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Comedy Central Tour Hits SUNY Cortland

Comedy Central Tour Hits SUNY Cortland

Three comedians perform Sunday, April 14, in Corey Union Function Room.

Students Plan Rainbow Race for Diversity

Students Plan Rainbow Race for Diversity

The April 21 runners will support and promote gender and sexual diversity.

Division III Week Returns to SUNY Cortland

Division III Week Returns to SUNY Cortland

The College joins more than 440 institutions nationwide celebrating student-athletes.

Four Scholars Honored by SUNY Chancellor

Four Scholars Honored by SUNY Chancellor

Three seniors and one recent graduate were honored on April 4 in Albany, N.Y.

Newtown Shootings Lead to 2nd “Teach-In”

Newtown Shootings Lead to 2nd “Teach-In”

A panel of local experts will discuss violence, guns and mental health on April 9

Final Curtain Call for Sibling Stage Celebrities

Final Curtain Call for Sibling Stage Celebrities

Timothy and Annali Alexander Fuchs take their last SUNY Cortland bow April 14.

Perfetti and Robinson Named to College Council

Perfetti and Robinson Named to College Council

Gov. Andrew Cuomo appointed the two Homer, N.Y., residents on March 6.

‘Once Upon A Mattress’ Opens April 5

‘Once Upon A Mattress’ Opens April 5

The 1959 Broadway hit has been updated for six performances at the College.

'What Goes Around, Comes Around'

'What Goes Around, Comes Around'

The Bonnie Monteleone exhibition at Beard Building Gallery runs until May 3.

AmeriCorps Crop Earns Mayor’s Praise

AmeriCorps Crop Earns Mayor’s Praise

The first-ever Mayors Day of Recognition for National Service highlights AmeriCorps.

The Bulletin – A bi-weekly publication containing news and events affecting the campus community

Events on Campus – Upcoming campus events

The Family Page – An online newsletter for families of SUNY Cortland students