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Nominations sought for Chancellor’s Awards, Distinguished Faculty and honorary degrees

Nominations sought for Chancellor’s Awards, Distinguished Faculty and honorary degrees


Deadlines are approaching for nominations for three of SUNY’s most significant awards: Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence, Distinguished Faculty and Honorary Degrees. Additional details and criteria were shared with members of the campus community by email earlier this month.


Chancellor’s Award for Excellence

Awards are given in the following categories: Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Librarianship, Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service, Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service and the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Further details about award criteria are available on

To nominate a colleague – self-nominations are not accepted – please send a detailed letter not exceeding two pages to SUNYCortland.President’ by Friday, Sept. 15.


Distinguished Faculty awards

The Distinguished Faculty Rank programs recognize the finest and most accomplished faculty in the SUNY system. Awards are given in the following ranks: Distinguished Teaching Professor, Distinguished Service Professor, Distinguished Professor and Distinguished Librarian.

More information and criteria are available on

To nominate a colleague – self-nominations are not accepted - please send a detailed letter not exceeding two pages to SUNYCortland.President’ by Friday, Sept. 15.


Honorary Degree

Cortland’s honorary degree recipients are often asked to deliver a message to graduating students at Commencement and serve as ambassadors and stewards of the university. This award is given to an individual who represents excellence in one of many fields including academics, business, philanthropy, public affairs or other significant contribution to society.

If you’d like to nominate someone, please send a letter to Chief of Staff April Thompson by Monday, Sept. 18.  

SUNY’s honorary degree policies are posted online.