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Prizes offered for student opinions

Prizes offered for student opinions


Students, your opinion could be worth a free 2024-25 parking pass.

Or, tuition for a summer or winter course.

You might even score some extra Commencement tickets.

All you need to be eligible for a chance to win is complete SUNY’s Student Satisfaction Survey when an email with the survey link shows up in your email inbox. The survey will take 15 to 20 minutes and is being administered at all SUNY campuses to assess areas of strength and areas where things might be approved.

Invitations will come from, and may already be in your inbox. The survey will remain open through April 5.  

Completing the survey enters you in a random drawing for the following:

  • Tuition for a Summer Session 2024 or Winter Session 2025 class (three available)
  • Additional Commencement tickets (two sets of two available)
  • Additional Cortaca Jug tickets (four sets of two available)
  • A parking permit for the 2024-25 academic year (one available)

Additional information is available on Cortland’s website.