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Cortland Concert Legacy to be Explored by Panels

Cortland Concert Legacy to be Explored by Panels

Panel discussions on SUNY Cortland's big-name concert history will be held on campus Nov. 1.

Climate, Homelessness Featured at October Deliberative Dialogues

Climate, Homelessness Featured at October Deliberative Dialogues

Finding solutions to controversial issues begins with conversation.

Events Mark Native American Indian Heritage Month

Events Mark Native American Indian Heritage Month

A presentation by visiting scholar Michael Taylor along with three films will be shown on campus

College Offers Campus Crunch Day on Oct. 24

College Offers Campus Crunch Day on Oct. 24

Auxiliary Services Corporation will host events in their dining and retail facilities that support local apple farmers.

33rd African American Gospel Music Festival Set for Nov. 4

33rd African American Gospel Music Festival Set for Nov. 4

Three guest choirs will join the SUNY Cortland choir beginning at 4 p.m.

Superintendent of the Year to Talk Leadership

Superintendent of the Year to Talk Leadership

Palmyra-Macedon leader Robert Ike earned his C.A.S. at SUNY Cortland.

New Book Tells SUNY Cortland’s Modern History

New Book Tells SUNY Cortland’s Modern History

Our Common Ground is an illustrated history of the last 30 years.

Spy-Turned-Commentator to Speak on Russian Hacking

Spy-Turned-Commentator to Speak on Russian Hacking

Cortland native John Sipher worked for the CIA for 28 years.

SUNY Cortland Holding Veterans Day Ceremony Nov. 12

SUNY Cortland Holding Veterans Day Ceremony Nov. 12

Senior Darcel Faulkner Carver will deliver a keynote talk.

Cortaca Jug Tickets Available!

Cortaca Jug Tickets Available!

Students and Employees can still claim their free ticket to the 60th Cortaca Jug football game.

The Bulletin – A bi-weekly publication containing news and events affecting the campus community

Events on Campus – Upcoming campus events

The Family Page – An online newsletter for families of SUNY Cortland students