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Exchange and Visiting Student Expenses

Required Financial Documentation and Estimated Student Expenses

U.S. federal law requires SUNY Cortland to see proof of finances to cover tuition, fees, and living expenses for at least one academic year or the length of the program, whichever is shorter. To view the amount of financial documentation you will be required to provide per semester, please click on the appropriate expense sheet associated with your program below. Amounts are based on exchange agreements between SUNY Cortland and the home institutions.

Home Institution

Link to Expense Details

BABES-BOLYAI University - Romania (Atlantis Mobility Program)

Exchange Student Expenses

Capital Normal University - China 

Exchange Student Expenses

Capital Normal University - China (no exchange tuition waiver)

Visiting Student Budget

Federation University - Australia

Exchange Student Expenses

Fulda University of Applied Sciences - Germany

Exchange Student Expenses

German Sport University Cologne

Exchange Student Expenses

German Sport University Cologne (no exchange tuition waiver)

Visiting Student Expenses

Griffith University - Australia

Exchange Student Expenses

London Metropolitan University - UK

Exchange Student Expenses

Osaka University of Commerce - Japan

Visiting Student Expenses

Qufu Normal University - China

Exchange Student Expenses

Tamkang University - Taiwan

Visiting Student Expenses

University College Cork - Ireland

Exchange Student Expenses

University College Cork - Ireland (NY State Assembly Albany Internship) 

NY State Assembly Albany Internship Expenses

(Coming Soon)

University of Cumbria - UK

Exchange Student Expenses 

University of Ghana - Ghana

Exchange Student Expenses

University of La Rochelle - France

Exchange Student Expenses

University of La Rochelle - France (no exchange tuition waiver)

Visiting Student Expenses

University of Salamanca - Spain

Exchange Student Expenses

*Please note: Tuition and fees are subject to change due to factors beyond the control of SUNY Cortland, and may change before or after arrival. Tuition waivers are contingent upon available exchange slots.