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SUNY Cortland Receives $1 Million Legacy

SUNY Cortland Receives $1 Million Legacy

The estate of a retired school teacher will provide scholarships.

Former U.N. Official to Speak Feb. 13

Former U.N. Official to Speak Feb. 13

Catherine Bertini led the U.N. World Food Programme (WFP) from 1992-2002.

LeAlan Jones Talk to Take Place

LeAlan Jones Talk to Take Place

The accomplished author, a product of Chicago's housing projects, speaks at 7 p.m.

Graduate Students Staff School Hearing Clinic

Graduate Students Staff School Hearing Clinic

Students in a new master's degree program tested roughly 800 kids.

College Emergency Website Goes Live

College Emergency Website Goes Live

New online resource is now available to all members of the campus community

Student Snaps Official Super Bowl Images

Student Snaps Official Super Bowl Images

Brandon Todd has helped the New York Jets since he was in 10th grade.

Comic Andrew Schulz Delivers Edgy Humor

Comic Andrew Schulz Delivers Edgy Humor

The MTV standup comedy main-stay will share his street-smart humor Feb. 9.

Panel Talk to Consider Sochi Games

Panel Talk to Consider Sochi Games

A panel talk on the Winter Olympic Games takes place at 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10.

Black History Month Takes Shape at College

Black History Month Takes Shape at College

Lectures, workshops and readings take place throughout February.

Children’s Museum Offers Spring Series

Children’s Museum Offers Spring Series

Programs on active play, art, literacy and science will begin Feb. 8.

The Bulletin – A bi-weekly publication containing news and events affecting the campus community

Events on Campus – Upcoming campus events

The Family Page – An online newsletter for families of SUNY Cortland students