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Learning Space

Dragons Online: Learning Space

Learning Space: A physical space that allows you to focus on the task at hand

  • Make sure your in an environment that allows you to focus and participate
  • Identify the best spaces for your online classes, writing, reading and studying for exams
  • Discuss with your roommate, expectations for online learning and studying
  • Minimize distractions including cellphone
  • Be mindful of the seating, lighting, noise and comfort of space
  • Keep all power adaptors, earbuds and portable chargers on hand

Remote Learning Spaces and Open Computer Labs

For students who are looking for quieter spaces when logged onto online courses, there are several options:

  • Remote Learning Spaces are in buildings across campus (see list below).
  • Memorial Library learning spaces
  • Classrooms, when not scheduled for a class.
  • Socially-distanced spaces in different buildings (e.g., Poolside in Park Center, seating in Moffett Center)
  • Computer labs that are open and not used for classes. Computer labs, when not scheduled for a class, can be used as well
  • Please wear headphones/earbuds when sharing learning

Designated Remote Learning Spaces

  • Bowers Hall, Room 1120
  • Cornish Hall, Room D0133
  • Corey Union, Room 201
  • Dowd Fine Arts Center, Room 207
  • Moffett Center, Room 209
  • Old Main, Room G-23
  • Old Main Colloquium
  • Park Center, Room 1128
  • Park Center, Room 1131
  • Professional Studies Building, Room 1166: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • Sperry Center, Room 304