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Faculty, staff welcome at Alumni Reunion 2024

Faculty, staff welcome at Alumni Reunion 2024


Faculty and staff play key roles in ensuring the upcoming Alumni Reunion 2024, from Thursday, July 11 to Sunday, July 14, is stellar and memorable.

“You are the heart of alumni engagement on this campus,” said Erin Boylan, the university’s executive director of alumni engagement who works on behalf of the SUNY Cortland Alumni Association. “We want to get as much engagement as possible from faculty and staff.”

The people who taught, tutored, offered critical advice, emotional support and advocacy, or who helped students along their successful path through college in countless other ways are the biggest reason alumni look to return to campus.

“Could you reach out to alumni whom you are still in touch with and encourage them to come back?” Boylan said. “Alumni want to see you and thank you for the critical role you have played in their lives.”

The association would love to see more current and retired SUNY Cortland employees reconnect with the former students they knew by attending or volunteering to help put on one of the 36 separate Alumni Reunion 2024 events.

In past reunions, faculty and staff have swung a golf club in the Red and White Golf Classic, attended or been honored at the Saturday morning Alumni Awards Ceremony, taught informal educational seminars, led hikes at Hoxie Gorge, hosted planetarium tours, offered library exhibits and shared updates about their departments.

Alumni who hope to see President Erik J. Bitterbaum at Alumni Reunion usually get their wish. He's shown on the left, speaking at a more recent reunion awards gathering.

The former educators and administrators who attend these Reunion events greatly enhance alumni experiences.

“Our feedback forms show that meaningful interactions with faculty and staff matter to our alumni,” said Lima Stafford-Campbell ’12, M ’21, assistant director of alumni engagement and reunion manager.

The years of COVID-19 took their toll on attendance. This year, more than 300 alumni are already registered to attend but the association hopes to move that number closer to a goal of 400.

“We could use additional help, and campus support is critical to success,” Boylan said. “We would suggest that you approach your supervisor to see if you are allowed comp time to help.”

The last day to register is Sunday, June 30.

Boylan encourages current and retired college employees to check out our full schedule of events, which this year includes a new Musical Legacy website, new sculpture elements and a host of reunion events that pay tribute to the campus’ music history between 1960 and 1990.  

For university personnel who have moved outside the area, accommodations at area hotels and on campus are available. On-campus lodging can be purchased through the registration form.

Additional information regarding the weekend — including parking, shuttles, attire and more — can be found here. For answers to additional questions, contact Alumni Engagement at 607-753-2516.