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Commercial Advertising Policy

Advertising on the SUNY Cortland campus is permitted within specific guidelines. This page addresses commercial advertising in designated campus locations in the form of posters. For other types of advertising, see athletics corporate sponsors, the Off-campus Housing List or events sponsored by campus organizations. Student organizations should use Cortland Connect for their needs.

Campus Advertising Policy

Non-campus-based entities, except parties to contracts with SUNY Cortland or the State of New York that permit them to conduct business on campus, must submit all advertising requests to the vice president for finance and management or the director of Campus Activities and Corey Union for approval. Endorsements by SUNY for any product are strictly prohibited. Advertising in contravention of university policies, rules or codes is prohibited.

All agreements between SUNY Cortland and commercial vendors must be in writing and must set forth the cost, duration, size and content of the advertisement. All agreements require payment to SUNY Cortland.

SUNY Cortland reserves the right to refuse advertising.

Campus Advertising Policy, College Handbook section 481.05 

Terms and Process

Submission and Approval

All materials must be approved by the director of Campus Activities and Corey Union. Commercial vendors will bring or mail the posters to the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office along with a completed request form. Payment to SUNY Cortland is due at the time of submission

Once materials are approved, they will be stamped and recorded with the duration of service requested.


Posters should clearly indicate the sponsoring company or organization.

Material may not promote illegal, disruptive or prohibited conduct. Materials that are determined, in the sole discretion and judgment of the vice president for student affairs, to reflect negatively on SUNY Cortland or the public perception of the university may not be posted. Written appeals may be filed with the Division of Student Affairs and must be received within 10 business days of the original judgment.

Unauthorized materials will be removed. Commercial organizations found to be in violation will be charged a minimum of $100 for cleanup and will be immediately notified. Failure to pay these penalties will result in the denial of future advertising privileges on campus.


There are seven bulletin boards in prime high-volume locations that have an area reserved for commercial advertising. These locations, which can be changed at the university’s discretion at any time, currently include:

  • One board in Corey Union
  • One in Memorial Library
  • One in Park Center
  • One in Brockway Hall
  • Three in the dining halls 

This program operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the bulletin boards are filled, no additional items will be put up until space allows.

Format and Quantity

  • Posters may be no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches.
  • Tear sheets are permissible.
  • Recyclable materials are recommended but not required.

Vendors must submit at least 12 poster copies to the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office. The extras are required to replace any damaged posters or for the possible addition of new bulletin board locations.


  • $15 per week (seven days) or
  • $50 per month (31 days)

Must be payable to SUNY Cortland. Posters and payment should be dropped off to Corey Union, Room 406 or mailed.


The university will display materials for the period agreed upon or until the supply expires, whichever comes first. Student staff will display materials and inspect bulletin boards and racks daily while classes are in session.

The university assumes no responsibility and/or liability should posters, flyers or brochures become damaged and/or missing.

Once the agreed service expires, any remaining materials will be discarded. Removal of properly placed materials by anyone other than a designated SUNY Cortland employee is a violation of university policies.

Request Form and Submission

Signing this agreement means that you have read and understand the SUNY Cortland Advertising Policy, the process and procedures.

Request Form (PDF)

The Campus Activities and Corey Union Office is open in Corey Union, Room 406, to accept posters­­­­­­ Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.­ to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. when classes are in session. Payment to SUNY Cortland is due at the time of submission. Materials may also be mailed to:

Campus Activities and Corey Union
SUNY Cortland
P.O. Box 2000
Cortland, NY 13045

If you have any questions, please call 607-753-5574.