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Leveraging Your Study Abroad Experience

Studying abroad can be enriching personally, academically, and professionally. Below are some ways to think about leveraging your study abroad experience in different ways, upon your return.

Continue (or start) Language Study

While studying abroad in a non-English speaking country is a great way to kick start language learning. By continuing with language study, or starting a course in a new language, you can leverage your time spent abroad immersed in a new language.


Provide English Language Support to Others

Now that you have experienced what it is like to be a non-native speaker, you are in a better position to empathize with those in the United States who are learning English. There are lot of opportunities to provide English-language support to non-native speakers here at SUNY Cortland, in the broader community or online through a virtual language exchange.


Stay Connected to Your Host Community
Hopefully the city where you lived while studying abroad now feels like a home away from home. Stay connected to that place by following local organizations, businesses, or government offices on social media. Stay in touch with local friends, professors, and/or host family members and look for ways to collaborate.


Consider Graduate School or Work Abroad
After studying abroad as undergraduates, many students consider going to graduate school or starting a career abroad as a way to continue their study abroad experience. Being a full-time, enrolled, international student at an overseas institution is a different experience than studying abroad, and a great way to kick off a career abroad (if that is something you're interested in)! Check out our Beyond Cortland page to find more opportunities for studying and working abroad. 

Represent Your Study Abroad Experience on your Resume
Studying abroad has likely helped you develop many transferable skills, such as: flexibility, cultural sensitivity, curiosity, and resiliency (among others). Make sure that your study abroad experience is well represented on your resume - and reach out to Career Services for support.