About Supplemental Instruction
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a series of free review sessions for students taking historically difficult classes. While attendance is voluntary, students who regularly attend SI, and come prepared to work, tend to gain an increased understanding of course material and earn higher grades.
During SI sessions, you will have opportunities to compare notes with classmates, voice concerns and questions, discuss concepts, develop study strategies and take practice tests in an informal environment. Our trained SI leaders are competent students who successfully completed the classes they lead. Leaders attend lectures along with you and help you integrate "how to learn with what to learn."
What Students Are Saying About SI
“My SI leader was so helpful. I got 20 points higher on the exam after I went to SI. Very happy!”
“Edie is very kind and understanding and her SI was very helpful for preparing for upcoming tests.”
“Cassidy has been fantastic. She is very well prepared for each session. You can tell the time she puts in outside the sessions to prepare because the sessions are structured and organized. She has been a key part in my success with BIO 301 this semester.”
“Caelan was a great leader! Provided helpful studying tips to remember information and communicated well with the group. Anatomy isn’t easy, but good SI leaders like her make it easier.”
The room for Biology 302-701 (Davis) will change on Tuesday 2/25 to Sperry 307.
The room for Biology 302-702, 703 (George) will change on Monday 2/24 to Sperry 307.
Select your class from the drop down menu for session information.
Information updated February 7, 2025
Biology 111 - 701 (Eierman)
Professor Eierman
SI Leader: Marjorie Castilla
Session 1: Mondays 4-5 PM, Van Hoesen, B-229
Session 2: Tuesdays 6-7 PM, Van Hoesen, B-229
Session 3: Wednesdays 6-7 PM, online:
Biology 111 - 702 (Mack)
Professor Mack
SI Leader: Trevor Cusnick
Session 1: Tuesdays 6-7 PM, Van Hoesen, B-139
Session 2: Thursdays 6-7 PM, Van Hoesen, B-139
Session 3: Sundays 3-4 PM, online: https://sunycortland.webex.com/meet/trevor.cusick
Biology 111 - 703, 704 (Janke)
Professor Janke
SI Leader: Amelia Konstanty
Session 1: Mondays 7-8 PM, Van Hoesen, B-110
Session 2: Wednesdays 8-9 PM, online: https://sunycortland.webex.com/meet/amelia.konstanty
Session 3: Thursdays 6-7 PM, Van Hoesen, B-110
Biology 201 - 601, 701 (Davalos)
Professor Davalos
SI Leader: Cat Crowley
Session 1: Mondays 6:30 - 7:30 PM, Van Hoesen, B-140
Session 2: Wednesdays 7-8 PM, online:
Session 3: Thursdays 5:30 - 6:30 PM, Van Hoesen, B-140
Biology 202 - 601, 701 (Ducey)
Professor Ducey
SI Leader: Edie Russo
Session 1: Tuesdays 4:30 - 5:30 PM, Van Hoesen, B-134
Session 2: Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:30 PM, online: https://sunycortland.webex.com/meet/edie.russo
Session 3: Thursdays 6:45 - 7:45 PM, Van Hoesen B-134
Biology 210 - 001 (Nelson)
Professor Nelson
SI Leader: Sophia Boccio
Session 1: Tuesdays 5-6 PM, Van Hoesen, B-103
Session 2: Wednesdays 4:30 - 5:30 PM, Van Hoesen, B-103
Session 3: Thursdays 4:30 - 5:30 PM, online: https://sunycortland.webex.com/meet/sophia.boccio
Biology 302 - 701 (Davis)
Professor Davis
SI Leader: Cassidy Mason
Session 1: Tuesdays 7:00 - 8:30 PM, Bowers 236
Session 2: Thursdays 6:00 -7:30 PM, in person in Van Hoesen B-223, and online: https://sunycortland.webex.com/meet/cassidy.mason
Biology 302 - 702, 703 (George)
Professor George
SI Leader: Zach Kushner
Session 1: Mondays 5:00 - 6:30 PM, Bowers 236
Session 2: Wednesdays 5:00 -6:30 PM, in person in Van Hoesen B- 213, and online:
Chemistry 302 - 001 (Green)
Professor Green
SI Leader: Tazio Cutrona-Bouillon
Session 1: Mondays 3-4 PM, Van Hoesen, B-212
Session 2: Wednesdays 3-4 PM, Van Hoesen, B-212
Session 3: Sundays 12-1 PM, Sperry 308 & online: https://sunycortland.webex.com/meet/tazio.cutronabouill
Supplemental Instruction is partially funded by SGA with Mandatory Student Activity Fees.
Questions? Feel free to contact Supplemental Instruction (email).