meeting.

    5. After the Faculty Senate Meeting:
    a. If the educational policy proposal is approved by the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate Chair forwards the policy proposal to the provost, who then makes a recommendation to the president.
    b. If the policy proposal is not approved by the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate chair returns the proposal to the EPC and to the policy developer, with reasons for non approval.

    6. When an approved policy is forwarded to the provost and president, the president makes a decision on the educational policy proposal and notifies the Faculty Senate in writing. If the policy is not approved, the EPC requests that the president provide reasons for non approval.

(Approved by President Bitterbaum May 22, 2006; Revised by Faculty Senate resolution, April 2024)

415.30 Posthumous Degree

SUNY Cortland may award a degree posthumously when a student has completed a substantial portion of the requirements for the degree and was in good academic standing at the time of death, as determined by the student’s major department and at the discretion of the president of the university. The degree would be awarded in recognition of the student’s work and as a source of solace to the student’s family.

(Approved by the Educational Policy Committee April 9, 2010)

Back to Chapter 415


Chapter 425: Policies of Established Fees, Fines and Charges

425.01 Authorization to Establish Charges

The president is authorized with SUNY approval to establish a schedule of reasonable fines, fees, deposits and charges for violation of institutional regulations, late registrations, damage and breakage and special services. (Trustees, Jan. 22, 1963)

SUNY Cortland reserves the right to charge a nominal service fee in cases when students, through negligence, fail to meet certain administrative appointments important to the conduct of university business or to abide by publicly announced university deadlines.

425.02 Fee Payment and Deferment

The payment of all fees and assessments is as directed by SUNY Cortland officials. Fees and assessments are due as indicated on billing statements. Students who register for the fall semester during the official registration period are billed in July with payment due in early August. Advance registrants for the spring semester will be billed in early January with payment due in early January. Summer advance registrants will be billed in late April with payment due in early May. Winter term registrants' bills will be mailed in late November with payment due in early December.

Students may register in person after web registration closes. They must be prepared to make payment arrangements or show proof of financial aid sufficient to cover their charges at that time.

Bills for semester charges are mailed to the student's permanent address on record. Students are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their billing (permanent) address, telephone number and email address. Any special arrangements for billing to any address other than the permanent address must be made in writing in advance of the semester and approved by Student and College Financial Services.

Semester bills reflect charge and financial aid information as of creation date. Actual approved financial aid awards, except for Federal Work-Study, may be used to defer university charges. Deferral of billed charges against financial aid is dependent upon meeting all academic requirements, completion of all necessary paperwork and confirmation on documentation from funding sources. The student remains fully liable for payment of all charges. Students are responsible for account balances and late fees if aid awards do not become actual, are reduced, or removed for any reason.

Confirmation of attendance is required of all advance registered students via mail or online on or before bill due date. Failure to confirm attendance and submit valid deferral or payment could result in the deletion of your class schedule. Postmark on or after the due date of the bill constitutes late payment. Students are responsible for ensuring payments are received prior to the required due date. Late payment fees are assessed on a per bill basis at the rate approved by the SUNY Board of Trustees up to $50.

Students registering at the start of the semester — open registration — or during add/drop are required to make payment arrangements at that time. Students registering at this time will be assuming financial responsibility for their courses. Failure to confirm attendance or attend classes will not result in removal of liability for charges.

Payments may be made in person, via mail or online using myRedDragon for students. We accept cash, checks, Master Card, American Express, Visa and Discover. Students may create permission for parents to pay all or part of their bills online. However, the student is responsible for ensuring that financial responsibility is accepted with either online confirmation or attendance or return of the confirmation/remittance portion of the semester billing statement with signature.

To assist students and parents in meeting financial obligations, SUNY Cortland offers a monthly payment plan. The plan consists of dividing the net balance due on the semester bill into four equal installments. This option may be selected when the initial semester bills are due. The nonrefundable enrollment fee is $45 per semester and must be included with the first payment. Subsequent payments are due the 15th of each following month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments are due the next immediate business day. Due to their short duration, there is no monthly plan available for Winter or Summer term.

Payments not received by the due date are subject to the assessment of a late fee. Payment plan enrollment is for the current semester only. Students who fail to enroll during the first month of the plan will be required to make up any missed payments. SUNY Cortland reserves the right to deny future participation to students who fail to remain current or complete their payment plans.

Fees and assessments are due as indicated on billing statements. Other accrued debts owed to SUNY Cortland, or any agency thereof, must be paid prior to registration. If the registration occurs in error, SUNY Cortland reserves the right to cancel current registrations for prior unpaid obligations. SUNY Cortland is required to withhold all information regarding the records of students in arrears for the payment of fees or other charges. This will include prohibiting future registration, recognition of completion of coursework, or granting of degrees.

State law requires SUNY Cortland to engage in collection activity on delinquent accounts. Accounts remaining unpaid at the end of the term may be referred to outside collection agencies, the New York State Attorney General, or to the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. These agencies may add interest, collection fees, court and other costs to the outstanding obligation. Interest may be assessed by collection agencies or the attorney general at the corporate underpayment rate set by the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance, compounded daily on the outstanding principal balance. In addition, collection fees.

425.03 Admission Deposit

The student admission deposit of $200, billed at the time of acceptance, is credited toward the payment of tuition.

425.04 Room Deposit (Campus-Administered Housing)

Returning students are required to pay a $150 room deposit prior to on-campus housing room selection.

425.05 Tuition

For current undergraduate and graduate costs for New York State and non-New York State residents, visit the Student Accounts Office webpage. Under State University of New York policy, students must have resided in New York state for one year before entering college and satisfy other residency requirements as determined by the State University of New York to qualify for in-state tuition rates. Tuition and costs are subject to change without notice pending state budget or university action.

425.06 College Fee

The College Fee is $50 per year or $25 per semester. The fee is required under administrative policy of State University of New York and is not refundable.

Back to Chapter 425


425.07 Student Health Insurance Fee

Student Health Service provides ambulatory health care to students so that they may participate successfully in the academic and extracurricular programs of their choice. The Mandatory Health Fee has been incorporated into the Program Service Charge.

While health insurance is not required to attend SUNY Cortland, Student Health Service strongly recommends that all students have adequate health insurance that covers medical care in the Cortland and surrounding area. Having no health insurance puts students at very high financial risk in the event of an unforeseen illness or injury. In addition, many managed care plans from other areas do not cover care provided in Cortland other than emergency care. This means you could receive expensive bills for services that Student Health Service cannot provide such as laboratory studies or X-ray tests. 

In accordance with NCAA regulations, Cortland athletics team members must show proof of coverage at or before their initial team practice. Student-athletes who need to utilize the SUNY Cortland Health Insurance Plan may contact the university carrier for instructions on obtaining a health insurance ID card. Student Health Service may also provide temporary ID cards for in-person pickup only.

International/Study Abroad Students

Inbound international F-1 and J-1 visa holders, international exchange students and those students enrolled in outbound study abroad programs must meet SUNY's minimum standards for health insurance coverage and may be required to purchase the SUNY Board of Trustees mandated plan. Waivers out of the SUNY mandatory International Student Health Insurance plan are possible for outbound study abroad students, and are handled through the International Programs Office. All students studying abroad on a SUNY Cortland program must purchase Medical Evacuation and Repatriation insurance. Per SUNY policy, international student waivers out of the plan are only possible in limited circumstances.

Disclaimer (per SUNY Policy): “Neither the State of New York, through its agents, nor the State University of New York through its agents and employees, is responsible in any manner whatsoever for the payment of any claim for health-related services provided to individuals covered under this insurance policy. The State of New York and State University of New York are not responsible for obligations incurred by individuals who are not covered by this insurance policy. All individuals participating in State University’s health insurance program described herein are responsible for reviewing all descriptions of the scope and level of coverage offered by this policy. Such participants will be solely responsible for obtaining additional coverage not provided under this program if such is deemed necessary by the participant.”

(SUNY Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, Graduate Studies, and Professional Programs and Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business, Memorandum to Presidents, “Guidelines for the Implementation of Health Insurance Coverage for International Exchange, Research, and Study Programs, Vol. 86, No. 9, June 5, 1986)

425.08 Program Service Charge

The Program Service Charge is required of all students enrolled in credit-bearing coursework and is designed to incorporate various normally required fees and charges including athletic, student health services, technology, transportation and student activity, into one consolidated and streamlined charge. It is acknowledged that all students will not equally participate in each of the component fees but will receive equivalent overall benefit from the universally available services enhancing the campus life experience. Certain special and remote site programs may be exempt from some parts of the Program Service Charge.

Athletic: Funds intercollegiate athletics and is governed by the College Intercollegiate Athletics Board (CIAB) with equal (one-third) membership of students, faculty, administrators.

Student Health Services: Provides various health services and educational programs through the Division of Student Affairs.

Student Life Fee:  Funds a variety of student life experiences and provides additional support for the campus recreation program.

Technology: Funds a variety of technology networking and access services for students, including computer labs, internet access and technical support.

Student Activity: Governed by the Student Government Association (SGA), which manages allocations and expenditures, funds student clubs and organizations, student fitness center memberships, special cultural and social events.

Transportation: Supports the enhanced on-campus bus shuttle service and provides free student vehicle parking at the Route 281 parking lot. Students must pay a vehicle registration fee.

Transcript:  All enrolled students are charged a $5 per semester transcript fee.  All current and former students will receive unlimited official transcripts as a lifetime service.

425.09 Room and Board

Board and room expenses vary, depending on accommodations and the meal plan chosen by the student.

425.10 Parking and Vehicle Registration Fees

Students are required to register their vehicles with the University Police Department. Parking permit prices are listed on the Parking Operations and Security Services Office website.

425.11 Late Registration Charge

All students are expected to academically and financially register on or before the start of the semester as specified in the university calendar. If for any reason this is impossible, special permission for late academic registration must be obtained from the appropriate school associate dean. A fee of $40 will be charged for late academic registration and $50 for late payment.

425.12 Special or Optional Fines and Fees

  1. Main Library
    1. Fines for Reserve books.
    2. Recalled Books Persons who have not returned general circulation books within seven days of notification are subject to per-day fines, with a per-book maximum.
    3. Please see staff in Electronic Media Center and Teaching Materials Center for their respective policies.
  2. Special Course fees in certain activity and studio art courses.
  3. Special Course fees for use of Raquette Lake facilities.

425.13 College Fee Policy

  1. State-operated campuses of the State University are authorized to impose three types of fees: 1) broad-based fees; 2) academic course-related fees; and 3) user fees, charges and fines for violation of institutional regulations. Broad-based fees are generally charged to all enrolled students and include, but are not limited to Intercollegiate Athletic Fee, Health Services Fee, Technology Fee and College Fee. All new or increases of broad-based or academic course-related fees require the approval of the SUNY Vice-Chancellor for Finance and Business.
  2. All new broad-based fees or increases in current broad-based fees will go to the Student Government Association (SGA) for questions, comments and recommendations. In addition, any SUNY Policy or campus policy regarding approvals of any given fee will be adhered to.
  3. At least one public information session will be held on such fee increases before presentation to SGA.
  4. Refer to the Student and College Financial Services Office webpage for details regarding each fee.
  5. Fee rates for the following fall will be published to the campus community as soon as approved by the SUNY Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business. 
  6. An exception to these policies will occur when state budget actions necessitate changes to the fees after the dates noted in order to advert negative consequences to campus services.
  7. Income Fund Reimbursable (IFR) account managers are reminded that monies generated by each fee must be used for the intended purpose.
  8. No increase to course-related or other group-specific fees will be made unless requests are made by the description in B above.

Back to Chapter 425


Chapter 430: Established Refund Policy

430.01 General Policy

Students who withdraw from SUNY Cortland before the semester begins or after the semester is underway may be entitled to a refund of all or part of charges, deposits, and fees paid. Students incur liability based on the length of the academic term and the date of official withdrawal. To qualify for liability adjustments and possible refund of paid amounts, students must follow SUNY Cortland's official withdrawal policy and fill out and properly submit official withdrawal from course or withdrawal from university form(s), which may be obtained at Student Registration and Record Services.

Unofficial withdrawals and student conduct terminations/suspensions do not qualify for any reduction of tuition or fee liability. Stop payment orders on checks or credit card payments do not constitute official withdrawal. Students who are denied permission to register at SUNY Cortland will be entitled to a full refund of tuition, room, and board charges. Students will receive a full refund of tuition and fees when a course is canceled by the university.

Fee liability will only be adjusted up through the end of the first week of classes.

430.02 Admission Deposit

The pre-admission deposit will not be refunded after May 1 or 30 days after acceptance to enroll, whichever is later.

430.03 Room Deposit

In order to receive a refund of the room deposit, the student applicant must provide written notification of withdrawal from the university to the Residence Life and Housing Office by May 1 prior to the fall semester and by Nov. 1 prior to the spring semester. If individuals submit their deposit after April 1 or Oct. 1, a refund will be granted if the written request is received within 30 days of the payment of the deposit and before the first day of occupancy.

430.04 Tuition and Fees (Fall and Spring Semesters)

To qualify for any refund of the tuition and fee payments made to SUNY Cortland, the student is responsible for completing the appropriate forms pertaining to the action under consideration before any refund may be obtained. This action includes:

  1. Dropping a course
  2. Filing for a leave of absence
  3. Withdrawing from the university

The student must complete and file the forms at Student Registration and Record Services by the deadline according to the refund schedule.

  1. College Fee: This fee is nonrefundable.
  2. Tuition is refundable based on the length of term in accordance with SUNY Board of Trustees Policy Item 057.1, I, A. The tuition refund schedule is as follows:
Tuition Refund During Indicated Week
Length of term First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth Week Fifth Week
Full semester 100% 70% 50% 30% 0%
Ten-week term 100% 50% 30% 0%  
Quarter or eight-week term 100% 40% 20% 0%  
Five-week term 100% 25% 0%    
Two-Week Term Details
Second day of classes Remainder of first week After first week
Two-week term 100% 20% 0%

No money shall be refunded unless application for refund is made within one year of original payment. Reduction of tuition liability is made according to SUNY Board of Trustees Policies.

There will be no tuition or fee liability for a student who withdraws to enter full-time active duty in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force or Coast Guard of the United States. A student who is a member of a national Guard or Army, Navy, or Air Force Reserve Unit is entitled to reduced liability only if, in the judgment of a designated school official, the student is unable to attend classes due to hardship beyond the student's control and the student has made bona fide efforts to permit college attendance. Documentation of membership and official orders must be provided to SUNY Cortland prior to liability reduction. In the event that a refund is granted to a student in National Guard or Reserve status, documentation of membership, orders, and reasons for such actions shall be in writing and retained by the university (Student and College Financial Services' Office).

Tuition liability calculations are separate and distinct from financial aid eligibility calculations. Financial aid packages will be affected by applicable Federal Title IV Regulations for students who withdraw before the 60 percent completion point of the semester. Those receiving federal financial aid in the forms of guaranteed student loans, Pell, SEOG, and Perkins loans may end up losing part or all of any aid awarded and/or paid. Students who are awarded 100% reduction of tuition and fee liability are not eligible for ANY financial aid for that term. Any aid that has already been disbursed to the student must immediately be repaid to SUNY Cortland.

D. Program Service Charge: This fee is refundable at the same rate as tuition.

Note: For fall and spring semester refunds, the first day of class sessions shall be considered the first day of the semester and the first week of classes shall have been deemed to have ended when seven calendar days, including the first day of scheduled classes, have elapsed.

Refunds will be made by check and mailed to the last known permanent address that the university has for the person seeking the refund. Room, tuition and board refunds require two to four weeks for processing.

430.05 Room

Room refunds are based upon the date personal effects are removed from the room and checkout procedures have been followed. Students withdrawing from the university or released from residence after May 1 for the fall semester or Nov. 1 for the spring semester but prior to entering residence and who have prepaid room charges shall be entitled to a refund less $150 termination fee. In addition to the $150 termination fee, students who occupy a room for three weeks or less will receive a pro-rata refund based on a weekly charge for the number of weeks (or partial weeks) housed. Students who occupy a room after the Saturday following the third full week of occupancy in the residence halls will be liable for the entire semester's room rent. Terminations of the housing license due to judicial sanctioning do not receive a refund of room charges.

430.06 Board

Dining plans can be changed through the Friday of the first full week of classes on myRedDragon or by visiting the Cortland Auxiliary office located in Neubig Hall.

The New York State Sales code governs the term for tax-exempt dining plan refunds. The code stipulates that qualified refunds for tax-exempt plans will be based on time criteria and not plan utilization. Except for reasons of dismissal or withdrawal from the university, no refunds will be authorized after the close of business on the Friday of the first full week of classes. For plans offering a fixed number of meals, refunds or credits for cancellation, based on point values, are prorated for the time remaining on the plan, from the following Friday to the end of the current dining plan schedule. Refunds for the declining balance portion of the plans are based on point values prorated for the time remaining in the current dining schedule, or the full point balance on hand if such value is lower than the prorated amount.

Refunds are coordinated with SUNY Cortland Student and College Financial Services. The dining plan refund will be applied to any balance or debt owed to SUNY Cortland or Cortland Auxiliary.

430.07 Optional Fees

  1. Special course fees are not refundable after the end of the first week of classes.
  2. Raquette Lake special course fees will be refunded up through the last published day to withdraw from the course. After the last published day of withdrawal the student is liable for the portion of the fee designated toward the administration and staffing of the Raquette Lake course (currently 50 percent of the total fee). Within fourteen days of the start of the course section, the remainder of the fee is non-refundable. Students must petition in writing to the Program Director for refund of Raquette Lake fee within one week of the withdrawal from the course.

Back to Chapter 430


Chapter 435: University Business Policies and Procedures

435.01 Executive Budget Process

As a state-supported SUNY campus, Cortland receives approximately 37-42% of its educational and general operating budget from tax dollars with the remainder provided from tuition and fees. In addition, the residence hall program is administered on a self-sustaining basis. The following briefly describes the budget process, applicable to the state operations and residence hall (DIFR) budgets.

The state's constitution empowers the governor to require each department and agency to submit an annual budget request. The governor then prepares and submits an annual Executive Budget to the Legislature prior to February 1 of the fiscal year preceding the year in which the funds are to be expended. The Legislature may pass, reduce, eliminate, or add items to the budget subject to the governor's veto. The New York State fiscal year is from April through March, SUNY's is from July through June.

Deficiency budgets may be submitted through State University and the Executive Branch for Legislative action for unanticipated needs of the current fiscal year. Supplemental budgets may be submitted through State University and the Executive Branch for Legislative action for needs of the forthcoming fiscal year which could not be presented in the Executive Budget.

Preparation, Approval and Allocation
  1. SUNY System Administration submits the total University budget request to the Division of Budget and Legislative Committees in September.
  2. Division of Budget deliberation continues until the Governor's Executive Budget is submitted to the Legislature in January.
  3. Legislative review and appropriation bill passage, with related budget approvals, are scheduled to occur prior to the start of New York State's fiscal year (April 1).
  4. Prior to the approved SUNY operating budget:
    a. Appropriate campus officers may request departments and divisions under their authority to participate in the formulation of preliminary budget plans.
    b. The preliminary budget plans generally follow the current allocation distribution with known and approved adjustments.
  5. Once the State budget is approved, SUNY will apply the current Budget Allocation Process (BAP) formula and notify the campuses of their approved State Operations funding level.
  6. Campus operating budget adjustments may be necessary to adjust the preliminary budget to final approved funding levels.
  7. Funding distribution is made to appropriate campus officers and university-wide activities. Campus officers may further distribute approved funding to the appropriate level of responsibility in accordance with approved campus policies and priorities.
  8. Campus officers are accountable for the proper control and management of all funds allocated to them.

435.02 Tuition Assistance or Support

  1. The State University Board of Trustees has established a policy of tuition assistance for employees of the State University. Each category of tuition support receives an allocation. Based on guidelines received from the State University of New York Office of Human Resources and State University Administrative Policies, departmental managers review applications in view of direct value to the university and, if endorsed, forward to the appropriate officer listed below.
  2. If the application is disapproved, the staff member making application then becomes liable for tuition and applicable fees.
  3. Professional service employees may obtain 100% support of tuition at SUNY State-Operated institutions for "job-required" courses only. For other courses that are defined as "job-related," the employee may be eligible for a percentage of tuition support with the balance paid by the individual. Other fees must be paid by the student.
  4. Tuition support is limited to six credit hours for 10-month employees during any one academic year. Twelve-month employees will be considered on an ad hoc basis.
  5. Approval for study at a unit external to State University can be given only if the course is not offered at a State University unit. Assistance will be for tuition only, is limited to $25 per credit hour at the 100% reimbursement level, and must be charged to departmental funds.
  6. At least six weeks prior to registration for courses, interested staff members should contact the control officer for an explanation of application procedures.
The following offices and personnel will be responsible for processing applications:
  • Financial Aid/Graduate Admissions offices: Graduate Assistants
  • Field Experience and School Partnerships Office: Critic Teacher
  • Human Resources Office: Employee

In addition to the above, employee bargaining units offer tuition assistance and/or space-available waivers. Contact the bargaining unit representative or the Human Resources Office.

435.03 Extramural Activities

  1. Performance by faculty members of outside professional or scholarly services for compensation, within their area of professional competence, is recognized as a legitimate activity unless it is prohibited by the terms of their appointment.
  2. Compensated outside professional services by faculty members must be restricted at all times to engagements that do not interfere with the performance of their university duties.
  3. Faculty members engaged in providing compensated outside professional services should inform their immediate supervisors in writing of the nature of such service.
  4. Faculty members performing compensated outside professional services must inform those who engage them that the university is not a party to the contract and that SUNY Cortland is not liable or responsible in any way.
  5. Private use of university facilities, equipment and personnel, unless specifically authorized in writing by the president, is prohibited. No official Cortland stationery or forms shall be used in connection with the actual performance of such services, nor shall the name of SUNY Cortland be used in any official way without prior approval.
  6. No compensation may be accepted by a faculty member for special tutoring of students enrolled in courses in the university that are offered by the faculty member's department. Graduate assistants may be excepted, if approved by the department chair and school dean.
  7. A professional staff member must gain approval to serve, for remuneration, beyond normal full professional responsibility. If extra payment is to be made from the home campus or other SUNY campus, or from another state agency, approvals must be gained. Contact the Human Resources Office for information.

435.04 Fringe Benefits

The following briefly summarizes employee fringe benefits. Additional information on all benefits programs is available through the Human Resources Office.

A. Retirement

NYS Employees' Retirement System — classified or faculty
NYS Teachers' Retirement System — faculty only
Optional Retirement Program — only full-time faculty/professionals and part-time with term appointment

Investments available through:

  1. TIAA
  2. VOYA
  3. VALIC
  4. Fidelity
B. Insurance
  1. Health Insurance Options
    a. Empire Plan (hospitalization through Blue Cross, major medical through United Health Care)
    b. Health Maintenance Organizations
  2. Prescription Drugs: Carriers and benefit levels vary among employee groups and upon health insurance option selected
  3. Dental Insurance: Various carriers and benefits depending upon employee group
  4. Income Protection: Disability and life insurance coverage is provided to some employee groups through the retirement systems and/or bargaining unit programs
  5. Personal Insurance: Auto/homeowners/renters insurance policies are available for most employee groups through bargaining units and the State of New York
C. Tax Shelter Programs

Deferred compensation and tax deferred annuities are available through a variety of vendors depending upon employee group.

D. Credit Union

Employees are eligible to join the Summit Federal Credit Union and the Cornell Finger Lakes Community Credit Union.

E. Direct Deposit

Employees can have paychecks directly deposited at most banking institutions.

435.05 Faculty Associates

Local educators who host SUNY Cortland student teachers and practicum students are designated as faculty associates and are entitled to a variety of professional courtesies from the university. Examples include access to Memorial Library, use of the Student Life Center and other fitness and recreation facilities at faculty rates, access to campus events at faculty rates and a special Cortland ID with faculty associate designation (see 435.06). Interested individuals may find out more about the faculty associate designation and its benefits by calling the Field Experience and School Partnerships Office at 607-753-2824.

Back to Chapter 435


435.06 Faculty, Staff and Student ID Cards

The SUNY Cortland ID, the university’s official photo identification card, is a multipurpose, video-imaged identification card with electronic verification capability. The Cortland ID provides access to student residence halls, meal plans, library services, some buildings and offices, and network printing and copying. The Cortland ID also is used for the Cortland Auxiliary Connections account, which can be used for The Campus Store purchases, vending machines, laundry, as well as food purchases both on campus and at participating off-campus restaurants. Cortland IDs are required for all students, faculty and staff and must be presented for all card transactions.

With appropriate documentation, the Cortland ID is issued by Cortland Auxiliary Services to all students, employees, retirees, members of the College Council, Alumni Association Board, Cortland College Foundation, employees of Cortland Auxiliary, Child Care Center, Research Foundation, faculty associates, and spouses, domestic partners and dependent family members of cardholders. Dependent family members are defined as dependent children (under age 19; if a full-time student, under age 25) and other legal dependents.

A staff/student Cortland ID will be issued to staff who are enrolled as SUNY Cortland students in exchange for their staff card. The staff/student Cortland ID will have an expiration date of August 31, and Cortland Auxiliary will revalidate the Cortland ID each fall at no cost as long as the staff member remains enrolled as a SUNY Cortland student. When the staff member is no longer taking classes, they will return the staff/student Cortland ID to Cortland Auxiliary, and Cortland Auxiliary will re-issue a staff Cortland ID at no charge.

Other individuals who have a legitimate relationship with the campus may be eligible for a Cortland ID (e.g., students from other schools completing an internship at SUNY Cortland, NYPIRG representatives stationed on campus, international visiting scholars, volunteers who have been officially appointed). Eligibility for a Cortland ID for such individuals will be authorized by the appropriate vice president.

Presentation of the official Cortland ID admits cardholders to many campus and home athletic events. Cardholders may also receive discounts on ticket purchases for university programs and events. Dependent cardholders are required to pay admission to athletic events.

Cards may be obtained upon presentation of eligibility and another form of photo identification at the Cortland Auxiliary office in Neubig Hall during normal business hours. A charge is imposed for the replacement of any lost or mutilated cards.

SUNY Policy issued August, 2024:
Policy Statement

It is the policy of the State University of New York (SUNY) to issue identification cards to students at its campuses. SUNY Cortland requires all students to carry a valid SUNY Cortland identification card (Cortland ID) to ensure the safety of students and the entire campus community.

Applicability of the Policy

The Cortland ID (including digital identification cards) must be presented or surrendered upon request of a duly authorized university official, including but not limited to residence hall staff, University Police, Student Affairs staff, and students, contractors, or other staff authorized by the University to supervise campus events, activities, and residence halls. Individuals may be required to reveal their faces to confirm identity when needed to maintain campus safety or security. Upon request, students must show all identifying information shown on the card and/or surrender the card to the requesting official.

Intentional refusal to present or surrender a student identification card upon request by a university official; alteration or falsification of data on an identification card; creation and/or distribution of falsified identification cards; using an identification card to impersonate others; or refusal to reveal one’s face to confirm identity; are violations of this policy and may result in disciplinary action.


It is the student’s responsibility to replace the Cortland ID if it is confiscated, stolen, lost, bent, broken, or worn beyond the point of readability by university officials and/or card readers used by the university. Replacement cards may be obtained at the Cortland Auxiliary Services Business Office, in accordance with posted fees.

Cortland IDs are provided for appropriate identification use and access to buildings and services. The cards are not transferrable and are valid as long as the holder continues their specific affiliation with the campus. A Cortland ID is to be used only by the person to whom it is issued. Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately to Cortland Auxiliary Services Business Office.

Cortland Auxiliary Services and the university are not liable for any charges or other damages incurred if an ID is lost and used by another. More information about the Cortland ID is available online.

435.07 Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office

Faculty, staff and administrators are encouraged to use university-issued Procurement Cards (p-card) for purchases that are below set thresholds. If a purchase will not be made with a p-card, departments are required to submit an approved requisition to the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office. All purchases should follow guidelines on the Purchasing and Accounts Payable website.

As a New York State agency, SUNY Cortland purchasing policies adhere to state and SUNY guidelines and follow generally accepted purchasing practice. The Business Office — Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office is authorized to commit appropriated funds for goods and services and seeks to gain the highest possible value for purchased goods and services. All agreements and contracts involving departments must be reviewed and approved by the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office.

435.08 Guidelines for Payment of Consultants

See the Purchasing and Accounts Payable website for current guidelines.

435.09 Travel Reimbursement Limitations for Candidates

The following are relevant excerpts from the Comptroller's Rules and Regulations. Reimbursement at normal rates for travel expenses incurred by persons attending interviews for positions for which there can be documented a shortage of qualified candidates is allowable as follows:

  1. Reimbursement will be allowed to persons residing more than 50 miles from the place of interview.
  2. Candidates are to initially cover all expenses incurred relating to the interview, with applicable reimbursement to be accomplished subsequently.

Additional information can be found on the Purchasing and Accounts Payable website.

435.10 Reimbursement or Payment for Food/Beverages

Under certain circumstances, cost of food and beverages can be considered an appropriate expenditure, through the use of both New York State and Research Foundation funds. Faculty and staff must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Under no circumstances is the cost of alcoholic beverages acceptable.
  2. Normally State employees are not to be recipients of food and beverages, although certain circumstances are acceptable, such as the provision of food and beverages in support of a formal official business setting (e.g., conference, workshop, training session). Expenditures for food and beverages in a largely social, unstructured setting (e.g., receptions, parties) are not allowable.

A complete set of guidelines governing the authorized purchase of food and beverages with State or Research Foundation funds can be obtained from the Business Office.  Additional information can be found on the Purchasing and Accounts Payable website.

Back to Chapter 435 


Chapter 436: Policy for Official Video

Audio/video content that represents SUNY Cortland should be produced and published in a way that reinforces the SUNY Cortland Brand. The Policy for Official Video provides instruction on planning and publishing video projects. The Promotional Video Guide provides guidance for content producers on subjects such as accessibility and style. For more information, consult the SUNY Cortland Brand Identity Guide.

Chapter 437: Web Policy

SUNY Cortland's Web Policy applies to information:

  1. Published on servers owned by SUNY Cortland;
  2. Published within the SUNY Cortland domain; and
  3. Published elsewhere under direction or control of a SUNY Cortland department, organization or individual, where the contents are identified as SUNY Cortland information.

In many instances, SUNY Cortland's website is governed by the same policies that regulate similar operations across the university, such as campus advertising policies in the SUNY Cortland Handbook, style guidelines in the Brand Identity Guide and the Student Code of Conduct. Policies that are specific to use of the website are found in the Brand Identity Guide under Web Policy.

Chapter 438: Electronic Calendar

438.01 Policy Statement

This policy governs the creation, administration and presentation of the Electronic Events Calendar. The Electronic Events Calendar is the central repository of all campus events and is part of the university’s event management and space scheduling system. Space scheduling and other event management functions are addressed in Chapter 440 of the SUNY Cortland Handbook. 

438.02 Purpose

The Electronic Master Calendar is the master repository of all campus events. Events are presented via the web or through myRedDragon in the form of calendars. 

438.03 Definitions

Event Management System (EMS): SUNY Cortland’s centralized software program designed for scheduling events, facility reservations and electronic master calendaring. EMS is maintained by Information Resources. 

Electronic Event Calendar: The central repository within EMS where all events are stored.

Event Requestor: A faculty or staff member who uses EMS to request a facility for the purpose of scheduling an event.

Events: All happenings of the campus – meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences, performances, gallery events, graduation, sporting events, recreational events, academic events, due dates/deadlines, open enrollment, etc. 

Event Types: Each event within EMS is categorized by event type.  This is a required field when an event requestor schedules an event. Web users can then create filters to customize their view of the calendar by event type.

Event Description: Event description is a memo field that may be completed by the event requestor in order to provide additional information about the event. This information will display on a calendar when the user mouses over the event.

Space Manager: Campus spaces are managed by offices or individuals as pre-defined by the university. Within EMS, each space has an assigned space manager.  Space managers approve/deny space requests and manage their space’s room features, setup options, hours of availability, etc.

Calendars: EMS events are presented to web users as calendars. Examples include the Featured Events Calendar and the myRedDragon Calendar.

Calendar Manager: Each calendar is managed by one or more individuals.

Calendar Presentation: Calendars may be “fixed” or “personalized.”

Fixed Calendar Presentation: The calendar presents a set of events that may not be filtered by users.

Personalized Calendar Presentation: The calendar presents a set of events; however, web users may create filters to personalize the presentation.

Important Dates Calendar: This is the calendar that appears on the SUNY Cortland homepage. The Communications Office manages this calendar.

myRedDragon Calendar: This calendar appears on the Home tab within myRedDragon and can be personalized by users. Filters set by the user are automatically saved. Information Resources manages this calendar.

438.04 Scheduling of an Event

Event requestors may schedule an event and request a facility online by logging into EMS through myRedDragon. The Event requestor must complete the online form requirements before an event will be added to EMS. Facility requests are not automatically granted, and will be routed to the appropriate space manager for consideration. Space requests are not approved until they receive confirmation from the space manager. (See Chapter 440 for more information about facility requests.)

Events must have an associated department or campus organization. The event requestor must have appropriate representative authority for the department or organization. 

Event type is a required field the event requestor must complete during scheduling.  Event type is a pre-defined category list that is used by calendar managers and web users to filter the presentation of their calendars. 

Event description is a memo field that may be completed to provide additional information about the event. This information will display on a calendar when the user mouses over the event. Information in this field must comply with SUNY Cortland guidelines provided in student, faculty and staff handbooks, the Brand Identity Guide, relevant university policies, and state and federal laws and regulations.

438.05 Adding Events to a Calendar

Event requestors submit their event for the calendar during the scheduling process. The online reservation form includes the ability to submit an event for inclusion on the myRedDragon Calendar (automatically granted) and the ability to submit an event to be included on the Featured Events Calendar. The Communications Office will review the event for inclusion on the Featured Events Calendar (see Chapter 461 of the SUNY Cortland Handbook). 

438.06 Adding Off-Campus Events to a Calendar

All university-owned/operated facilities are listed within the myRedDragon Room Reservation System for scheduling and adding events to the calendar. Event requestors may request that their SUNY Cortland event that is taking place outside of university-owned/operated facilities be considered for inclusion on the myRedDragon Calendar by sending an email with all of the event details to Information Resources.

438.07 Personalizing the MyRedDragon Calendar 

Web users may customize the myRedDragon Calendar that appears on the home tab within myRedDragon. Using the filter button, the web user may select events of interest and save the setting. At any time, the web user may change or remove filter settings and see all public events.

(Approved by President's Cabinet June 25, 2012)

Back to Chapter 438


Chapter 439: Featured Events Policy

439.01 Policy Statements

This policy governs the creation and administration of SUNY Cortland’s Featured Events, which is integrated with the SUNY Cortland homepage and the web content management system. Featured Events provides a platform for publishing events intended for the campus community and the general public.

This policy establishes a framework and a process for publishing consistent, accurate and timely information about the campus. It also intends to: 

  • Promote ease of use in locating events of interest
  • Maintain clarity and reduce ambiguity
  • Facilitate a positive user experience
  • Assure consistency with the university’s marketing plan
  • Portray a consistently positive image of SUNY Cortland

439.02 Definitions

Content Management System (CMS): A web application for creating and managing HTML and other web files. The CMS is managed by the Marketing Office.

Event Management System (EMS): A software program designed for scheduling events and making room reservations. EMS is managed by Information Resources.

Featured Events: A component of the CMS used to promote campus events. It resides on the homepage and is managed by the Communications Office.

439.03 Event Management/Electronic Calendar System

SUNY Cortland maintains a system for electronic calendaring called Event Management System (EMS). The Communications Office monitors campus news, emails and notices and posts these events on the EMS, which may then appear on the SUNY Cortland homepage "Important events" calendars. These events are also shared on the myRedDragon calendar.

439.04 Important Dates Audience

Important Dates is designed for the campus community and the general public. The goal is to share information about and promote university-wide events, activities and significant dates, with the intent of increasing participation in campus life.

439.05 Event Creation and Management for Important Dates

Events submitted to the Communications Office will be considered for inclusion in Important Dates upon review by Communications Office staff.

Event postings must comply with SUNY Cortland guidelines provided in student, faculty and staff handbooks, the Brand Identity Guide, relevant university policies, and state and federal laws and regulations.

The director of communications, the director of marketing or the assistant director of web and digital services reserve the right to deny event listings that do not meet the above guidelines.

(Approved by President's Cabinet June 25, 2012 and updated August 2024)

Back to Chapter 439


Chapter 440: Policies for the Use of University Facilities

440.01 Priority in the Use of University Facilities

The following priority will be used in assigning facilities:

  1. Academic and related activities such as scheduled classes, registration, Commencement and Honors Convocation.
  2. Intercollegiate athletic contests that are post-season in nature.
  3. Regularly scheduled intercollegiate athletic contests during official seasons as defined by NCAA.
  4. Events that are scheduled annually and require a specific date such as Homecoming, Family Weekend, Spring Fling and Alumni Reunion.
  5. Events sponsored by the university annually and requiring a specific date such as the Recreation Conference.
  6. Scheduled intercollegiate athletic practices during the traditional season as defined by NCAA.
  7. Scheduled extramural sport club competition and scheduled intramural contests.
  8. Scheduled intercollegiate athletic practices during the nontraditional season as defined by NCAA.
  9. Scheduled sport club practices (those clubs that compete extramurally).
  10. Scheduled open recreation.
  11. Activities, programs and meetings by recognized student organizations or clubs.
  12. Activities, programs and meetings by non-SUNY Cortland organizations that relate to the mission of the university.
  13. Activities, programs, and meetings by non-SUNY Cortland organizations.

440.02 Appropriate Use of University Facilities

Recognizing that SUNY Cortland receives support from public funds, the university is committed to making its facilities as readily available for use by all groups and individuals as is consistent with its educational mission, its duties as a custodian of state resources, and its responsibility to consider the welfare of its students, faculty, staff and visitors.

An event shall not be permitted for any reason which, although in accord with the general purpose of the university, is of such character or occurs at such time or in such circumstance that it is likely to interfere or cause major conflict with any university activity, program or event. The use of SUNY Cortland facilities will be refused to any event requestor or group that abuses the privilege through destruction of property or violation of policies described in the SUNY Cortland Handbook.

440.03 Noncredit Use of Campus Facilities

A. Purpose

For noncredit use of facilities, the university will charge non-SUNY Cortland organizations an operational reimbursement to cover the cost of facilities on university grounds. Examples of such costs are maintenance, repair, equipment replacement and utilities. In addition to the operational reimbursement, organizations will pay for any labor, services, equipment and damage costs incurred by their programs.

Generally, SUNY Cortland departments, offices, authorized student activities and campus-related organizations will not be charged the operational reimbursement; however, charges may be levied when activities generate additional costs for labor, services, equipment, damage, etc.

B. Faculty or Staff Requests

The proposed use of space by faculty or staff for noncredit use will be subject to endorsement by the appropriate academic department chair, administrative officer or other officially recognized university unit. No authorization will be given to an individual faculty or staff member to use university facilities for an event or activity that is solely for the personal gain or pleasure of the individual.

C. Student or Student Group Requests

The proposed use of space by students and student groups will be subject to endorsement by an organization recognized by the student government and must meet criteria established by the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office.

D. Non-Discrimination Clause

There shall be no discriminatory practices in connection with any event because of race, color, creed, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or sexual orientation. General use of SUNY Cortland facilities is intended primarily for official university units and officially recognized faculty, staff, student groups and campus-related organizations conducting programs consistent with university objectives. However, to further its commitment to education and public service, SUNY Cortland supports the use of university facilities by non-SUNY Cortland organizations where such use does not infringe upon, compete, delay or conflict with normal operations of the university. In making its facilities available to non-SUNY Cortland organizations, it is not the intent of the university to compete with private business enterprises having similar facilities of adequate capacity to accommodate the needs of such organizations.


  1. University facilities include land, grounds, structures, buildings, equipment and furniture.
  2. Off-campus organizations shall be deemed to include:
    1. Federal, state or local government units, departments and agencies.
    2. Business, charitable, civic, community, cultural, educational, religious, entertainment, industrial, labor, political, professional, and recreational organizations operating on a not-for-profit basis and having broad educational or public service purpose and whose purposes are not directly related to the student life, research, or instructional programs of the university. Cortland Auxiliary is authorized to provide services on campus and shall be deemed a SUNY Cortland organization for purposes of this policy.
    3. Business and commercial enterprises that operate on a profit-making basis.
    4. Religious organizations may be authorized to use university facilities for the conduct of conferences or meetings. However, authorization will not be given for the express purpose of a religious service other than at the request of a group of SUNY Cortland students, per item 076, Policy Handbook, State University of New York.

Back to Chapter 440


440.04 Administrative Policy on Conferences

SUNY Cortland is committed to increasing conference activity on campus in pursuit of the state university goal of enhancing the public and community service role of the university. In addition, conference activity contributes to the economic welfare of the community; utilizes idle buildings and facilities; adds to the vitality and even excitement of the campus; generates modest net revenue for equipment, renovation of spaces used by conferences, and other campus needs; and spreads the reputation of the campus for hospitality, good food, well-maintained buildings and facilities, superior organization and the beauty of its surroundings.

  1. Conference Definition: Any use of a university facility for a specified time period may be considered a conference. A conference is a meeting, or a series of meetings, that has been specifically designed and organized around a central objective, theme, and/or goal. Participants at conferences are referred to as conferees. A conference can be sponsored by a SUNY Cortland group or by a non-SUNY Cortland group. SUNY Cortland reserves the right to accept or deny any request for the utilization of university facilities.
  2. Priorities: The academic functions of the university naturally and properly come first in utilization of campus buildings, equipment and personnel. In times of conflict, SUNY Cortland will attempt to accommodate a conference if the academic functions can take place as scheduled without undue hardship. The specific priorities for the use of university facilities are spelled out in paragraph 440.01.
  3. Coordination: The function of director of conferences is assigned to the director of Campus Event Management. The director is responsible for the implementation of conferences on our campus. Duties are to include: providing prospective clients with information; obtaining commitments from support offices and personnel and scheduling needed facilities, Cortland Auxiliary staff, and other concerned offices; and signing commitments with clients. Additionally, the director should see that a formal letter of agreement is prepared for each conference, listing charges, facilities used and services to be provided; that unusual or questionable requests be forwarded via the appropriate vice president to the President's Cabinet for decision; and that all state, SUNY and university regulations are observed. In order to reduce confusion, the use of facilities for conference activities must be approved by the director of Campus Event Management.
  4. Revenue: Conference income will be deposited in an appropriate (IFR or agency) account from which all direct expenses will be paid.

440.05 Event Management System (EMS)

SUNY Cortland maintains a centralized system for scheduling of events, space management and electronic master calendaring called Event Management System (EMS).

440.06 EMS Definitions

Electronic Master Calendar: All events are stored within a central calendaring repository within EMS. Events may appear on various calendars or no calendar at all. See SUNY Cortland Handbook, Chapter 439 for more information.

Event Requestor: Campus users may schedule an event and request a facility online by logging into EMS. Events are scheduled on behalf of a campus department or organization. Therefore, event requestors must have appropriate representation authority.

Events: All happenings of the campus: meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences, performances, gallery events, graduation, sporting events, recreational events, academic events, due dates/deadlines, open enrollment, etc.

Calendars: EMS includes multiple electronic calendars: Featured Events, Dates and Deadlines, myRedDragon. Each of these calendars is managed by an appropriate office. Event requestors may ask for their event to be included on specific electronic calendars when making their request.

Buildings: EMS includes all structures and outdoor spaces that could be scheduled.

Rooms/Spaces: EMS includes all rooms, sports fields and spaces that could be scheduled.

Space Manager: Campus spaces are managed by offices or individuals as pre-defined by the university. Within EMS, each space has an assigned space manager. Space managers approve/deny space requests and manage their space’s room features, setup options, hours of availability, etc.

Room Setup Type: Some campus spaces have multiple room setup types (furniture). Users may browse a room’s setup types through the Browse Facilities functions within EMS. Event requestors must select a room setup type when requesting space.

Room Setup Time: Some room setup types require additional time to arrange the furniture prior to the event, and then time to return to the default setup. The required setup/tear-down time is automatically calculated by EMS for each setup type.

Room Features: Each room within EMS lists the features of the room: carpet, window, whiteboard, data projector, computer, etc. Catering and food and beverages are only permitted in designated spaces.

440.07 Facility Use Terms and Conditions

Each campus building and interior space has a defined capacity and terms of use. The Event Management System requires the event requestor to agree to abide by the requested space’s defined capacity and terms and conditions.

The use of university facilities will be refused to any event requestor or group that abuses the privilege through destruction of property or violation of policies described in the SUNY Cortland Handbook.

Promotional Messages/Public Announcements

All promotional messages/public announcements that will appear in any campus building must be approved by various campus entities as outlined below. Unauthorized materials will be removed.  See the Cortland Signage Policy for more information.

A. Banners

Banners are prohibited from being hung on the exterior of university buildings or in any area surrounding a building and within the interior of university buildings.

B. Free-standing Displays

Free-standing displays, such as pop-up stands, are permitted to be used inside or outside campus buildings with approval from the Marketing Committee and Facilities Operations and Services. Exits must be kept cleared and fire prevention/safety regulations followed.

C. Lawn Signs

Lawn signs are permitted to be used outside campus buildings with approval from the Marketing Committee and Facilities Operations and Services. Exits must be kept cleared and fire prevention/safety regulations followed.

D. Posters

Posters from organizations outside the campus community are subject to review by the Marketing Committee. Scotch tape, masking tape, thumb tack and staples are not permitted to be adhered to walls and/or windows in any campus facility.

SUNY Posting Policy Statement:

It is the policy of the State University of New York (SUNY) to ensure that recognized student organizations, university programs, departments, and units that want to share information about upcoming events and activities are able to do so through various means of communication, including flyers and posters.


SUNY reserves the right to manage posting and advertising on its campuses in order to maintain an orderly and attractive venue, to make event information accessible to the campus community, and to ensure that events and programs that are advertised comply with institutional policies and procedures.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy sets forth the requirements for all student organizations, university programs, departments, and units recognized by SUNY Cortland that wish to post items on campus general-use bulletin boards. This policy does not apply to bulletin boards that are reserved for specific departments, offices, or organizations whereby posting generally requires permission of that group.

For policy on entities and individuals who wish to use SUNY Cortland facilities for other than approved college-sponsored academic, administrative, and extra-curricular activities, please refer to Facilities Use Policy.


Announcements, letters, bulletins, posters, flyers, postcards, sandwich boards, etc., promoting or describing an event, meeting, program, etc., must clearly indicate the sponsoring group/organization and phone number or email address of a contact person, including who students may contact for reasonable accommodations. Promotions for events not sponsored by SUNY Cortland must clearly indicate the sponsoring group and phone number or email address of a contact person and explicitly indicate that the event is not sponsored by SUNY Cortland.

Posted items are to be posted only on general-use bulletin boards identified for this purpose.

Prohibited posting activities include without limitation: posting of promotional flyers or leaflets on doors, windows, trees, light poles, vehicles, bus stops, indoor and outdoor walls and in elevators; promotion of events that advertise alcohol or drugs or any event that violates the law and/or the Cortland code of conduct; chalking of buildings or roadways; any promotional material not endorsed by a student organization, university program, department and/or unit.

Postings may not be placed over current/valid postings of other organizations, and students are prohibited from removing or tearing down current/valid postings of other organizations. Multiple postings in the same location are prohibited.

Items posted that do not follow the policy guidelines will be removed. Repeated violations will result in a loss of posting privileges and possible disciplinary action.

Questions related to the daily operational interpretation of this policy should be directed to the Campus Event Management Office.

E. Decorations

All decorations must be made with fireproof materials. Scotch tape, masking tape, thumb tack and staples are not permitted to be adhered to walls and/or windows in any campus facility. Exits must be kept cleared and fire prevention/safety regulations followed.

F. Advertisements

All advertisements by commercial businesses or through commercial businesses must fall within the guidelines of the SUNY Cortland advertising policy (Section 481.05). Campus organizations may not advertise social events that indicate drinks are free, sold at reduced prices, or otherwise appear to encourage unlimited or excessive drinking.

440.08 Liability for Personal Property

SUNY Cortland and the state of New York are not liable for damages to or loss of personal property stored on the SUNY Cortland campus. Personal property is not covered absent a contractual provision that specifies protection, and there is no mechanism for the university to reimburse faculty/staff for any personal losses. It is recommended that personal property of any value be stored off-campus and/or insured privately.

(Approved by President's Cabinet Feb. 9, 1999)

440. 09 Scheduling Events and Requesting Space

All events and spaces are managed in the Event Management System (EMS). All conference rooms will be available within the myRedDragon Room Reservation System for faculty and staff to schedule unless the Facilities and Master Planning Oversight Committee (FMPOC) has approved a department’s appeal that their conference room be designated for departmental private use only. Even so, these conference rooms must also be scheduled internally through EMS.

Event requestors must agree to the terms of use for the space being requested.

Event requestors may schedule events and request space online in EMS by logging into myRedDragon. After the event requestor submits the completed request, the form is electronically routed to the appropriate space manager for approval. Email updates are provided along the workflow process to keep the event requestor informed of the status. If the request is approved by the space manager, the event is forwarded to the appropriate electronic calendar owner for approval. If the space request is denied by the space manager, the event requestor will be notified via email that they needs to look for a different space for the event.

Space managers may need to bump scheduled events due to a change in priority of space usage. If this is necessary, the space manager will notify the affected event requestor. The event requestor will be responsible for finding an alternative space for their event and notifying attendees of the change in location.

Some campus spaces permit multiple furniture setup options. Setup services are provided by appropriate campus departments (Corey Union, Facilities Operations and Services, Cortland Auxiliary). EMS provides the available setup types in the room setup tab when event requestors are browsing for a space. Each setup type automatically includes the needed time for setup and tear-down. If an event requestor selects a setup type that requires a longer setup time than is possible due to a preceding or later event, EMS will deny the request due to the scheduling conflict.

EMS lists additional services that may be available for each room including: catering availability, technology, specialized equipment (ex. piano), UPD security, etc. event requestors may request these services through EMS; however, the service provider (Cortland Auxiliary, Information Resources, UPD, etc.) will confirm or deny the services separately.

440.10 Scheduling Events That Do Not Require Space

Event requestors may request an event be included on an electronic calendar even if the event does not require a space on campus (due dates, deadlines, etc.) The event requestor submits the event through EMS after logging into myRedDragon. After completing the event form, it will be electronically routed to the appropriate calendar manager for approval. Email updates are provided along the approval process to keep the event requestor informed of the status.

440.11 Sponsorship of Events Held By Non-SUNY Cortland Organizations

Occasionally, non-SUNY Cortland organizations seek support from the university for activities and programs that occur either in the community or on the campus. In the spirit of partnership, the university may lend support or enter into a sponsorship agreement with such non-SUNY Cortland entities.

This includes the use of university equipment off the campus or the use of university facilities at reduced or at no cost.

University sponsorship of an activity that is primarily the responsibility of a non-SUNY Cortland entity normally requires a more substantial commitment of university resources and therefore must directly promote the mission of SUNY Cortland. Program support, including the use of SUNY Cortland equipment, may be permitted without official sponsorship designation. Policies that govern the use of university equipment are found in Chapter 450 of the SUNY Cortland Handbook.

Sponsorship requests developed by faculty, staff or students must be reviewed by the appropriate vice president for official university approval.  Sponsorship requests that do not involve SUNY Cortland faculty, staff, or students must be approved by the director of Campus Event Management. Once a decision is reached in a sponsorship situation, a copy of the event reservation will be sent to the appropriate building manager and departments involved.

440.12 Responsibilities of Sponsoring Department

SUNY Cortland policy requires that at any function using university facilities there must be a responsible member of the sponsoring department present throughout the event. Sponsoring departments are responsible for the conduct of those attending events and for cleanup of facility immediately after the events. All damage or loss of property must be reported the following day by a representative of the sponsoring department. The sponsoring department is responsible for all damages or losses incurred during the activity. Liaison with the appropriate space manager must be established and maintained from the time the event is scheduled until after it has been completed and all obligations fulfilled. The use of university facilities will be refused to any event requestor or group that abuses the privilege through destruction of property or violation of policies described in the SUNY Cortland Handbook.

A. The proposed use of space by non-SUNY Cortland groups will be subject to endorsement by the director of Campus Event Management. Commitments regarding use of SUNY Cortland facilities may be made only by the director of Campus Event Management and only after consideration of a formal application. Individuals with room or building responsibility responding to personal or telephone inquiries concerning the type of facilities and/or services available should not convey any impression that a commitment of facilities or services has been or will be made. The individual or organization should be referred to the director of Campus Event Management to complete formal application for use of facilities.

1. Required actions of the non-SUNY Cortland organization:

Non-SUNY Cortland organizations must provide all necessary information including but not limited to:

  1. Name and function of the group.
  2. Name, phone number, mailing address and email address of the individual responsible for the event.
  3. Purpose of the meeting, function or event.
  4. Preferred meeting date.
  5. University facilities, food service, personnel required and other special needs such as setup, AV and other equipment.
  6. Liability statement (Proof of insurance if required)

2. Actions of the director of Campus Event Management:

  1. The director of Campus Event Management checks availability of space via EMS.
  2. The director of Campus Event Management initiates application form, notes special services desired or required, distributes to specific areas to obtain cost estimates; assigns operational reimbursement charge.
  3. The director of Campus Event Management completes a revocable permit.
  4. The director of Campus Event Management obtains requestor signature noting acceptance of terms and cost estimates.
  5. The director of Campus Event Management reviews and signs form and will add the probable need for personnel services, if any; the director of Campus Event Management distributes one copy each to the building administrator, University Police Department and Facilities Operations and Services.
    1. Actual labor costs following the event are submitted to a representative within the Campus Event Management Office by Facilities Operations and Services, University Police, and other areas when applicable.
    2. The director of Campus Event Management collects actual charges for audio visual (special lighting, sound equipment, etc.), housing, Facilities Operations and Services, public safety, etc.

B. Requesting Space for Non-SUNY Cortland Organizations

Non-SUNY Cortland organizations may not directly access EMS to schedule an event or request space. Instead, they must complete a Facilities Request Form provided by the director of Campus Event Management. Once this completed form is received, Campus Event Management may delegate responsibility to the sponsoring department to coordinate the event when needed; however, the sponsoring department may not coordinate the event until they have received approval from Campus Event Management. Should a sponsoring department receive the request first, they should refer the non-SUNY Cortland organization to complete the Facilities Request Form.

Either Campus Event Management or the sponsoring department will need to log into EMS and complete all event and/or space requests on behalf of the non-SUNY Cortland organization. Either Campus Event Management or the sponsoring department will be the event requestor for the non-SUNY Cortland organization’s event and have all liaison responsibilities for coordinating the event with the requested space’s space manager and all other requested services for the event. The EMS space request form shall include the sponsoring department in the “department” field and the name of the off-campus organization in the “secondary contact” fields.

C. Priority of Scheduling

  1. Official university use of all facilities shall have first priority. See 440.01.
  2. Requests for use of facilities for official purposes by SUNY Cortland-affiliated groups, SUNY System Administration, and New York state governmental agencies will be given approval over other non-SUNY Cortland organizations.

D. Publicity

All information and promotional materials prepared by a reserving organization in conjunction with an event scheduled on campus must identify the sponsoring group and must not in any way imply sponsorship by State University of New York College at Cortland unless specifically approved by the university. Public advertisements for non-SUNY Cortland organization activities shall be subject to approval by the director of Campus Event Management or a committee decision of departments affected. See also 440.15.

Back to Chapter 440


440.13 Major Events

Major events that are planned to be held within a university facility or on university property and open to the SUNY Cortland community and the general public must be planned with the utmost concern for safety and security. To minimize problems associated with staging an event and also minimizing the liability to the hosts and the university, proper planning procedures are necessary.

A. Contracts and Agreements

Pre-booking discussions for outside speakers, events, concerts, etc., — those that require a contract, auditorium size, theater space, Arena, gyms, field house sized space and/or technical support — should be conducted with appropriate advisors, building administrators and staff within Campus Event Management prior to any commitment being made and/or signing any contract. Recognized Student Government Association groups must follow their established policies and also consult with the Office of Campus Activities and Corey Union. Club Sports and Intramurals must follow their established policies and consult with the Office of Campus Recreation.  Once it is determined that the provisions for hosting a speaker or event on the Cortland campus can be met by the campus and our provisions for hosting the event are understood by the speaker and/or performer, a production meeting should be held with the director of Campus Event Management and other appropriate personnel as needed such as University Police, Facilities Operations and Services and the building administrator.

No campus space will be reserved until the director of Campus Event Management or designee for non-student groups has reviewed the proposed contract. It is in the best interest of the organization and/or sponsors not to sign a contract with any speaker or performer until there is certainty that the conditions of the contract can be met, including providing space, security and other technical requirements.

B. Security

SUNY Cortland cannot permit any outside group to bring any form of armed security onto campus, nor can the welfare and safety of the speaker/performer or the audience be assured unless appropriate security and staffing arrangements are provided by the university. 

Campus Event Management staff and University Police Department personnel will assist program sponsors in preparing a well-run, enjoyable event. In order for this to occur, every member of the SUNY Cortland community must help by following appropriate planning practices.

440.14 Guidelines for Sponsoring Campus Events Requiring Extraordinary Security Arrangements 

From time to time campus organizations sponsor events that tend to generate a great deal of controversy within the community. These situations often require special attention, not only from the sponsor, but from the university, since these programs may create an environment that may threaten the safety of those attending and/or involved.  Recognized Student Government Association groups must follow their established policies and also consult with the Office of Campus Activities and Corey Union. Club Sports and Intramurals must follow their established policies and consult with the Office of Campus Recreation. Non-College Organizations must work with the Office of Campus Event Management. See 440.11.

The following guidelines are established for the handling of this type of event. The use of the term "speaker" in these guidelines refers to all speakers, artists, entertainers or other forms of presentations that may require the measures herein specified. Additionally, although an event may not include a form of presentation, the nature of the event itself may be such as to require the implementation of some of the procedures listed below.

Implementation of the guidelines, and other measures deemed necessary, may be recommended by the chief of university police (and/or other university officials who may have responsibility for the management of events or facilities) to the SUNY Cortland president or their designee. Upon determination by the president or designee that these measures are necessary, the guidelines should be discussed thoroughly with the sponsoring group. A copy of these guidelines should be given to the group well in advance of the event.

A. Agreement with speaker: these guidelines must be discussed with the speaker and agreed to prior to the event.

  1. No speaker or member of speaker's staff shall bring onto the campus any form of weapon or firearm.
  2. Prior to the event, the speaker and the speaker's staff shall agree to a personal search by University Police Department staff to ensure the absence of weapons and/or firearms. This may include the use of metal detection devices.
  3. Before, during or after the presentation, neither the speaker nor any member of the speaker's staff shall threaten, intimidate or physically approach or come into contact with any member of the audience or member of the SUNY Cortland community.

B. Responsibilities of the sponsor

1. Scheduling of an event.

  1. All facilities should be reserved through established campus procedures.
  2. Early in the planning process, the sponsoring organization shall contact the Communications Office for media releases.
  3. Any small group meetings with the speaker prior to or following the presentation shall take place in a sponsor's office or scheduled facility to avoid hallway discussions or encounters that may become disruptive.
  4. The sponsor shall be responsible for providing the appropriate administrative officers with a full and complete itinerary of the speaker's visit at least 10 days prior to the event. This should include the speaker's time of arrival on campus, their housing arrangements as necessary, and a complete schedule of activities including dates, times, and locations for all meetings, presentations, etc. involving the speaker.
  5. The sponsor shall discuss these guidelines and all security arrangements with University Police Department at least 10 days prior to the event. The University Police Department will have discretion to determine levels of officer support and special equipment necessary to assist with the event, including outside police agencies as required. In all cases where private or personal security agents will accompany persons appearing on campus, at least one member of the University Police Department staff shall be present to ensure compliance with university policy. 
  6. Failure to provide timely notice to the University Police Department of an event that includes the presence of private or personal security agents or that may create an environment that threatens the personal safety of those attending or involved may result in cancellation of the event and/or the denial of future access to university facilities by the sponsor and may result in the sponsor being responsible for the expense of officers necessary to work the event. University Police Department will have sole responsibility for security at the event.
  7. If deemed necessary, University Police Department will secure the use of metal detectors to monitor those attending the event. 
  8. If security for the event will include personal searches, as approved by the University Police Department, notice will be included in publicity for the event.

2. Control of the Event

  1. The sponsor shall provide adequate ticket takers and ushers for the event or, depending on the facility, arrange for this service with the building administrator. These individuals shall be clearly identified by name tags, armbands, or some other visible form of identification.
  2. Prior to the beginning of an event, those members of the sponsoring group responsible for the conduct of the event shall be introduced and identified to University Police Department staff and administrative officers present.
  3. Ticket takers will ensure that no members of the audience or sponsoring organization bring into the facility any placards on sticks, cans, bottles, or other type of containers. University Police Department personnel may assist in this process.
  4. If deemed necessary, members of the audience and sponsoring group may be prohibited from bringing into the event book bags, or any other items that may be used as, or conceal weapons and/or firearms. Should this action be required, the sponsoring group shall be responsible for establishing a supervised coat-check in close proximity to the event.
  5. Arrangements that are determined to be necessary relative to control of the event (as designated above) must be clearly posted outside the facility at the time of the event and should be made a part of advance advertising.
  6. Ushers shall be responsible for keeping all aisles clear and for following the established guidelines for safety.
  7. In the event of severe heckling from members of the audience, the following steps will be taken.
  8. Ushers shall ask the person or persons involved to cease their activity.
     i. If this request is not respected, a university staff member will intervene.
    ii. In a final effort to control the disruption, the university staff member may ask for assistance from a University Police Department officer.
  9. At no time shall members of the sponsoring organization, ticket takers, ushers or others enter into physical contact with a member of the audience unless directed to do so by a University Police Department officer. Individuals who fail to respond to these attempts to restore order will be asked to leave the event. Failure to comply may result in campus judicial action, arrest or other appropriate action.

C. Expectations

SUNY Cortland has established these guidelines to facilitate the orderly conduct of public events. Both speakers invited to campus and those in attendance at such events should be able to participate in a free and open exchange of ideas. Behavior that makes it impossible to conduct a scheduled event or threatens the safety of participants cannot be permitted.

440.15 Food and Beverage Service

1. Food and beverages served in Corey Union may be served only in areas approved by the building administrator. Food and beverages to be sold must be nonperishable and be approved in advance by Cortland Auxiliary.
2. Guidelines for SGA Organization-run Concessions

  1. SGA organization-run concessions are defined as "sales at events which have a specified time period, usually one day, but in some instances a specified event may run over a given number of days."
  2. Requests must be made from bona fide SGA organizations that fall under their insurance protection.
  3. SGA organizations that potentially generate income will be given concession preference; however, other SGA organizations may be allowed to run non-competing products.
  4. If organizations are permitted to run concessions at non-SUNY Cortland related programs on campus, any SGA student organization may run the concession on a first-come basis. However, two or more concessions may be run simultaneously if they are non-competing.
  5. If Cortland Auxiliary runs a food concession, the organizations may not sell food, but may sell other items providing they are not sold in The Campus Store. However, items such as specially imprinted T-shirts or other goods that have meaning for the specific event may be sold.
  6. For permission to be given to sell foods, organizations must comply with the regulations of the state and county sanitary codes and must have a current and valid permit on display. Organizations must also hold current liability insurance through SGA.
  7. Organizations may not use Cortland Auxiliary space to sell their goods unless Cortland Auxiliary is using the area at the same time and feels the sales will complement each other.
  8. Organizations are responsible for set up and clean up of their work areas and those areas that were made messy due mainly from the products sold.

(Approved by President Clark Nov. 15, 1979)

440.16 Brown Auditorium

Event requestors may request the use of Brown Auditorium through EMS. The auditorium should be used only for events that require the capacity or special facilities available. Management of this facility occasionally will require additional approval and labor costs for supervision, technical services, clean up and/or security.

440.17 Corey Union

Event requestors may request Corey Union space through EMS. Consideration will be given to the size of the group, the availability of the facilities and services, and the nature of the activity in relation to the total Corey Union program. Approval for use must be in the best interest of the university. The use of Corey Union will be refused to any group that abuses the privilege through destruction of property or violation of policies described in the SUNY Cortland Handbook. All applications by non-SUNY Cortland organizations should be submitted to the director of Campus Event Management.

Event requestors may select room setup, food and beverage services, security and technology services when completing the EMS request form. Services may include a charge. The using organization will be billed for these charges at the conclusion of the program. The organization is not to make direct cash payment to janitors, police officers, firefighters, etc.

440.18 Stadium Complex

The unique nature of this facility, from time to time, demands a certain sensitivity with regard to scheduling. All requests for the use of the Stadium Complex should be submitted through EMS or directly to the director of Campus Event Management. Certain proposed uses of the Stadium Complex, which may necessitate the rescheduling of routine activities, may require discussion and approval by President's Cabinet.

440.19 Use of Student Life Center

The Student Life Center at SUNY Cortland has adopted policies and procedures applicable to all campus personnel, buildings, programs, or other settings. These policies are in force and effect at Campus Recreation Department (CRD) facilities and by entering such facilities, students, faculty and any other Authorized Users agree to be bound by such policies.

  • Access to the Student Life Center is limited to Authorized Users, who are required to provide a student or staff ID card or other accepted form of identification.  
  • The CRD reserves the right to eject anyone whose behavior is unruly or illegal in nature. Membership privileges will be revoked without a refund and the individual(s) will be escorted from the facility. The University Police Department (UPD) may be contacted.   
  • All users must sign the Student Life Center Acknowledgement of Risk, Waiver and Release of Liability prior to using the Student Life Center.  
  • CRD takes seriously its obligations under the University’s Child Protection Policy. Any authorized minor under the age of eighteen (18) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times in the Student Life Center, with the exception of single occupancy restrooms or single stall toilets. Under no circumstances should an authorized minor ever be unaccompanied without a parent or guardian in the swimming pool or locker room areas (again, with the exception of single occupancy restrooms or single stall toilets). 
  • Photography and videotaping of any kind is strictly prohibited in restroom and locker room areas
  • Authorized Users must follow all posted guidance on use of the facilities, e.g., running directions on the indoor track, use of swimming lanes, acceptable court footwear, availability of equipment or areas. Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring that authorized minors follow such guidance.
  • All fitness equipment should be used consistent with posted CRD or manufacturer’s guidance on proper use, including with regard to age, fitness, and proper usage technique. Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring that authorized minors follow such guidance.  
  • All Authorized Users under the age of eleven (11) are strictly prohibited from utilizing cardiovascular fitness machines and weight training equipment and must follow all posted restrictions. If a higher minimum age is posted for a particular piece of equipment or equipment category, that minimum age should be followed. 
  • CRD reserves the right to eject anyone for any unsafe use of equipment, or any other behavior or activity that poses a danger to the health or safety of authorized users or CRD staff, or to the personal property of CRD.  
  • Personal training or other instruction for pay or trade by outside entities is strictly prohibited and could jeopardize membership privileges for all parties involvedPersonal training and instruction is limited to CRD staff. 
  • All bags or other personal items should be stored in lockers or cubbies. Any unattended items not stored in lockers or cubbies will be collected and brought to the lost & found area. Unclaimed items will be handled consistent with state law.  

For inquiries about Authorized User qualifications, operating hours, and fees, go to the Student Life Center webpage or call Campus Recreation at 607-753-5585.

440.20 Summer Sports Camp

The Summer Sports Camps offers sports-related, noncredit camps and clinics on the Cortland campus. The director of Campus Event Management is responsible for scheduling of Summer Sports Camp programs. The appropriate group or organization using the facilities are responsible for planning, staffing, promotion, registration, and administration of their Summer Camps.  The director works closely with appropriate groups and organizations to get them in contact with the necessary campus offices to plan for food, housing, and facility use.

440.21 Rules and Regulations for Spectator Conduct

A. It is the policy of the university that the following regulations pertaining to the safety and behavior of spectators be observed at all intercollegiate athletic and sport club events.

  1. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited at all events.
  2. All language and behavior deemed offensive to the general public and participants is prohibited at all events.
  3. The use of any musical instruments or noisemaking devices in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner is prohibited at all events.
  4. SUNY Cortland has been designated a completely tobacco-free campus. Tobacco and electronic cigarette/electronic aerosol delivery device use is prohibited everywhere within the perimeter on all SUNY Cortland property, both indoors and outdoors, as well as in university-owned vehicles, and in any vehicle on SUNY Cortland property. Tobacco and electronic cigarette/electronic aerosol delivery device use is prohibited at all university-sponsored, off-campus events. See Chapter 496 or read the Tobacco and Nicotine-Free Campus Policy for more information. 

B. Consumption of food and/or nonalcoholic beverages is restricted to designated areas at all indoor events.

  1. Procedure designed to implement the rules and regulations for the conduct of spectators.
  2. Failure to adhere to the stated policies may result in spectators being asked to leave an athletic event.
  3. These rules and regulations are to be announced (as appropriate and needed) over the public address system at all events where such system is used and are to be made available to spectators through announcement in the published program of an athletic event or through the posting of the regulations in appropriate places.

440.22 Visiting Scholar Facilities Use

Upon recommendation of the appropriate dean and of the provost, the president may appoint qualified persons to the courtesy position of visiting scholar. This appointment normally carries no specific duties and no compensation and is similar to volunteer status. Working space and reasonable access to scholarly facilities is determined by the appropriate dean on a case-by-case basis.

440.23 Display of the Flag

State University Administrative Policy, Item 501, page 1, states "The University will display on its several campuses no flag or banner other than the flag of the United States, the flag of the state of New York, the United Nations flag and the Red Cross flag, and the University will not permit the display of any such other flag or banner requiring the use of public facilities or premises of the University."

440.24 Late Night Programming

Periodically, recognized student groups wish to host programs whose hours extend past the normal building closing time. The university will review each program request. It is expected that a full-time SUNY Cortland faculty/staff member be present for the duration of this event. The faculty/staff member will be expected to act in the best interest of SUNY Cortland should any emergency situation arise during the event. It is the duty of the recognized student group to identify and invite the faculty/staff member at least 10 business days before the program. Should a faculty/staff member not be found, the event may not proceed in the planning process. The recognized student group will be responsible for setting up a pre-program meeting with the director of campus activities and Corey Union or the assistant director of campus activities and Corey Union at least 10 business days before the event. At that meeting, the following topics will be discussed and procedures for the event will be decided:

  1. The nature of the event
  2. Process for identifying attendees at the event, such as a sign-in sheet
  3. Identification of full-time SUNY Cortland faculty/staff member (it would be best if this individual were in attendance at this meeting)
  4. Responsibilities of recognized group members during events
  5. Cleanup responsibilities

Once all these areas have been approved, the event may proceed. Should the faculty/staff member fail to arrive at the designated time of the event, the event will be immediately canceled and the building closed.

 440.25 Duties of a Building Administrator

A. Security of the building

  1. Establishes the hours during which the building is to be open.
  2. Receives reports from the University Police Department of open or unlocked doors and windows after the official closing hours and initiates corrective action.
  3. Authorizes the issuance of building entrance and room keys and security codes to qualified permanent or part-time users and maintains building directories.
  4. Responds to door “prop alarms” from the card access system.

B. Utilization of the building: Coordinates the use of space within the building with the registrar and the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office.

C. Maintenance of the building

  1. Approves (computerized) work orders initiated by other offices for room repairs or modifications such as furniture moves.
  2. Coordinates solutions for building problems involving sanitation, plumbing, cleanliness and elevators following the direction of Facilities, Operations, and Services.
  3. Communicates cleaning and maintenance problems to the supervising custodian in the building and reports to Facilities Operations and Services any lack of service by custodians, janitors, maintenance personnel and refuse collectors.

D. Communication liaison

An important function of the building administrator is communication liaison. The following is a list of duties assigned to the building administrator as a liaison between administrative units and building occupants for routine services.

  • The building administrator arranges for postings containing special information concerning the building or areas of the building to be affixed at entrances and/or the specific area.
  • The building administrator notifies occupants of impending interruption to public areas/utilities in the building.
  • The building administrator acts as the primary building point of contact with the following offices:
    • President’s Office
    • University Police Department
    • Facilities Planning, Design and Construction Office
    • Environmental Health and Safety Office
    • Mail Services /Central Warehouse
    • Custodial Services

E. Emergency Preparedness

The following duties are assigned to the building administrator in the role of building emergency preparedness.

  1. Implements building-specific policies and procedures, posts notices, and disseminates information about building preparations, activities, facilities issues and campus programs.
  2. Works as building liaison to other campus departments and units such as Environmental Health and Safety Office; Facilities Operations and Services; University Police Department; Human Resources Office, etc., that provide support, assistance and input to emergency preparedness planning.

F. Receives and forwards to the Alcohol Review Committee any requests for service of alcohol at functions to be held within the building.

G. Environmental safety of the building.

  1. Reports unsafe conditions to Facilities Operations and Services or the Environmental Health and Safety Office.
  2. Receives from the Environmental Health and Safety Office notices (and ensures posting of same) concerning removal from localized areas of asbestos and lead-bearing substances.
  3. Channels complaints regarding building temperatures and air flows to the proper office.
  4. Has the discretion upon becoming aware of an odor situation to advise occupants so each may individually determine personal impact. Employee absence or fresh-air break due to odor situation must be approved by immediate supervisor, not the building administrator.

Back to Chapter 440


440.26 Use of Facilities By Third Parties for Free Speech

The following constitutes the State University of New York College at Cortland’s “time, place and manner” policy on the use of SUNY Cortland-owned (the university) facilities by third parties (non-university or sponsored by recognized student organizations) for free speech purposes as by the University Council pursuant to a delegation of authority by the SUNY Board of Trustees. See SUNY Policy #5603 “Use of Facilities by Non-Commercial Organizations.”

Reasons for this Policy

As an institution of higher education, the university respects and fully supports the rights granted to individuals under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution regarding free speech. The university has adopted free speech policies with respect to its students, faculty, and staff, but not for third parties, who are not sponsored by the university or a recognized student organization, but want to use the campus for free speech purposes.

As a public entity, partially funded by New York state tax dollars, the university will provide a designated public forum to third parties outside of the campus community for their exercise of free speech rights. To comply with existing law, the university recognizes that it will be dedicating its scarce resources to the third parties, including staff time for the management of the designated public forum, the cost associated/loss of revenue with the use of space itself, and possibly utilizing university police and other administrative offices’ staff, to provide for the public safety of participants.

In adopting this policy, the university weighed its competing obligations and responsibilities: to meet its legal obligations as a public entity to provide a designated public forum for free speech by third parties; to meet its audit and control obligations in managing New York state property under its jurisdiction; and to meet its obligations for the orderly and safe operation of its campus, while responsibly managing and allocating its scarce resources in pursuit of its education mission for its students.

Policy Application

This policy shall apply to all third parties, who are not sponsored by the university and/or a student group, who want to use the university’s designated public forum for free speech purposes. This policy does not apply to students, speakers officially sponsored by recognized student groups, faculty or staff as other reservation and use policies apply to those campus community members.  Policies for students can be found in Chapter 370.


Black-out days: The university has blacked-out certain days on its calendar wherein the use of the campus and its facilities, including outdoor spaces are reserved exclusively for campus-related activities that are at the very core of its primary educational mission. During these blackout periods, no third party shall be allowed to use the designated public forum for free speech purposes. The university defines the blackout periods to include the following:

  1. During opening weekend for the commencement of fall and spring semester;
  2. During reading periods and examination periods as set forth on the then-current academic calendar.
  3. During graduation-related activities and events, including undergraduate and graduate commencements;
  4. During major fall or spring campus-wide celebrations, such as concerts, Homecoming, and Spring Fling; and Open Houses.
  5. During such times that the university is hosting major campus events which require significant staff resources such as New York Jets training camp.
  6. During the conservation shut down of educational buildings and administrative offices as defined on its calendar when the temperature of the offices shall be below 60 degrees Fahrenheit — typically between the end of the examination period when students leave campus for the winter holiday break and a few business days after the first of the year. This timeframe is included in the black-out period because the offices are typically closed for the receipt of applications and the campus is virtually vacant to conserve energy and to save money to meet state budget reductions.

Designated Public Forum: The university identifies the following area as its designated public forum: the outside area of Corey Union beginning on the south side of the southern tree, extending 12 feet south on the sidewalk, encompassing a rectangle area that is 10 feet in width.

The university designates this outdoor space for its designated public forum as this space is the most highly pedestrian trafficked area on the university main campus by students, faculty, staff and visitors. Corey Union houses the food court and several other student services offices, as well as the Function Room and frequently used meeting rooms for the university campus community. The use of this space is also not likely to interfere with classroom instruction or residence halls.

Additionally, the university has identified an outdoor space by the university’s athletic fields. This space is due east of the 281 Parking Lot on the grass area. This area is approximately 20’ by 30’, and will be roped off if appropriate. 

An auxiliary area could also be available should the university deem it necessary. This area would be due east of the Lankler and Stratton intersection. This area may also be roped off, approximately 20’ by 30’. 

Please bring a completed Designated Public Forum application with you. The application will be reviewed. If approved, you and/or your group will be escorted to the designated outdoor space. 

Third Party: A person(s) who wishes to use the designated public forum for free speech purposes and the person(s) is not a student, faculty or staff member at the university, and the person(s) is not officially sponsored by either the university and/or a recognized student group to speak at the university.


A. The university is providing a designated public forum for use by third parties for their free speech purposes.

B. Reservation and Record Keeping of the Use of Space:

1. Third parties who seek to use the designated public forum must:

  1. Complete a designated public forum application; and
  2. File the application with the director of Campus Event Management four business days before the date the applicant wishes to use the designated public forum. Applications received after 3 p.m. on a given business day shall be considered as having been received on the morning of the next business day. The applicant assumes responsibility for proper and timely delivery of an application to the director of Campus Event Management. The office is open 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday, for deliveries, except for holidays and certain university black-out days as noted within this document.

2. The university shall review the application and respond to the applicant no later than the close of business on the second business day following the receipt of the application.

  1. If the application is completed fully and signed by the applicant and the date and time are available for use, the university shall inform the applicant of its approval to use the designated forum on the date and time requested.
  2. If the application is not complete and/or it is not signed, the university shall return the application to the applicant for completion. The three business days’ time period will begin running again once the completed and signed application is received by the director of Campus Event Management.
  3. If the space is already reserved to its capacity for the date and time requested, or if the date and time requested is during a blackout period as defined below, the university shall inform the applicant and offer the applicant the next available date and time for the use of the space.

C. The university shall not:

  1. Inquire as the nature or content of the free speech;
  2. Charge the applicant an application fee to reserve the designated public forum;
  3. Charge the applicant/third party for the use of the space;
  4. Impose insurance requirements on the applicant/third party; or
  5. Charge the applicant for any additional costs to the university that the university may incur due to the use of the space by the applicant/third party, such as security.

D. The applicant/third party shall:

  1. Be responsible for any costs for parking on the campus as all students, faculty, staff and visitors are charged for parking.
  2. Be responsible for picking up from the designated public forum any brochures, pamphlets, leaflets or other handouts or goods that the third party speaker brought with him/her to disseminate during their speech, and properly disposing of the same in public garbage receptacles or taking them with him/her. The university has a regulation against littering on the campus that applies to all students, faculty, staff and visitors. Failure to comply with this provision may result in future denial of use of the designated public forum; and
  3. Not use megaphone equipment for the amplification of the speech without prior express permission. Determination of permission will be based on the potential disruption of classes or other legitimate business uses.

E. The university reserves the right to terminate any use of the designated public forum in the event either the speaker or a member(s) of any audience engages in conduct that violates the SUNY Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order, adopted in accordance with Education Law Section 6430 and 8 NYCRR 535, in order to secure the orderly and operation of the campus for the safety of the entire campus community.

All applications must be reviewed and approved by the director of Campus Event Management or designee with input from UPD, Emergency Management, Facilities Operations and Services, and any other affected department.

440.27 SUNY Cortland Registered Student Organization Procedures

I. Introduction

The university has identified two categories of student organizations. Recognized student organizations are governed by the policies found in both the SUNY Cortland Handbook and the governing documents of the State University of New York College at Cortland Student Government Association (SGA).

Registered student organizations do not receive funding from the university or through the SGA.

  1. Registered organizations are permitted to have access to university facilities to promote and conduct their activities provided that the organization members and organization abide by the policies and procedures stated within this document, the SUNY Cortland Code of Student Conduct and Related Policies and the SUNY Cortland Handbook.
  2. Conduct and behavior of registered student organization members should reflect the above-stated purposes both on and off campus and be consistent with the SUNY Cortland Code of Student Conduct and Related Policies. Violations of the Code of Student Conduct will be addressed pursuant to the processes described in the code. Associate members (See Section VI, Membership) would be subject to the appropriate criminal law procedures and inappropriate behavior on their part could jeopardize the status of the organization with the university.
  3. Activities of registered student organizations at SUNY Cortland — involving campus facilities and/or equipment with regard to fundraisers and other activities — will comply with all University Board of Trustees, SUNY Cortland College Council and campus administrative policies and procedures.
  4. For the purposes of local governance of registered student organizations, these policies are applicable to all such organizations regardless of their affiliation, or lack thereof, with any regional, national, or international organization.
  5. Registered student organizations may not reserve university-owned vehicles.
II. Procedures

Duration of Affiliation and Recognition: Recognition for new registered student organizations will be provisional for one full year. After successfully completing one year of provisional recognition, recognition duration will be indefinite and subject to annual review. The vice president for student affairs reserves the right to revoke recognition if the registered student organization fails to comply with any of the guidelines set herein.

1. Registered student organizations must file with the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office, the following items:             

  1. Completed SUNY Cortland Registered Student Organization Recognition Application
  2. Signed certification of Compliance with Anti-Hazing Laws and Regulations (form included in application)
  3. Signed certification of Compliance with Financial Management Request (form included in application)
  4. A copy of the organization’s current governing documents (constitution, bylaws, policies, regulations, etc.)
  5. A copy of the organization’s official stated purpose (if not included in its governing documents)
  6. A complete listing of current organization officers and their appropriate contact information (forms included in application)
  7. A complete listing of the names and contact information for any additional advisors.

2. Within 14 days of receipt of all materials, the director of Corey Union, campus activities and conferences or designee, will examine the documents submitted. If necessary, a consultation with representatives of the organization will be held to discuss changes, deletions or additions to submitted documents to insure compliance as previously stated.

  1. In cases where certification of registered group permission is granted, the organization will be notified in writing of that decision.
  2. In cases where certification of registered group permission is not granted, the organization will be notified in writing of that decision. Reasons for the non-certification will be specified and an appropriate timetable presented in which to correct these obstacles.
  3. In cases where registered group permission cannot be granted by the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office, the vice president for student affairs, or designee, will serve as the appellate administrator. Groups wishing to appeal the decision must do so, in writing to the vice president for student affairs, within 10 days of the date the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office issues the decision. The vice president for student affairs, or designee, will review all pertinent documents and respond in writing within 30 days.
III. Forming Registered Student Organizations

It should be noted that fraternities and sororities have a different recognition process and are not eligible to be categorized as registered student organizations.

  1. Student representatives wishing to discuss the possibility of establishing a registered student organization at SUNY Cortland must meet with the director of Corey Union, campus activities or designee, to discuss appropriate university policies and the purpose of the organization.
  2. After speaking with the aforementioned director, or designee, students wishing to continue the process to be granted permission to operate as a registered student organization must submit a letter requesting that this permission be granted. Along with this letter they must also submit a copy of the organization’s official stated purpose along with all governing documents. All items are to be submitted to the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office.
  3. After submitting the documentation mentioned above the students must also complete and submit a formal SUNY Cortland Registered Student Organization Application, including the name and contact information of their SUNY Cortland-associated advisor.
  4. Permission to operate as a registered student organization at SUNY Cortland requires approval through the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office and the vice president for student affairs. A decision will be reached only after all required documentation has been received and any follow-up conversations deemed necessary are held.
IV. Use of University Facilities

Certification as a registered student organization shall not be construed as conferring any right to use campus facilities that is not in accordance with existing SUNY Cortland policies and practices. Facility use and reservations, along with the postings of all events, must comply with existing university policies.

V. Fundraising

Fundraising procedures for registered student organizations are to follow the appropriate university policies as coordinated through the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office.

VI. Membership

Membership in registered student organizations shall be comprised of those graduate and undergraduate students matriculated full or part-time at SUNY Cortland. Community members who wish to associate with the group may do so in an advisory role or as associate members but are not able to reserve university facilities or otherwise act as a representative of the organization. Students from another college/university are not eligible to become members of any registered student organization at SUNY Cortland. Members at all levels will be expected to abide by the procedures established within this document.

VII. Advisors

Each registered student organization is required to have an advisor affiliated with SUNY Cortland and said advisor’s name and contact information must be filed with the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office. The advisor cannot be a student but rather must be currently employed by the university in at least a part-time capacity. It is the responsibility of each organization to find someone willing to serve as their advisor. The advisor will function as a program consultant, resource, provider of continuity and interpreter of university policy. The advisor shall be aware of the organization’s financial status, attend functions and meetings, and assure that adequate records are maintained by the organization. As liaison between the organization and SUNY Cortland, the advisor must maintain consistent communication with the director of Corey Union.

VIII. Officer Requirements

Organization officers must be enrolled for at least one credit hour as students at SUNY Cortland while seeking and holding office.

IX. Hazing Laws and Regulations

Hazing and/or harassment of members is strictly prohibited as stipulated by New York state law and the State University of New York Board of Trustees rules for the maintenance of public order. Additional clarifying information can be found within the SUNY Cortland Code of Student Conduct and Related Policies manual. All registered student organizations on the SUNY Cortland campus shall file with the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office a Certification of Compliance with Anti-Hazing Laws and Regulations. All registered student organizations are subject to SUNY Cortland and/or New York state disciplinary action on any violation of existing hazing policies.
(Implemented Spring 2011)

Chapter 440.28 Camping and Use of Tents on Campus


To set forth the State University of New York (SUNY) campus policy on camping and the use of tents and canopies on campus.


SUNY Cortland is committed to maintaining a clean, aesthetically pleasing, healthy, hygienic and safe work, educational, and living environment in order to effectively carry out its educational mission. SUNY Cortland is authorized to control its buildings and grounds consistent with the SUNY policies for use of facilities, which prohibit the use of university property or buildings for purposes unrelated to the regular programs and activities of the university.



  • In indoor or outdoor locations, the establishment of, evidence of an attempt to establish, or maintenance of temporary or permanent living quarters at any location on university property other than living quarters in residence halls and living quarters in apartments, or other university-managed housing — this includes the establishment of any indoor and/or outdoor encampment erected in connection with any lawful assembly of individuals pursuant to SUNY Cortland policies;
  • Sleeping overnight in or under any parked vehicle; or
  • Establishing or maintaining indoors or outdoors, or in or under, any structure not designated for human occupancy, at any time during the day or night, a temporary or permanent place for cooking, storing of personal belongings, or sleeping by setting up any bedding, sleeping bag, mattress, tent, hammock or other sleeping equipment, or by setting up any cooking equipment that has not been approved by the Environmental Health and Safety Office.

Campus or Campuses is any university-owned, leased, licensed or operated space, facility, property, grounds or building.

Canopy is a structure, enclosure or shelter constructed of fabric or pliable materials supported by any manner, except by air or the contents it protects, and is open without side walls or drops on 75 percent or more of the perimeter.

Permit is a written document issued to campus personnel to allow the set up and use of a tent or canopy for a specified amount of time. Permits may be revoked if permit conditions are not followed.

Tailgating is an informal gathering from the back of a parked vehicle, typically in the parking lot of a sports stadium or event venue. Tailgating is permitted in the lots closest to the SUNY Cortland Stadium Complex. Tailgating space is limited to those patrons with an appropriate parking pass or permit. Access to the tailgating area may be limited to those patrons who have a valid game ticket for the contest being held that day.

Tent is any and all structures, enclosure or shelter constructed of any material, including but not limited to fabric or pliable materials supported by any manner.

Third Party or Parties is any person, organization, group or entity not affiliated with the university including, but not limited to, the general public, contractors, vendors, guests and visitors to SUNY Cortland, those using university facilities or property under a university revocable permit, and volunteers not enrolled as such on university systems.

University is SUNY Cortland.


A. Camping is prohibited on the university campus.

B. Exceptions

1. Actions that constitute “camping” as defined above may be allowed with prior, written permission in the following limited circumstances:

a. With the advance written approval of the appropriate university officials, following the campus procedures outlined in 440.09-440.14 of the SUNY Cortland Handbook.

b. As approved as part of a revocable permit for campus use pursuant to SUNY Policy No. 5603 (Use of Facilities by Non-Commercial Organizations).

c. Exclusions from this policy include operations for the William H. Parks Family Center for Outdoor and Environmental Education and tailgating.

d. In extraordinary circumstances, such as times of natural disaster, when approved in writing in advance by the university president or their designee.

C. Enforcement and compliance

1. Campus Activities and Corey Union and/or University Police Department is responsible for addressing non-compliance with this policy by all persons and may address violations of this policy that constitute criminal trespass or any other violation of law.

2. Students may be referred for discipline for alleged violation of this policy.

D. This policy shall be effective immediately upon approval.

Additional procedure for tents and canopies larger than 400 square feet:

A. Tents or canopies covering an area in excess of 400 square feet must also comply with this additional procedural section.

B. Permit requirement: A permit is required for tents and canopies greater than 400 square feet. Such structures shall not be erected prior to obtaining a permit.

C. Construction documents: A detailed site and floor plan for tents and canopies with an occupancy load of 50 or more shall be provided with each application for approval. The floor plan shall include details of means of egress facilities, seating capacity, arrangement of the seating and location and type of heating and electrical equipment.

D. Inspections: Tents and canopies shall be inspected prior to occupancy and use. Tents in use for 30 days or more shall be re-inspected bi-weekly.

E. Location: Tents and canopies must not be located within 50 feet of: lot lines, buildings, other tents and canopies, parked vehicles or other internal combustion engines. For the purposes of required distances, support ropes and guy wires shall be considered as part of the tent or canopy.

F. Fire break: On all sides of any tent or canopy, there must be an unobstructed passageway or fire road not less than 12 feet wide free from guy wires, ropes and other obstructions to allow for fire department access unless approved.

G. Anchorage required: Tents and canopies shall be adequately roped, braced and anchored to withstand the elements of weather and prevent against collapsing. Documentation of structural stability shall be furnished to the university on request. If tent stakes or pins will be driven into the ground for stability, New York State law requires contacting Dig Safely NY (811) prior to insertion of tent stakes or pins. Sandbags, water barrels and cement is also an option, but it must be appropriately anchored for wind and weather elements.

H. Seating arrangements: All seating arrangements shall be in accordance with Chapter 10 (means of egress) of the Fire Code of New York State.

I. Means of egress: Exits shall be spaced at approximately equal intervals around the perimeter of the tent or canopy and shall be located such that all points are 100 feet or less from an exit. The number of exits varies depending on the number of occupants.

Back to Chapter 440


Chapter 442: Change of Office or Department Name

A strict timeline must be followed to petition for a change in the name of a current campus office or academic department.

The petitioner must present a detailed rationale for the proposed name change to the supervising academic dean or vice president for review no later than March 1 of any given calendar year.

If the proposal is endorsed, the academic dean or vice president must forward the recommendation and supporting materials to the Marketing Committee for its review no later than April 1.

The Marketing Committee will review the recommendation to ensure its adherence to the university's branding and marketing guidelines.

Following the Marketing Committee’s review, the academic dean or vice president must forward the final name change recommendation and supporting materials to the President's Cabinet for its review by April 15.

The President's Cabinet must grant its endorsement no later than May 15 for the name change to take effect on July 1 of that year.

Once approved by the President's Cabinet, the new name will be formally announced to the campus community by the President's Office.

The new name will subsequently appear in all SUNY Cortland publications, communications, on the website and signage. If the timeline deadline is not met, petitioners may submit their proposal for consideration for the following year.

A checklist to help ensure that the new name will appear in all appropriate locations can be found on the Marketing Office webpage.

(Approved by President's Cabinet February 2019) 

Chapter 450: Policy on Lending University Property

The primary purpose of university-owned or controlled assets is to support the SUNY Cortland Mission. Loans will be permitted only when such action supports a mission goal or objective.

SUNY Cortland has a fiduciary responsibility for safeguarding of assets and an obligation to its public. That responsibility is fulfilled through management and maintenance of its Property Control System (PCS) and more informally for all property through the explicit and implicit responsibilities of its departmental managers and employees. Certain inventoried property is formally tagged with a PCS Asset Number (property valued at $5,000 or more).

The following guidelines apply for lending property:

  1. Property may be lent/borrowed only when such action supports the SUNY Cortland Mission and does not impair the activities and programs supporting the university.
  2. Implicit in lending/borrowing is that the property be returned in a timely manner in essentially the same condition as when borrowed. There normally should be no cost incurred by the university, including transport from and return to the university.
  3. Accountability for formally inventoried equipment through the PCS rests with the departmental account manager. Control and accountability for lending of other property also rests with the departmental manager who will act in a responsible, prudent manner and exercise sufficient control and documentation to ensure proper risk management in safeguarding assets and not impairing program activities.
    This does not restrict higher-level supervisors from exercising control and oversight at their discretion.
  4. Interdepartmental transfers of inventoried (PCS) equipment is to occur through formal PCS action. However, short-term transfers may be treated as loaning, provided prudent control and documentation steps are taken.
  5. The standard form for the Loan of University Property in Support of the SUNY Cortland Mission must be used, and the appropriate authorization must be obtained prior to lending the property.  While control and identification of all lent property is the responsibility of the department manager, please note that for inventoried (PCS) equipment, the form becomes an official document link for property control and may be audited upon request by the property control officer or other authorized officer. 
  6. A certificate of insurance must be obtained when the estimated value of the property exceeds $1,500. In addition, a certificate of insurance for the transporter also must be obtained when the transporter is not the borrowing organization and when the estimated value exceeds $1,500.

Chapter 455: Building Hours


In an effort to formalize current and past practices, the president established an ad-hoc committee whose task was to recommend specific hours for each building on campus. Formal hours are needed for the myRedDragon Room Reservation System and to ensure safety on campus.

Weekday Hours

  • The standard building operating hours during the academic year are 7 a.m.-9:30 p.m. for academic buildings with some exceptions of buildings hosting athletics, recreation, student activities and Memorial Library. Standard building hours are posted on entrances and exceptions may be found on the web.
  • The standard hours for administrative buildings are 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
  • Residence halls are secured 24 hours per day, seven days per week. In the event that classroom instruction is held in a residence hall, security of the residents and building will not be compromised.

Weekend Hours

On the weekend, all buildings will remain closed unless otherwise scheduled. Standard building hours are posted on entrances and exceptions may be found on the web. Academic and administrative buildings will be available to students, faculty or staff who have key or card access.    

Winter Session/Summer Session/Break Hours

Generally, all buildings are open between 7 a.m.-5 p.m., unless otherwise posted. Please check the class schedule for classroom locations.

After Hours Requests

When an individual attempts to schedule an area outside of the normal operating hours, the campus space reservation system will not allow them to reserve the space, but will refer them to contact The Help Center. After-hours access for contractors will be permitted only through prior arrangement with the Facilities Planning, Design and Construction Office, Facilities Operations and Services or Information Resources.

(Approved by President Bitterbaum June 17, 2014)


Chapter 460: Public Information

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), The Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), College Mailing Lists

460.01 Purpose of Rights and Privacy Act

The “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974” (FERPA)
(P.L. 93-380, as amended by Senate Joint Resolution 40) provides for procedures that protect the rights of students in access to students’ educational records.

460.02 Definition of Student for the Purpose of Access to Records

Any person who is attending or has attended SUNY Cortland and has an educational or personally identifiable record with Student Registration and Record Services or any other office listed in 460.04.

460.03 Student Rights to Records

Students have the right to examine their educational and personally identifiable record and no record may be given out to a third party except upon written consent of the student. (Note exceptions in 460.04 and 460.05.)

460.04 Student Records

Records over which a student may exercise their rights include all records, files, documents and other materials that are maintained by the offices listed hereafter. A student may inspect, challenge and refuse to release to third parties all those records that are maintained in these offices.

  1. Student Financial Aid Records (Financial Aid Office)
  2. Credential File (Career Services)
  3. Transcript of Academic Record (Registrar' Office)
  4. Academic Records (school deans, department chairs and registrar)
  5. College Financial Records (Student and College Financial Services)
  6. Student Discipline Records (Student Conduct Office, vice president for student affairs)

Exceptions: Certain records are excluded from the student's right of access and challenge. These records are:

  1. Institutional records that are in the sole possession of the maker and that are not accessible to any other person except a substitute.
  2. Certain law enforcement records that are segregated from other student records, to which only law enforcement personnel have access.
  3. Employee records of non-student employees.
  4. Medical or paramedical records used only for treatment purposes and not available to third parties.
  5. Confidential letters and statements of recommendation that were placed in the student's educational records before Jan. 1, 1975, provided they are used only for those purposes for which they were specifically intended.
  6. Financial records of the student's parents.

(Ref: 438(a)(1)(4)(B)(i); Fed. Reg. 1210 Section 99.3)

460.05 Release of Student Records

Release of records to a third party is prohibited unless student consent is given in writing and is on file.

  1. School officials, SUNY System Administration and other SUNY campuses who have been determined to have legitimate educational interests;
  2. Officials of other schools in which the student seeks to enroll provided the student is given a copy of the record if they desires;
  3. Authorized representatives of certain state and federal agencies where such access is necessary to evaluate federally funded programs and the collection of personally identifiable data is specifically allowed by federal law;
  4. In connection with students' application for, or receipt of, financial aid;
  5. Research organizations conducting studies for the educational institution in relation to predictive tests, administering student aid programs, or instruction, if the records are destroyed when no longer needed in the research, and identification of students or parents by persons outside the research organization is not permitted;
  6. Accrediting organizations, solely to carry out their accrediting functions;
  7. Parents of dependent students if the students are listed as deductible dependents for income tax purposes;
  8. In connection with an emergency where release of records is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or others;
  9. “Directory Information” which means a student's name, address, email address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, photographs, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student.

(20 U.S.C. 1232g (a) (5) (A))

460.06 Record of File Access

SUNY Cortland is required to maintain a record that will indicate all individuals, agencies or organizations that have requested or obtained access to a student's educational files. This record will indicate the legitimate interest of the requesting party and will be available only to the student and to those responsible for maintaining the record. The sole exception to this requirement is that school officials, including teachers, within the educational institution or local educational agency as listed in 460.05 (a) need not be indicated on this record when requesting data.

460.07 Waiver of Right to Inspect Confidential Recommendations 

Letters of recommendation received by the university prior to Jan. 1, 1975 will be considered confidential and will not be included for student review. Letters received after Jan. 1, 1975 may be inspected by the student. An exception to the provision provides an opportunity for the student to sign a "waiver of right to inspect" statement to accompany requests from individuals for letters of recommendation. This "waiver" notifies the writer of the letter that the recommendation will be confidential and will not be reviewed by the student.

Back to Chapter 460


460.08 Right of Hearing

The student has a right to a hearing to challenge the content of any record and may seek the correction or deletion of any entry deemed inaccurate or misleading or inappropriate. A hearing will be arranged for the student upon request in writing to the vice president for student affairs.

460.09 General Provisions

  1. Personally identifiable records will be duplicated on written request of the student at a charge of 15 cents per page. Payment must be received prior to delivery of records. Preparation of these records will be accomplished within a reasonable length of time not to exceed 45 days.
  2. Students whose records are requested by judicial order or subpoena will be notified by the university before complying with the orders. It is understood that in the case of a student no longer attending State University of New York College at Cortland, notification may not be possible where no current address is listed with the university. In such cases, SUNY Cortland cannot evade its obligation under state law to provide the Court with the information and the actual notice must yield in this instance.
  3. Those having questions regarding the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 should contact Student Registration and Record Services at 607-753-4702.

460.10 Notification of Parents of Disciplinary Action

A. Policy

The Vice President for Student Affairs Office may notify the parents of dependent students who have had disciplinary sanctions placed on them.

B. Declaring Independence
  1. All undergraduate students enrolled at Cortland will be considered by the university to be dependent unless they have filed a "Certification of Independent Status" form with the Financial Aid Office declaring their emancipation.
  2. Any student who has not declared their emancipation prior to a disciplinary hearing will be given five days after the hearing to file a "Certification of Independent Status" form with the Financial Aid Office.
C. Notification Process
  1. Parental notification will consist of a copy of the decision letter sent to the student and a cover letter to the parents (and, at the discretion of the vice president for student affairs, any other written materials deemed informative).
  2. This notification will occur once the imposed conduct sanctions are final, at the expiration of any appeals process. Cases involving alcohol or drug violations by students under the age of 21 will likely result in a notification being sent to parents. Exceptions may also be made for repeated, minor offenses by a dependent student on any type of probation that could result in removal from the residence hall or other campus housing. In these cases, the residence hall director will consult with the student conduct officer in making the decision to notify the parents.
  3. In disciplinary cases that involve a student who engages in behavior that poses a serious threat to one's own physical or emotional safety or the physical or emotional safety of others, the director of student conduct or their designee shall notify the parents of dependent students.

460.11 Purpose of the Freedom of Information Law

The Freedom of Information Law, enacted in 1974 and significantly revised, effective Jan. 1, 1976, reaffirms your right to know how your government operates. It provides rights of access to records reflective of governmental decisions and policies that affect the lives of every New Yorker. The law establishes the Committee on Open Government, which is responsible for issuing advisory opinions to agencies and the public on compliance with the law.

Scope of the Law

The law defines "agency" to include all units of state and local government in New York State, including state agencies, public corporations and authorities, as well as any other governmental entities performing a governmental function for the state or for one or more units of local government in the state (section 86(3)).

The term "agency" does not include the State Legislature or the courts. As such, for purposes of clarity, "agency" will be used hereinafter to include all entities of government in New York, except the State Legislature and the courts.

What is a Record?

The law defines "record" as "any information kept, held, filed, produced or reproduced by, with or for an agency or the state Legislature, in any physical form whatsoever. …" (Section 86(4)). Thus it is clear that items such as tape recordings, microfilm and computer discs fall within the definition of "record."

460.12 Accessible Records

The law states that all records are accessible, except records or portions of records that fall within one of nine categories of deniable records (section 87(2)).

Deniable records include records or portions thereof that:

  1. are specifically exempted from disclosure by state or federal statute;
  2. would if disclosed result in an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;
  3. would if disclosed impair present or imminent contract awards or collective bargaining negotiations;
  4. are trade secrets or are submitted to an agency by a commercial enterprise or derived from information obtained from a commercial enterprise and which if disclosed would cause substantial injury to the competitive position of the subject enterprise;
  5. are compiled for law enforcement purposes and which if disclosed would:
    i. interfere with law enforcement investigations or judicial proceedings;
    ii. deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or impartial adjudication;
    iii. identify a confidential source or disclose confidential information relative to a criminal investigation; or
    iv. reveal criminal investigative techniques or procedures, except routine techniques and procedures;
  6. would if disclosed endanger the life or safety of any person;
  7. are inter-agency or intra-agency communications, except to the extent that such materials consist of:
    i. statistical or factual tabulations or data;
    ii. instructions to staff that affect the public;
    iii. final agency policy or determinations; or
    iv. external audits, including but not limited to audits performed by the comptroller and the federal government.
  8. are examination questions or answers that are requested prior to the final administration of such questions; or
  9. are computer access codes.

The categories of deniable records are generally directed to the effects of disclosure. They are based in great measure upon the notion that disclosure would in some instances "impair," "cause substantial injury," "interfere," "deprive," "endanger," etc. This represents a significant change from the thrust of the original enactment.

One category of deniable records that does not deal directly with the effects of disclosure is exception (g), which deals with inter-agency and intra-agency materials. The intent of the exception is twofold. Memoranda or letters transmitted from an official of one agency to an official of another or between officials within an agency may be denied, so long as the communications (or portions thereof) are advisory in nature and do not contain information upon which the agency relies in carrying out its duties. For example, an opinion prepared by staff that may be rejected or accepted by the head of an agency need not be made available. However, the facts, policies and determinations upon which an agency relies in carrying out its duties should be made available.

There are also special provisions in the law regarding the protection of trade secrets. Those provisions pertain only to state agencies and enable a person submitting records to state agencies to request that records be kept separate and apart from all other agency records on the ground that they constitute trade secrets. In addition, when a request is made for records characterized as trade secrets, the submitter of such records is given notice and an opportunity to justify a claim that the records would if disclosed result in substantial injury to their competitive position. A member of the public requesting records characterized as trade secrets or a state agency at any time may challenge a claim that records constitute trade secrets.

Generally, the law provides access to existing records. Therefore, an agency need not create a record in response to a request. Nevertheless, each agency must compile the following records (section 87(3)):

  1. a record of the final vote of each member in every agency proceeding in which the member votes;
  2. a record setting forth the name, public office address, title and salary of every officer or employee of the agency; and
  3. a reasonably detailed current list by subject matter of all records in possession of an agency, whether or not the records are accessible.
Protection of Privacy

One of the exceptions to rights of access, referred to earlier, states that records may be withheld when disclosure would result in "an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy" (section 87(2)(b)).

Unless otherwise deniable, disclosure shall not be construed to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy when identifying details are deleted, when the person to whom a record pertains consents in writing to disclosure, or when upon presenting reasonable proof of identity, a person seeks access to records pertaining to him or her.

460.13 How to Obtain Records

Subject Matter List

As noted earlier, each agency must maintain a "subject matter list." The list is not a compilation of every record an agency has in its possession, but rather is a list of the subjects or file categories under which records are kept. It must make reference to all records in possession of an agency, whether or not the records are available. You have a right to know the kinds of records agencies maintain.

The subject matter list must be compiled in sufficient detail to permit you to identify the file category of the records sought. SUNY Cortland maintains a subject matter list that can be obtained from the campus records access officer.


The State University has promulgated regulations implementing the law that describe the procedures for obtaining access to University records. A copy of these regulations can be obtained upon request from the campus records access officer.

Designation of Records Access Officer

Under the regulations, each University campus must designate a records access officer to coordinate a campus' response to public requests for records.

The records access officer is responsible for keeping the subject matter list up to date, assisting you in identifying records sought, making the records promptly available or denying access, providing copies of records or permitting you to make copies, certifying that a copy is a true copy and, if the records cannot be found, certifying either that the campus does not have possession of the requested records or that the campus does have the records, but they cannot be found after diligent search.

The regulations also state that the public shall continue to have access to records through officials who have been authorized previously to make information available.

Requests for Records

Requests for access to or copies of records must be in writing and must reasonably describe the records request.

Within five business days of the receipt of a written request for a record reasonably described, the campus must make the record available, deny access in writing giving the reasons for denial, or furnish a written acknowledgment of receipt of the request and a statement of the approximate date when the request will be granted or denied.


Copies of records must be made available on request. Except when a different fee is prescribed by statute, the campus may not charge for inspection, certification or search for records, or charge in excess of 25 cents per photocopy up to 9 by 14 inches (section 87(1)(b)(iii)). Fees for copies of other records may be charged based upon the actual cost of reproduction. If the campus has no photocopying equipment, a transcript of records must be made on request. However, you may be charged for the clerical time involved.

Denial of Access and Appeal

A denial of access must be in writing, stating the reason for the denial and advising you of your right to appeal to the head or governing body of the campus or the person designated to hear appeals by the head or governing body of the campus. You may appeal within 30 days of a denial.

Upon receipt of the appeal, the campus head, governing body or appeals officer has 10 business days to fully explain in writing the reason for further denial of access or to provide access to the records. Copies of all appeals and the determinations thereon must be sent by the campus to the Committee on Open Government (section 89(4)(a)). This requirement will enable the committee to monitor compliance with law and intercede when a denial of access may be improper.

You may seek judicial review of a final campus denial by means of a proceeding initiated in Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules. When a denial is based upon one of the exceptions to rights of access that were discussed earlier, the campus has the burden of proving that the record sought falls within one or more of the exceptions (section 89(4)(b)).

A new provision in the Freedom of Information Law permits a court, in its discretion, to award reasonable attorney's fees when a person challenging a denial of access to records in court substantially prevails. To award attorney's fees, a court must find that the record was of "clearly significant interest to the general public" and that the campus "lacked a reasonable basis at law for withholding the record." While a court may award attorney's fees, such an award is not mandatory.

Public Notice

The regulations require that each campus post conspicuously and/or publicize in a local newspaper:

  • locations where records are made available;
  • the name, title, business address and telephone number of the records access officer; and
  • the right to appeal a denial of access and the name and business address of the person or body to whom appeals should be directed.

The records access officer of SUNY Cortland is:

Communications Coordinator for the President's Office and FOIL Officer
P.O. Box 2000
Cortland, NY  13045

460.14 Mailing Lists

In considering the use of campus mailing lists and computer-generated labels, individuals or organizations requesting such service must contact the appropriate campus office for approval. Jurisdiction of campus mailing lists is assigned accordingly:

  • Alumni: Alumni Engagement
  • Faculty: Human Resources Office
  • Parents: Vice President for Institutional Advancement Office
  • Staff: Human Resources Office
  • Students: Registrar's Office

Back to Chapter 460


Chapter 470: State University Board of Trustees - Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order

470.01 Summary

It is the policy of the State University of New York (University) to comply with legal requirements of NYS Education Law §6430. Accordingly, the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York has adopted written rules (8 NYCRR §535) for the maintenance of public order on University campuses and other campus properties used for educational purposes pursuant to NYS Education Law §6430.

This policy outlines the rules for the maintenance of public order (including prohibited conduct), applicability and communication of the rules, and statements regarding freedom of speech, assembly, picketing and demonstrations on campuses. Campus procedures and penalties for the violation of the rules and enforcement procedures are prescribed.

470.02 Policy

I. Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order

The Board of Trustees of the State University of New York (University) has adopted written rules (8 NYCRR §535) for the maintenance of public order on campuses of the University and other campus properties used for educational purposes pursuant to NYS Education Law §6430.

  1. Prohibited Conduct – No person either singly or in concert with others shall:
    1. willfully cause physical injury to another person, nor threaten to do so;
    2. physically restrain or detain any other person;
    3. remove anyone from any place where he or she is authorized to remain;
    4. willfully damage or destroy property of the campus or property under its care;
    5. remove property of the campus or property under its care;
    6. use campus property or property in the campus’s care without authorization;
    7. enter into any private office of an administrative officer, member of the faculty or staff member without implied or explicit permission;
    8. enter into and remain in any campus building or facility for any purpose other than its authorized uses or in such manner as to obstruct its authorized use;
    9. remain in any building or facility after it is closed without authorization;
    10. refuse to leave a campus building or facility after being required to do so by an authorized administrative officer;
    11. obstruct the free movement of people and vehicles in any place to which these rules apply;
    12. deliberately disrupt or prevent the peaceful and orderly conduct of classes, lecture and meetings;
    13. deliberately disrupt or prevent the freedom of any person to express his or her views, including invited speakers;
    14. knowingly have in his or her possession upon the premises to which these rules apply, any rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver, or other firearm or weapon without the written authorization of the president whether or not a license to possess the weapon has been issued to the person;
    15. willfully incite others to commit any of the acts prohibited in this section with the specific intent to procure them to do so; or
    16. take any action, create or participate in the creation of any situation, which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health of anyone for the initiation into or affiliation with any organization.
  2. Supplementary Rules – The rules in section I.A. of this policy may be supplemented by additional rules for the maintenance of public order but only to the extent that such rules are not inconsistent with those listed here. The additional campus rules must be approved by the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York and filed with the commissioner of education and the Board of Regents within 90 days of adoption by the Board of Trustees. The establishment of supplementary rules for the maintenance of public order does not preclude the establishment of student behavior codes by College Councils in accordance with the procedures described in Board of Trustees policy Student Conduct Regulation Guidelines.  Hereafter, whenever this policy refers to the Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order it shall also be deemed to include any supplementary rules promulgated here under.
  3. Applicability of the Rules – The rules and regulations contained in section I.A. of this policy govern the conduct of students, faculty, all other staff, licensees, invitees and all other persons, whether or not their presence is authorized, upon any University campus to which the rules apply. They also apply to the same individuals with respect to any other premises or property, under the control of the University or University campus, and that are used in teaching, research, administrative service, cultural, recreational, athletic or other programs and activities.  Charges against any student for violation of the rules in section I.A. of this policy that result from alleged actions upon the premises of any other campus to which these rules apply shall be heard and determined at the campus where the student is enrolled.
  4. Communication of the Rules – The rules in section I.A. of this policy as well as any approved additional campus rules for the maintenance of public order shall be provided to all students enrolled in the campuses of the University.  Campuses shall promptly communicate with all members of the campus community (administration, faculty, staff and students) on issues related to the rules in section I.A. of this policy as well as supplementary rules adopted and approved by the Board of Trustees. To the extent that time and circumstances permit, such communication shall precede the exercise of the authority, discretion and responsibilities granted and imposed by the rules in this policy. Each campus in matters such as these shall employ such procedures and means, formal and informal, as will promote such communication.
  5. Freedom of Speech and Assembly; Picketing and Demonstrations.
    1. No student, faculty member or other staff member or authorized visitor shall be subject to any limitation or penalty for expressing his or her views or for assembling with others for such purpose;  peaceful picketing and other orderly demonstrations in public areas of campus grounds and buildings are not subject to interference provided there are no violations of the rules in section I.A. of this policy.
    2. In order to provide maximum protection to the participants expressing their freedom of speech and to the campus community, each president shall promulgate procedures appropriate to that campus for provision of reasonable advance notice of the date and time of any planned assembly, picketing or demonstrations upon the grounds of the campus, the proposed location of the assembly or exercise; and the intended purpose;
      1. the procedures and processes shall be reviewed and revised periodically;
      2. the procedures and processes for advance notice shall not be made a condition precedent to any assembly, picketing or demonstration; and
      3. providing advance notice shall not automatically have permission to use a campus facility or building without also following the appropriate processes for obtaining permission to use campus facilities and buildings.

470.03 Procedures for Violations

II. Campus Procedures and Penalties for the Violation of the Rules of Maintenance of Public Order

The Board of Trustees of the State University of New York has adopted campus procedures and penalties for the violation of the rules of maintenance of public order on campuses and other campus properties used for educational purposes pursuant to NYS Education Law §6430, as outlined herein.

A.    Procedures and Penalties for Different Categories of Individuals. 

  1. The president shall inform any licensee or invitee who shall violate any provisions of these rules that his or her license or invitation is withdrawn and shall direct him or her to leave the property of the campus. In the event of a failure or refusal to leave the premises the president shall cause the licensee or invitee’s ejection from the campus.
  2. In the case of any other violator, who is neither a student nor faculty or other staff member, the president shall inform the violator that they are not authorized to remain on the property of the campus and direct them to leave the premises. In the event of a failure or refusal to leave the premises the president shall cause the violator’s ejection from the campus’s property.  Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to authorize the presence of anyone at any time prior to such violation nor to affect his or her liability to prosecution for trespass or loitering as prescribed in the penal law.
  3. In the case of a student, charges for violation of any of these rules shall be presented and shall be heard and determined in the manner hereinafter provided in section II.3.b.and section II.3.c. of this policy.
    1. The policy Student Conduct Regulation Guidelines authorized by NYS Education Law § 356(3)(g) and codified in 8 NYCRR §500 provides for College Councils to promulgate or review and ratify rules for student conduct subject to supervision of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York. The rules so established in such local conduct codes are valid only if they are adopted by College Councils in the manner consistent with Trustee policy. The decision to charge a student under such rules in the campus’s local conduct code or those rules contained in section I.A. of this policy must be made. Once the choice is made, the campus must completely adhere to and follow the procedures, processes and penalties described for the path elected. A campus cannot charge a student under both the campus local code of conduct and the rules and procedures set forth in this policy.
    2. Notice, Hearing and Determination of Charges against Students
      1. Whenever a complaint is made to the president of a violation by a student or students of the rules prescribed in section I.A. of this policy or whenever he or she has knowledge that such a violation may have occurred, he or she shall cause an investigation to be made and the statements of the complainants, if any, and of other persons having knowledge of the facts reduced to writing.
      2. If the president is satisfied from such investigation and statements that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been such a violation, he or she shall prepare or cause to be prepared charges against the student or students alleged to have committed such violation.
      3. The charges shall state the specific offense and section designation of the offense’s prohibition and shall specify the ultimate facts alleged to constitute the offense. Such charges shall be in writing and shall be served on the student or students named therein by delivering the charges to the student or students personally, if possible, or, if not, by mailing a copy of such charges by registered mail to the student or students at their usual place or places of abode while attending campus and also to their home address or addresses, if different.
      4. The notice of charges so served shall fix a date for a hearing of the charges not less than 10 or more than 15 days from the date of service which shall be the date of mailing where necessary to effect service by mail.
      5. Failure to appear in response to the charges on the date fixed for the hearing, unless there has been a continuance for good cause shown, shall be deemed to be an admission of the facts stated in such charges and shall warrant such action as may then be appropriate. Before taking such action, the hearing committee, referred to section II.3.c. of this policy, shall give notice to any student, who has failed to appear, in the manner prescribed in section II.3.b.iv. of this policy, of its proposed findings and recommendation to be submitted to the president and shall so submit such findings and recommendations 10 days thereafter unless the student has meanwhile shown good cause for his or her failure to appear, in which case the hearing shall be rescheduled.
      6. Upon demand at any time before or at the hearing, the student charged or his or her duly designated representative shall be furnished a copy of the statements taken by the president in relation to such charges and the names of other witnesses who will be produced at the hearing in support of the charges. The provision of the witness names and statements shall not preclude the testimony of witnesses who were unknown at the time of such demand.
      7. The president may, upon the service of charges, suspend the student named therein, from all or any part of the campus's premises or facilities pending the hearing and determination thereof, whenever, in the president’s judgment, the continued presence of such student would constitute a clear danger to himself or herself or to the safety of persons or property on the premises of the campus or would pose an immediate threat of disruptive interference with the normal conduct of the campus's activities and functions; provided, however, that the president shall grant an immediate hearing on request of any student so suspended with respect to the basis for such suspension.
  4. In the case of a faculty member having a continuing or term appointment, charges of misconduct in violation of these rules shall be made, heard and determined in accordance with title D of Part 338 of the Policies of the Board of Trustees [see UUP Bargaining Agreement Article 19].
    1. Penalties – If a faculty member having a continuing or term appointment, is found guilty of misconduct through violations of the rules in section I.A. of this policy, he or she may be subject to dismissal or termination of his or her employment or such lesser disciplinary action as the facts may warrant including suspension without pay or censure.
  5. In the case of any staff member who holds a position in the classified civil service, described in NYS Civil Service Law §75, charges of misconduct in violation of these rules shall be made, heard and determined as prescribed in that section.
  6. Any other faculty or staff member who shall violate any provision of these rules be dismissed, suspended without pay, or censured by the appointing authority as prescribed in the Policies of the Board of Trustees.
  7. Organizations which operate upon any campus of the University or upon the property of any University campus used for educational purposes shall be prohibited from authorizing the conduct described in section I.A.16. of this policy.
    1. The president at each campus shall be responsible for the enforcement of this section.
    2. Whenever the president has determined on the basis of a complaint or personal knowledge that there is reasonable ground to believe that there has been a violation of section I.A.16. of this policy by any organization, the president shall prepare or cause to be prepared written charges against the organization, which shall state the rule, and section violated and shall specify the ultimate facts alleged to constitute such violation.
    3. Such written charges shall be served upon the principal officer of the organization by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the organization's current address and shall be accompanied by a notice that the organization may respond in writing to the charges within 10 days of receipt of said notice. The notice of the charge so served shall include a statement that the failure to submit a response within 10 days shall be deemed to be an admission of the facts stated in such charges and shall warrant the imposition of the penalty described in section II.A.7.g. of this policy. The response shall be submitted to the president and shall constitute the formal denial or affirmation of the ultimate facts alleged in the charges. The president may allow an extension of the 10-day response period.
    4. Upon written request, by an authorized representative of the organization, the president shall provide the representative organization an opportunity for a hearing. A hearing panel designated by the president shall hear or receive any testimony or evidence which is relevant and material to the issues presented by the charge and which will contribute to a full and fair consideration thereof and determination thereon. The organization's representative may confront and examine witnesses against and may produce witnesses and documentary evidence on its behalf.
    5. The hearing panel shall submit written findings of fact and recommendations for disposition of the charge to the president within 20 days after the close of the hearing.
    6. Final authority to dismiss the charges or to make a final determination shall be vested in the president. Notice of the decision shall be in writing; shall include the reasons supporting such decision; and shall be served on the principal officer of the organization by mail in the manner described in section II.A.7.c. of this policy within a reasonable time after such decision is made.
    7. Any organization, which authorizes the prohibited conduct described in section I.A.16. of this policy, shall be subject to the rescission of permission to operate upon the campus or upon the property of the campus. The penalty provided in this subdivision shall be in addition to any penalty which may be imposed pursuant to the penal law and any other provision of law, or to any penalty to which an individual may be subject pursuant to this policy or the student code of conduct for the campus.
  8. The Hearing Committee and Its Procedures for Charges against Students
    1. There shall be constituted at each campus a hearing committee to hear charges against students of violation of the rules for the maintenance of public order entailed to in section I.A. of this policy. Such committee shall consist of three members of the administrative staff and three members of the faculty, designated by the president, and three students who shall be designated by the members named by the president. The president shall appoint a chairperson of the committee.
    2. Each such member shall serve until his or her successor or replacement has been designated.
    3. No member of the committee shall serve in any case where he or she is a witness or is or has been directly involved in the events upon which the charges are based. In order to provide for cases where there may be such a disqualification and for cases of absence or disability, the president shall designate an alternate member of the administrative staff and an alternate member of the faculty, and the president’s principal designees shall designate an alternate student member, to serve in such cases.
    4. Any five members of the committee may conduct hearings called by the chairperson and make findings and recommendations as hereinafter provided. At any campus where the president determines that the number of hearings which will be required to be held is, or may be, so great that they cannot otherwise be disposed of with reasonable speed, he or she may determine that the hearing committee shall consist of six members of the administrative staff and six members of the faculty to be designated by him or her and of six students who shall be designated by the members designated by him or her. In such event the president shall designate one of such members as chairperson who may divide the membership of the committee into three divisions each to consist of two members of the administrative staff, two faculty members and two students and may assign charges among such divisions for hearing. Any four members of each such division may conduct hearings and make recommendations as hereinafter provided.
    5. The hearing committee shall not be bound by the technical rules of evidence but may hear or receive any testimony or evidence which is relevant and material to the issues presented by the charges and which will contribute to a full and fair consideration thereof and determination thereon.
    6. A student against whom the charges are made may appear by and with representatives of his or her choice. The charged student but not his or her representatives or witnesses may confront and examine witnesses against him or her and may produce witnesses and documentary evidence in their own behalf.
    7. There may be present at the hearing: the student charged and his or her representatives and witnesses; other witnesses; representatives of the campus’s administration; and, unless the student shall request a closed hearing, such other members of the campus community or other persons, or both, as may be admitted by the hearing committee.
    8. A transcript of the proceedings shall be made.
    9. Within 20 days after the close of a hearing, the hearing committee shall submit a report of its findings of fact and recommendations for disposition of the charges to the president together with a transcript of the proceedings, and shall at the same time transmit a copy of its report to the student concerned or his or her representative. Within 10 days thereafter the president shall make his determination thereon.
    10. Final authority to dismiss the charges or to determine the guilt of those against whom they are made and to expel, suspend or otherwise discipline them shall be vested in the president. If the president shall reject the findings of the hearing committee in whole or in part, he or she shall make new findings which must be based on substantial evidence in the record and shall include them in the notice of the final determination which shall be served upon the student or students with respect to whom it is made.
    11. Penalties – Students found to be responsible for a violation of the rules of public order shall be subject to expulsion or such lesser disciplinary action as the facts of the case may warrant, including suspension, probation, loss of privileges, reprimand or warning.

III. Mandates for Enforcement of the Rules for Maintenance of Public Order

The Board of Trustees of the State University of New York has adopted enforcement policies for the rules and regulations for the maintenance of public order on campuses and other campus properties used for educational purposes pursuant to NYS Education Law § 6430 as outlined herein.

Enforcement Program

  1. The president shall be responsible for the enforcement of the rules in § I.A. of this policy and he or she may designate to other administrative officers authorization to take action in accordance with such rules when required or appropriate to carry them into effect.
  2. It is not intended by any provisions herein to curtail the right of students, faculty or staff to be heard upon any matter affecting them in their relations with the campus. In the case of any apparent violation of the rules in section I.A. of this policy by such persons, which, in the judgment of the president, does not pose any immediate threat of injury to person or property, the president may make reasonable effort to learn the cause of the conduct in question. They may make a reasonable effort to persuade those engaged therein to desist and resort to permissible methods for the resolution of any issues which may be presented. In doing so, the president shall warn such persons of the consequences of persistence in the prohibited conduct, including their ejection from any premises of the campus where their continued presence and conduct is in violation of these rules.
  3. In any case where violation of the rules in section I.A. of this policy does not cease after such warning and in other cases of willful violation of such rules, the president shall cause the ejection of the violator from any premises, which he or she occupies in such violation. The president shall initiate disciplinary action as provided in section II of this policy.
  4. The president may apply to the public authorities for any aid, which he or she deems necessary in causing the ejection of any violator of these rules.
  5. The president may request the University counsel to apply to any court of appropriate jurisdiction to restrain the violation or threatened violation of such rules.


Organization – includes but is not limited to, recognized campus or student government organizations or clubs, alumni organizations, athletic teams and clubs, fraternities and sororities or any group that has access to and uses campus facilities.

Other Related Information:

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 8 § 535.5

Back to Chapter 470


Chapter 475: Campus Safety and Fire Security Report

SUNY Cortland publishes a Campus Security and Fire Safety Report in compliance with Code 20, United States Code Section 1092 (f) the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Statistics Act and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This document is available from the Admissions Office, University Police Department, Human Resources Office and the Vice President for Student Affairs Office, 607-753-4721.

For information about this act that mandates the distribution of this information, visit the Clery Center website. Web information on campus crime statistics and prevention, patrol information, the emergency blue light phone system and the silent witness program is available on the University Police Department website. For more information regarding student conduct procedures, expectations for student behavior, violation definitions, the rights of reporting individuals and violators, hearing procedures, and potential sanctions, visit the Student Conduct Office website.

Campus crime statistics are available at the United States Department of Education website

Chapter 480: Procedures for Handling Investigations by State and Federal Agencies

480.01 General Procedures

In order to standardize procedures for handling investigations by state and federal agencies outside the university (i.e., U.S. Department of Labor, Equal Employment Office, Human Rights Offices, various HEW agencies, etc.), the following procedure will be followed:

  1. The office contacted by a state or federal agency requesting information on employees, review of files of employees, etc., will be referred to the chief of staff.
  2. The nature of the request, the office involved, the source, if possible, whether a subpoena has been issued or under what federal directive or law such an investigation is directed will be determined through consultation with the University Counsel's Office.
  3. After review by the University Counsel's Office procedures will be suggested for handling the agency request.
  4. The President's Office will notify the Cortland office involved and will make the necessary arrangements for satisfying the agent's request. In the event that access to the information is denied, arrangements will be made for the agent to discuss the matter with the University Counsel.
  5. A written report of the investigation, records involved, and information sought from the records, etc. will be completed by the President's Office and a copy filed with the University Counsel's Office.
  6. If the requesting agency has a signed Release of Information Authorization from the person being investigated, then SUNY Cortland may release such information as requested in lieu of the above stated procedure. (See also Directory Information, 460.05)

Chapter 481: Fundraising and Solicitation on Campus

481.01 General Procedures

In accord with the development plan, the Cortland College Foundation and the Alumni Association are recognized as legitimate fundraising agencies operating on behalf of the university. Programs conducted under the sponsorship of these organizations regularly involve officers in the Division of Institutional Advancement and the President's Office. Together, these two offices provide the leadership for all development activities at SUNY Cortland.

Occasionally, other campus organizations, including student groups operating as part of the Student Government Association (SGA), must raise private money to support their programs and activities. Such university-related organizations intending to raise $1,000 or more are required to obtain approval of fundraising proposals and related promotional materials in advance of any fundraising effort. For student organizations under SGA, the SGA Financial Board, operating in conjunction with the Fundraising Review Committee, will review fundraising proposals. University-related organizations not affiliated with SGA must have proposals reviewed by the Fundraising Review Committee. Both the SGA Financial Board and the President's Fundraising Review Committee will grant approval according to the following criteria:

  1. The organization is a recognized university activity under the sponsorship of the Student Government Association or is part of SUNY Cortland operations at the office or departmental level.
  2. The project to be funded is in itself an outgrowth of the educational mission of the university and its successful undertaking is deemed to assist SUNY Cortland in fulfilling its mission.
  3. The fundraising measures proposed do not interfere with or detract from other development activities on a university-wide basis.
  4. The fundraising project proposed does not interfere with or compete with other established university activities already in place.
  5. The fundraising project proposed does not reflect negatively in any way on the public perception of SUNY Cortland and is in accord with the standards of social behavior endorsed by the university; e.g., the selling and/or raffling of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

The Fundraising Review Committee is composed of the director of Annual Giving, the executive director of Cortland Auxiliary and the director of campus activities and Corey Union.

481.02 Soliciting Funds on Campus

SUNY Cortland will permit money to be solicited during a public meeting or entertainment on campus under the following conditions:

  1. Fund raising is stated purpose of those who originally scheduled the event.
  2. The official sponsorship of the event must be by a recognized campus organization or group.
  3. All announcements and advertisements of the event must clearly indicate there will be a solicitation for donations.
  4. Any person or group engaged in fund raising must register with the Vice President for Student Affairs Office and follow the rules found in Chapter 481.

481.03 Persons Doing Business on Campus

Sales representatives and others desiring to do any type of business involving students of the university community must register in the Vice President for Student Affairs Office, which will consult with organizations and individuals affected when necessary. Organizations financially sponsored by the student government must have approval of the Financial Committee of the student government when profits from sales alter their adopted budgets.

481.04 Private Commercial Enterprises on Campus

No authorization will be given to private commercial enterprises to operate on State University campuses or in facilities furnished by the University other than to provide for food, laundry, dry cleaning, barber and beautician services, cultural events, legal beverages, vending, linen supply and banking. This resolution shall not be deemed to apply to Cortland Auxiliary activities approved by the University. (BT, June 29, 1979)

481.05 Campus Advertising Policy

Advertising on the SUNY Cortland campus or website is permitted within specific guidelines. Non-campus based entities, except parties to contracts with SUNY Cortland or the State of New York that permit them to conduct business on campus, must submit all advertising requests to  the director of campus activities and Corey Union for approval of ads, posters, table tents, etc.. Groups or organizations looking to table on campus must work through the director of Campus Event Management to follow proper rental policy of space on campus.  Endorsements by SUNY for any product are strictly prohibited. Advertising in contravention of university policies, rules or codes is prohibited.

All agreements between SUNY Cortland and commercial vendors must be in writing and must set forth the cost, duration, size and content of the advertisement. All agreements require payment to SUNY Cortland.

SUNY Cortland reserves the right to refuse advertising.

(Adopted by President's Cabinet Aug. 30, 2011)

481.06 Vendor Solicitation on State Property

Private sector firms and organizations are not permitted access to state property or offices for the purpose of soliciting business from or offering benefits to state employees unless officially sanctioned by the state. Permission to do so for this purpose is not discretionary on the part of agencies and their facility or regional management.

(Governor's Office of Employee Relations, July 23, 2010)

481.07 Solicitation

SUNY Cortland will limit credit card solicitation to the holder of the bank contract that exists between SUNY Cortland Auxiliary Services and the bank vendor. Cortland Auxiliary issues a request for proposals for banking services on a periodic basis and includes limited credit card solicitation as part of the contract. The bank contract holder shall be allowed to solicit in the university union not more than twice a year. Additionally, the following apply:

The bank vendor shall register and receive permission to solicit from the vice president for finance and management.
The bank vendor shall not offer gifts for the completion of a credit card application.

This policy complies with the change in the Education Law, section 6437, which mandates a credit card marketing policy.

(Approved by President Bitterbaum July 20, 2005)

Back to Chapter 481


Chapter 482: Direct Access to State University of New York Legal Counsel

482.01 Access to Legal Counsel

SUNY employs a regional counsel whose responsibility is to furnish legal advice to the president and other senior administrators and to be present to represent the university when its legal interests are involved (other than those which involve litigation). Access to the university attorney is to be handled according to the following policy.

The president has authorized the following SUNY Cortland administrators to have direct access to the university attorney: the provost and vice president for academic affairs, the vice president for finance and management, the vice president for institutional advancement and the vice president for student affairs. These officers also are permitted to delegate to persons in their areas. In addition, the following officers are hereby authorized to contact the university’s attorney.

President's Office
  • Chief of staff 
  • Title IX coordinator 
Division of Academic Affairs
  • Vice provost for academic affairs
  • Associate vice provost for information resources
  • Dean of arts and sciences
  • Dean of education
  • Dean of professional studies
  • Director of international programs
  • Director of institutional research and assessment
  • Registrar
Division of Student Affairs
  • Associate vice president
  • Chief of university police
  • Medical director
  • Director of counseling and wellness services
  • Director of residence life and housing
  • Director of student conduct
Division of Finance and Management
  • Affirmative action officer
  • Associate vice president for facilities management
  • Associate vice president for finance
  • Assistant vice president for human resources


Chapter 485: Military Access to Campus

485.01 Military Access to Campus

Access by the military to campus recruitment facilities and services, including use of career development offices and participation in career days or job fair type programs, must be allowed on the same basis as is provided to other employers. (Gov. Pataki's Executive Order No. 28, April 12, 1996, and amended by the Attorney General on Aug. 8, 1996).

The following situations are governed by existing campus policies related to public access: Request for directory information — release of directory information will be made in accordance with FERPA; the Solomon Amendment; and campus policy. Requests are to be made of the records access officer.

Requests for open or limited public forums — Requests for public access to campus facilities are to be made to the director of Campus Event Management and will be treated in the same manner as any other outside organization making such a request (completing appropriate forms for reserving space and paying related fees). As with any other organization, no attempt is made to regulate content.

Requests to post information — All posters displayed on campus must be stamped, "Approved for posting but not for content." Requests for permission to post are to be made to the director of campus activities and Corey Union.

Chapter 490: Emergency Closing Policies

490.01 Emergency Closing Policies

Notification of the campus and the public

When severe weather conditions, power failures or other emergencies force the closing of the SUNY Cortland campus, the president will contact the cabinet and the director of communications to disseminate information about the closing to both the internal and external publics.

The state of New York has a number of personnel policies that are put into effect at times of emergency situations, such as severe weather conditions or a breakdown in plant operations. It is important that members of the SUNY Cortland staff are aware of these policies so that they know what is expected of them in terms of reporting for work, conducting classes, leaving early and crediting leave time.

The following information concerning state regulations applies to members of the classified staff, professional and teaching staff, and management-confidential. Faculty members should particularly note the reference to class scheduling in item number five.

  1. The only person authorized to close SUNY Cortland is the governor of New York state. It will, therefore, be an extreme condition before the university will be closed because of weather conditions. If an employee is unable to report to work because of weather conditions, the time off must be charged to leave credits, even though local ordinances regarding travel are enacted. Staff members who are essential to such operations of the university should make every effort to report.
  2. Severe weather conditions during the working day may cause some employees to request permission from supervisors for early departure. Supervisors, however, are responsible for the continued functioning of offices and departments unless the president or his designee authorizes otherwise. Early departure must be charged to employee leave credits (vacation, personal leave or compensatory time) and the accrual charge slips should be made out before departure. Individual building administrators are not authorized to close buildings under such conditions.
  3. Occasionally, weather conditions may deteriorate so severely that the president or his designee may seek authority from the Governor's Office to close the facility. If authorization is obtained and employees are then directed to leave, the employee is not required to charge the absence to leave credits. This authorized leave may also be obtained during emergency situations such as those resulting from power failures and heating plant breakdowns.
  4. There may be instances of planned shutdown for Facilities Operations and Services purposes such as major electrical, heating plant, or water system repairs. Personnel affected by this work will be given proper advance notification via the President's Office. Employees will be invited to use appropriate accruals, relocated, or be given an accommodation to work.
  5. Since a majority of the undergraduate student population resides on campus, it is unlikely that undergraduate courses would be canceled because of weather conditions. Teaching faculty should meet classes even though faced with weather problems in getting to the campus. However, many graduate and adult undergraduate students commute to Cortland for late afternoon and evening classes. When weather causes dangerous traveling conditions, SUNY Cortland may take steps to cancel classes and appropriate announcements will be made through a number of radio stations in the Cortland-Homer-Ithaca-Syracuse-Waterloo-Binghamton-Norwich area. Courses at the 500-level will not be canceled since many undergraduates are enrolled.

(Approved by President's Cabinet, November 2001 and minor revision to weather emergency notification approved by President Bitterbaum, Nov. 30, 2009; updated by Human Resources Office, November 2014; updated by President's Cabinet, August 2024).


Chapter 495: Policies on Harassment

495.01 Policy on Harassment and Violence

SUNY Cortland recognizes that it must create an environment where each person's individual dignity will be valued. In a college setting, it is particularly important that there be a respect for diversity and differences of opinion, as the university is dedicated to providing a comprehensive educational experience that prepares individuals to be able to function in a diverse society. Students and employees deserve to be free from fear of harassment or physical abuse. Acts directed against individuals based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression or sexual orientation are especially intolerable and will be subject to the strictest of sanctions/penalties. This campus will not accept any behavior that compromises individual dignity or threatens any person's safety. It is, therefore, campus policy that any violations of the below-listed restrictions will not be tolerated. These include, but are not limited to:

  1. Attempting or threatening to subject another person to unwanted physical contact.
  2. Directing obscene language or gestures at another person or group of people.
  3. Engaging in actions intended to intimidate or alarm that serve no legitimate purpose.
  4. Directing verbal abuse at another person because the individual is carrying out duties and responsibilities associated with her/his role as faculty, staff or student staff at SUNY Cortland.
  5. Inflicting bodily harm on any person.
  6. Threatening the use of force on any person.
  7. Stalking, including intentionally engaging in a course of conduct, directed at a specific person, which is likely to cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety or the safety of others or causes that person to suffer substantial emotional damage.

Also included in these restrictions are any related acts that are violations, misdemeanors or felonies under the law as well as infractions of SUNY and campus policies.

Harassment/violence prevention depends upon the awareness of faculty, staff and students. Compliance with the following procedures, and effective and timely responses to early warning signs and threats, are essential.

  • Faculty and staff should report all harassment, threats, or violent incidents to their supervisors or human resources at 607-753-2302. Supervisors should respond to employees within 14 days. Supervisors should also report all incidents to human resources.
  • Students should report all harassment, threats, or violent incidents to their residence hall directors, the Student Conduct Office at 607-753-4725, or directly to the vice president for student affairs at 607-753-4721. If criminal charges are a consideration, or in situations where a person believes they or others are in immediate danger, university police should be contacted at 607-753-2111.
  • There will be fair treatment of employees and students involved in harassment, threats or violent incidents. Where appropriate, referral to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or other organizations established to assist individuals experiencing personal or family crisis situations would occur.
  • Incidents involving harassing, threatening or violent behavior may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the appropriate bargaining unit agreement or student code of conduct.

All complaints under these policies may also be addressed within the State University of New York internal grievance procedures as identified in Chapter 850 of the SUNY Cortland Handbook. This policy is to be considered for use in addition to other policies prohibiting discrimination contained in the SUNY Cortland Handbook.
Complaints or concerns that are reported to an administrator, manager or supervisor concerning an act of discrimination or harassment, or acts of discrimination or harassment that administrators, managers or supervisors observe or become aware of must be immediately referred to the Affirmative Action Officer at 607-753-2302.
Employees with Title IX compliance responsibilities and/or employees who have the authority to take action to redress gender-based harassment or violence must report any complaints to the Title IX coordinator at 607-753-2263.
In cases of discrimination, sexual harassment or domestic violence, please refer to the university's Discrimination Complaint Procedure.

(Approved by President Taylor April 27, 1999, updated August 2017)

495.02 Sexual Harassment Policy

SUNY Cortland's sexual harassment policy is described in detail in 860.01 of this document.

495.03 Title IX and SUNY Policies on Sexual Violence Prevention and Response 

Details on these policies can be found in 860.05 of this document.

Contact information for confidential resources on and off-campus may be accessed at the Title IX website.

Title IX Coordinator
President's Office
Miller Building, Room 404
P.O. 2000
Cortland, NY 13045
Fax: 607-753-5993

495.04 Sexual Orientation Harassment Policy

SUNY Cortland's sexual orientation harassment policy is described in detail in 870.01 of this document.

496: Tobacco- and Nicotine-Free Campus Policy

496.01 Key Policy Components

Tobacco- and Nicotine-Free Grounds: Tobacco and electronic cigarette/electronic nicotine aerosol delivery device use is prohibited everywhere within the perimeter on all SUNY Cortland property, both indoors and outdoors, as well as in university-owned vehicles, and in any vehicle on SUNY Cortland property. Tobacco and electronic cigarette/electronic nicotine aerosol delivery device use is prohibited at all university-sponsored, off-campus events.

Advertising, Promotions, and Sales: Tobacco and electronic cigarette/electronic nicotine aerosol delivery device sales are prohibited anywhere on the SUNY Cortland campus. SUNY Cortland will not accept advertising, marketing, distribution or promotion of tobacco or electronic cigarette/electronic nicotine aerosol delivery device products.

Sponsorships, Gifts, Funding: All grants, gifts, solicitations and proposals to Cortland for such funds must have the approval of the university and must conform to SUNY Cortland's Mission Statement, culture of wellness, SUNY policies, and applicable laws and regulations. In addition, SUNY Cortland will not invest in any direct tobacco or electronic cigarette/electronic nicotine aerosol delivery device company holdings.

Cessation: Understanding the addictive nature of tobacco and electronic cigarette/electronic nicotine aerosol delivery device use, and that breaking that addiction is extremely difficult for many people, SUNY Cortland will make every reasonable effort to assist those employees and students who wish to stop using tobacco or electronic cigarette/electronic nicotine aerosol delivery devices. The campus will promote and provide evidence-based cessation resources. Students can access cessation treatment, including counseling and nicotine replacement therapy, at Student Health Service. Employees can access support through the Employee Assistance Program.

496.02 Policy Review

SUNY Cortland maintains a broad-based Tobacco Advisory Committee to identify and address needs and concerns related to this policy, implementation, compliance and cessation. The Tobacco Advisory Committee will review this policy annually to ensure that it is sustained, effective, timely and in accordance with state and federal laws.

For more information, go to the SUNY Cortland Tobacco- and Nicotine-Free Policy website.

(Endorsed by President's Cabinet July 25, 2011; revision approved by President's Cabinet May 7, 2018)