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Report an incident

If you have experienced an injustice against you, saw an incident happen or have a concern for a student, please report the incident to the appropriate office.  If you are unsure, please call Student Conduct at 607-753-4725 for guidance.

*Note, there are a few ways to report an incident.  You may:

  • fill out the appropriate form below
  • email the appropriate office
  • call the appropriate office

For behavior that violates the Student Code of Conduct:

For incidents involving Title IX violations such as sexual misconduct, stalking, dating or domestic violence, discrimination based on sex or sexual orientation:

  • Fill out an incident report
  • Call and request a meeting with the Title IX Coordinator, Maggie Wetter at 607-753-4550 (direct); 607-753-2263 (front desk)
  • Email Title IX at

 For incidents involving bias related acts such as graffiti, verbal or physical harassment:

  • Fill out an incident report
  • Call and request a meeting with the Chief Diversity Officer at 607-753-2263

For concerning behavior of a student such as suicidal ideation, change in behavior or concerns for well-being:

University Police gives the option to report an incident anonymously: